Physical anthropology is the study of the physical human. It includes the evolution of humans as well as studying the physical body among different ethnic groups. It is heavy on anatomy.
Read what I linked to. It has good information about why the notion of distinct caucasoid, negroid, and mongoloid “race” categories is unsupportable. It certainly cannot be used to claim that members on a “racial” level have larger joints. Differences certainly occur among individuals. But racial categories cannot be established based on this.
The Covid link to the CDC that you included begins with a statement that “Long-standing systemic health and social inequities have put some members of racial and ethnic minority groups at increased risk of getting COVID-19 or experiencing severe illness, regardless of age.”
The differences found in infection rates (of Covid-19, in this example) are not due to genetic predispositions or differences of “race”. Rather, they are due to systemic health and social inequalities. Meaning, economic differences that often mean these people have less access to quality medical care and underlying issues like quality diet, overall stress factors that can be connected to economics and opportunity, etc.