Senior Master
Unfortunately the family made it public when they took it to court. It isn't just the 'evil politicians' that are stirring this. No one walked into this families misery and said "Hey, let's take this to court." The family is choosing to ignore a living will that said that she didn't want things like this feeding tube.rmcrobertson said:1. I'll tell you what's obscene about this. It's the violation of privacy; the publicization of what should be intensely private. And why? because a group of fanatics, and right-wing politicians, have latched on to a husband and wife's misery.
Here's the question, and I know there was a registered nurse that posted early on: Is she 'there' (brainwaves, heart beat) sufficiently for people to say that she is really 'her' and not just a living corpse?
I don't mean to be cruel about it, but if all the feeding tube is doing is prolonging the family's misery and her biological life ('brain dead' but with a pulse) but not reasonably adding to the chance of recovery/medical treatment I don't think that she will be conscious of suffering.
As for the outcry about the public exposure about such a personal situation.....what are we doing right now?