Yes, you are right. Chen Ziming writes that people who learn push hands early will never be able to gain skill in Taijiquan.
Here is a quiz for fun! One, which Taijiquan moves are representative of the following? Two, which Shaolin theory was amalgamated into Taijiquan theory in order to make the transition? Three, do you notice anything interesting about the names, maybe something that seems familiar? Why do you think the names changed?
1. Subdue the Dragon
2. Twisting the strand of Silk
3. Deftly Sewing the Needle
This is where I'm going to have to call BS on this. As someone who knows how to use the strike he's defending against, what I saw in this video is nonsense. This type of application demo is most likely the result of not understanding the strike. That first strike cannot and should not be deployed that way.
OMG that demo is so freaking terrible. When people do demos, like that, I just want to say. "Hey here's a boxer. Show me how you would do that strike." Lots of things wrong with this. This is so bad that I can't even call it a technique because it's based on a strike that would never be used that way and a defense that your opponent will never do.
I believe stuff like this comes from not understanding what the strike is targeting. This strike targets the top of the head. When to use it? When your opponent puts their head chest level and is focused on evading or attacking. If he's thinking of those then he's not thinking to rise up and specifically block my over-hand strike. He's not even going to be in the position to do so.
Second, This strike is faster than what you would and operates outside of the field of vision which is why you use it when your opponent is in a lower position. It strikes from above. Doing the strike at this height is just going to cause your opponent to shoot in under that arm and mess you up.
I have examples of me successfully using it and of my brother figuring out the strike where he closed the gap and stuck his shoulder in my arm pit making that striking hand totally useless.
This is not Sewing the Needle. This is "Get slammed on the ground for using a technique incorrectly" People do all of these demos and never actually try to use the technique. If they would just try to use the technique in sparring they would quickly learn their errors.