Your Curriculum

I don't know off hand if the terms used to denote rank are on the ITF website ( but according to Gen. Choi, Hong Hi's Encyclopedia of Taekwon-Do, titles break down like this:

I, II, III dan - "Assistant Instructor" (Boosabum)
IV, V, VI dan - "Instructor" (Sabum)
VII, VIII dan - "Master" (Sahyun)
IX dan - "Grand Master" (Sasung)

If you address someone directly by any of those titles you would of course add the honorific suffix "-Nim." Thus, a VI dan would be "Smith Sabum Nim," for example. But Smith Sabum Nim would refer to himself as "Smith Sabum" (or just Mr. Smith).

The use of those titles are pretty common knowledge in the ITF (being used since at least the early 1980s), which is why I asked if you were currently affiliated with the ITF. Lots of people who left the ITF at one time or another have altered the use of titles by rank a bit. And if you're not currently affiliated with the ITF but are interested in it let me know and I can give you some contact information of people you could talk to about it.

Good luck with the school.



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