Word was, according to the news this morning, that the Gov himself was threatening to make her a ward of the state and put the tube back in...the news also said that the Attorney General said that the Gov would be over stepping his role and that every sheriff in the state would be required to block any such action if people attempted to act on it.... very heated at this point.Ping898 said:It isn't over cause they still have another appeal going in the Florida court and Jeb B keeps threatening to have DCF take custody of her. Honestly, won't be truly over until she dies. Just they aren't going to get a injunction to get the tube back in immediately.
I do love the irony of all the senators pandering to this group of people, making this law to move the case to federal courts and all the courts rejecting the appeals brought up.
I have to wonder all these people who say it is terrible to starve her to death, how bad is it to keep "tricking" her, pull the tube out, put it back in, pull is out, in...have to think that it could be worse than just pulling it out and letting what will happen, happen.
It seems that medically as well as politically, she will only be at peace when she is clinically dead. The family will have to live with the aftermath - I hope that they can reconcile in time.