Teacher Problems... Again


Your boys sound AMAZING. He spoke up with what he knew... He got chastised for it, came home and just checked out for himself. Didn't want to fight, just double checked...

He's a great kid. Good for you!

It's like when I was in elementary school:

Teacher: How many states of matter are there?
ME: At least four.... plasma plus a few others...
Teacher: No, there are THREE.
(Teacher is wrong...))

Thankfully, I had amazing High School and Middle School teachers. But I'm in one of the richest counties in America (I'm not rich...the county is...). So my education was of high quality.

I can't add to any suggestions already made, but you can work with your children so they continue to adapt to the situation so well. There are going to be times in life when your boss or someone in a superior position is wrong, and they will have to learn when to quietly go home and check it out and when to fight for what is the truth. Seems like you kid's got that down a bit already.

Good luck.

Wow, another one for him. I was amazed he knew of the climbing perch, and the African Lungfish. The Northern Snakehead I knew he knew about because there was a big scare that they might have found one in Lake Michigan down by Chicago when we lived in West Michigan and he followed that story quite closely.

I am quite proud of the way he handled himself, he didn't argue with the teacher, but came home to make sure of his facts and then returned to school with proof. He is a very independent thinker and almost too smart for his age (tough being almost 10, but thinking like an adult on some levels and having the emotions of a 10 year old.) He does quite well for himself. There are supposed to be some continuing education requirements, but the State is very lax in what actually counts toward them. The Northern part of the State where we live doesn't view education as a jewel that is to be sought after, but rather something that you do until you get old enough to work. It is frustrating to no end as a parent. I appreciate all the ideas and support given, and will just have to muckle through as best we can this year, until we can return to West Michigan and some truly great schools next Fall.