I am well aware of the number of 'white supremist groups' there are...one encounters quite a few of them when researching certain issues.
But as I already covered in my articles
Revisiting the Past - The Road to War : Causes and
Researching the Past - An examination of the concept of Secession, the American Civil War was not simply an issue abour slavery, as many misinformed and a few ignorant individuals continue to believe.
We deal with the idea that reparations are somehow owed to decendents of African slaves..while ignoring the facts that not all slaves were African, than no-one currently alive was ever a slave, and that over 140 years have gone by during which there have been ample opportunity for progress.
But, somehow, I should feel ashamed at what has been a dead institution, and take responsibility for actions that neither I, nor my family participated in.
In the original post here, a girl who has pride in her southern herritage wanted to make a statement. She is condemned for it. But I wonder, would she have been so condemned if it was an American flag, rather than a Confederate Battle Flag? Or if she had covered it with Christian imagery?
She would have of course been soundly chastised if she had covered it with pentacles, or ankhs. The irony here is of course that while she and others in the South fight for their right to fly the Stainless Banner, they are more than happy to censor others rights to differeing opinion, or religion.
The American Civil War happened. Pretending it was simply a race issue, striving to remove from sight the statuary and symbols under which the war was fought, will not remove the truth of that struggle. Not every person who flys the Stainless Banner is a racist, a bigot, or a traitor. Just as not everyone who salutes the Stars and Stripes is white supremist Christian Corporate scum.
I am a white American. I believe it is time for everyone to stop feeling sorry for themselves, to stop expecting a handout, and get off their lasy asses and build something out of hard work and sweat. Why can an asian, arab or hispanic family move here and within 10 years have a business that supports them, while others who have been here for generations can not? The 'government aid' to minorities and women is there. There are grants and loans that simply because of being 'white' and 'male' that I can not get, ever. That doesn't seem very "equal" to me, a resident of a nation where 'all men are equal'.
Some will say "The Ku Klux Klan" uses the Confederate Battle Flag as their symbol. True, they do. However they also use several others as well. If we are going to ban 1, then let us please ban the rest of those most hated symbols. They are of course the United States flag and the Christian Cross. Both symbols known world-wide for hatred, intollerence and violence.
If we are going to blast the images of Lee, Jackson and Longstreet off of Stone Mountain, then let us also blast Washington and Jefferson off Mt. Rushmore as they both participated in that hated institution of slavery...
You can not have it both ways. Either learn from the past, and move forward positively, or follow the path of the Egyptians and erase your own history.