TaeKwonDo and hip surgery prevelance

It is not meaningless biologically. I linked to the Hispanic paradox. They have controlled for social factors and still found signficant differences in genes. I don't know enough about the data on anatomy to form an opinion
im trying to understand what point your making , your picking up on a difference between Hispanics which are not a race and Afro Americans who are not a race and then concluding that comparing two non races means there is a difference between races
I don't care what anybody says, spinning hook kick is the most difficult standing kick in TaeKwondo:)There's a reason you don't see it until a 3rd Dan pattern.
IMO the most difficult of the standing kicks to do well is the side Piercing kick. If this can be done well, all other kicks will come more easily.
I just told you. A Mismeasure of man deals with anatomy in this very sensitive subject and was hammered by the scientific community, contrary to what you espoused.
it was hammered by the scientific community for not having much science in it. that really how the scientific community and peer review works

the press liked it because it agreed with their narrative, which was a different narrative 40 years ago than it is today

thats rather how the press work, ignore data that doesn't agree with your view

the subject of that book, which intelligence and race is a thorny one, which has been prone to massive cultural biases over the centuries.

it should be noted that it wasnt just alleged differences dependent skin colour he was pointing out, he was making significant claim that some European populations had significant cognitive issues as well, he was particularly picking out that the Russians and Hungarians were ''simple minded'' which fitted the RR anti communist doctrinaire and the Italians, i suspect the bias in this arises from the nature of immigration in to america in the early part of the 20th century, were it was largely the poor and therefore very ill educated, who are therefore likely to do badly in iq tests, the same issues applies to various other american population, including the stereo type that hill billies are simple minded,,, no just dirt poor

i think its fair to say that the Russians and Italians are by no means backwards, that then then throws doubt on each and every other claim he made as not being scientific
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From the back leg or lead leg?
The Side piercing kick is the most difficult basic kick to do well from either the lead or rear leg.
However, by definition, reverse turning and Reverse Hook in the Chang Hon system are only done from the rear leg, turning rearward. Lead leg, and rear leg turning forward variations are used, but not in the text. .
To All:

1. I hope all are aware that no insult was intended by my by my "3 Races" comment vis a vis relative joint size.
2. I never intended for the statement to be exclusive or ll encompassing i.e. Everyone in a group has a certain characteristic. Ii is indisputable that variations abound.
3. I Thank Jobo for additional information and will not engage in any search engine results debate and will leave it for others in the forum to review information already linked to as well as do their own research.
im trying to understand what point your making , your picking up on a difference between Hispanics which are not a race and Afro Americans who are not a race and then concluding that comparing two non races means there is a difference between races
I have been trying to understand your point on race. You seem to be going out of your way to claim 'we are all the same' which is just ludicrous. If for not other reason than centuries of conditioning races are different.
As I mentioned earlier, as society continues to stabilize worldwide blending will continue until saturation. But as a planet we are a Long way from that.
The creativity and innovation that comes out of our differences is part of what formed our society. That is a good thing. It is not always pretty but you are living a Polly-anna life if you do not think it is necessary.
I have been trying to understand your point on race. You seem to be going out of your way to claim 'we are all the same' which is just ludicrous. If for not other reason than centuries of conditioning races are different.
As I mentioned earlier, as society continues to stabilize worldwide blending will continue until saturation. But as a planet we are a Long way from that.
The creativity and innovation that comes out of our differences is part of what formed our society. That is a good thing. It is not always pretty but you are living a Polly-anna life if you do not think it is necessary.
, no there massive diversity across the globe, but that diversity doesnt stop at national borders, unless there a physical barrier, like the Atlantic in the way, and then that only gets in the way up until the point that someone invents ship than can cross

there is a gradual change in people appearance as you cross continents and from one continent to another. that makes it impossible to say one race ends here and another one starts there

if you take only the slightest genetic change, which is skin pigmentation and say, this is one race and this is another, then what about all the people who have varring skin tones in the middle

a journey from say Scandinavian to southern African will see a slow transition of skin tone on your journey, so how many races are you saying there are on that journey,, one, two, three 100 ?.

there notable differences in skin tone and body type between Afro american? and east Africans, as there are between east Africans and west Africans are they the same race or not ? if so why, if not why in much the same way as i can identify those who come from the med from those who come from the Slavic countries,,, different race or not, but then i can generally pick white Australians out from a crowd of locals,, they look different ?

a lot of this is to do with the political determination of race in individual counties rather than there being any deterministic scientific point of change

in this country there a move to consider the Irish welsh and Scottish as different races, they are covered by the race relations act.. in american they would just get lumped together as white or European or caurcasion, so we have 4 more races than you before we even start splitting the enormousness variations there are across Europe and Asia. . in the uk the term Asian is almost exclusively used to denote those who ancestors come from the Indian sub continent, every one else is denoted by there country of origin and nobody accept Russians as being Asian
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, no there massive diversity across the globe, but that diversity doesnt stop at national borders, unless there a physical barrier, like the Atlantic in the way, and then that only gets in the way up until the point that someone invents ship than can cross

there is a gradual change in people appearance as you cross continents and from one continent to another. that makes it impossible to say one race ends here and another one starts there

if you take only the slightest genetic change, which is skin pigmentation and say, this is one race and this is another, then what about all the people who have varring skin tones in the middle

a journey from say Scandinavian to southern African will see a slow transition of skin tone on your journey, so how many races are you saying there are on that journey,, one, two, three 100 ?.

there notable differences in skin tone and body type between Afro american? and east Africans, as there are between east Africans and west Africans are they the same race or not ? if so why, if not why

a lot of this is to do with the political determination of race in individual counties rather than there being any deterministic scientific point of change

in this country there a move to consider the Irish welsh and Scottish as different races, they are covered by the race relations act.. in american they would just get lumped together as white or European or caurcasion
Yep, you are exactly right. But you are fixated on skin tone. All 'white' people are not the same shade. Within the course of a year my skin tone changes quite a lot (at least on my arms and torso) as I am out in the sun.
Like I said earlier, it is much less about skin tone and more about other identifiable factors. There have been a few good posts about cancer rates in various races. I am sure this information is a huge benefit in the medical field. And it took decades/centuries to determine that particular trend.
I always have to scratch my head when I see people take a word such as "label" the wrong way to fit some misguided agenda.
@Acronym ive got to be honest: I felt @Dirty Dog responded unfairly negatively to your early posts.
To All:

1. I hope all are aware that no insult was intended by my by my "3 Races" comment vis a vis relative joint size.
2. I never intended for the statement to be exclusive or ll encompassing i.e. Everyone in a group has a certain characteristic. Ii is indisputable that variations abound.
3. I Thank Jobo for additional information and will not engage in any search engine results debate and will leave it for others in the forum to review information already linked to as well as do their own research.
i never believed your comment had any racist motivation and I was reluctant to bring up that particular point because I didn’t want anyone to take it as as accusation. I appreciate the follow-up as well.
Yep, you are exactly right. But you are fixated on skin tone. All 'white' people are not the same shade. Within the course of a year my skin tone changes quite a lot (at least on my arms and torso) as I am out in the sun.
Like I said earlier, it is much less about skin tone and more about other identifiable factors. There have been a few good posts about cancer rates in various races. I am sure this information is a huge benefit in the medical field. And it took decades/centuries to determine that particular trend.
I always have to scratch my head when I see people take a word such as "label" the wrong way to fit some misguided agenda.
ok if we take skin tone out whats the other defining factors used to declare what race you pne is, , body type also changes progesibly, facial features change progresivly, EVERY THING THAT CHANGES, CHANGRS PROGRESSIVELY, every ewhere it seems, but the usa,and how many races do you think there are, by name would be n
ok if we take skin tone out whats the other defining factors used to declare what race you pne is, , body type also changes progesibly, facial features change progresivly, EVERY THING THAT CHANGES, CHANGRS PROGRESSIVELY, every ewhere it seems, but the usa,and how many races do you think there are, by name would be n
Um, yes I guess?
Admin's Note:

If you want to discuss the topic of Tae Kwon Do and Hip Surgery Prevalence, then please feel free to do so in this thread.

If you want to discuss tendencies of different races to have different ailments, then please take it to the Study in a non-political manner.

If you want to talk about race politics, there are other forums hosted by Forum Foundry that do allow such discussions in a civil manner, such as the one linked here.

That being said, please return to the original topic.
I'm guessing you don't know very many then. Because I know bunches who have not. I'd like to see your research comparing the rate of occurrence for TKD practitioners and the general population.
He has to know at least a thousand, based on his statistics.
As a relatively young practitioner (30) around older practitioners with hip surgery, I get the sensation that father time is just waiting me out.

Why are TKDoins so injury prone and are there ways to medigate that? For an example, if I try to keep my weight as low as possible, will that reduce the risk of kicking related injuries?

We're all going to get wear and tear as we get older, the key is to minimize it. There are many different factors in this. Without being able to see specifically what you are doing, I'd say aim to relax as much as possible between each technique. Not relax as go floppy and stop breathing, but the way a cat does before its about to strike or pounce.

Take care not to hyper extend you joints. If there is a hyper extension going on, this is reflective of excess tension and muscular imbalance in the whole body. That will eventually cause injury.
The Side piercing kick is the most difficult basic kick to do well from either the lead or rear leg.
However, by definition, reverse turning and Reverse Hook in the Chang Hon system are only done from the rear leg, turning rearward. Lead leg, and rear leg turning forward variations are used, but not in the text. .

I once said to a talented young Korean master who had majored in TKD at university, "I read once that you can judge someone's TKD based on their side kick". He agreed.
We're all going to get wear and tear as we get older, the key is to minimize it. There are many different factors in this. Without being able to see specifically what you are doing, I'd say aim to relax as much as possible between each technique. Not relax as go floppy and stop breathing, but the way a cat does before its about to strike or pounce.

Take care not to hyper extend you joints. If there is a hyper extension going on, this is reflective of excess tension and muscular imbalance in the whole body. That will eventually cause injury.

I'm not flexible enough to really hyperextend anyway.
Maybe stretching during class causes a lot of these problems..

1:19 says that stretching actually increases your resistance to injury prior to explosive movement. So what you need is warm-ups before, not stretching. Most MA classes do both.

instead, stretching should be done completely separate.

Maybe stretching during class causes a lot of these problems..

1:19 says that stretching actually increases your resistance to injury prior to explosive movement. So what you need is warm-ups before, not stretching. Most MA classes do both.

instead, stretching should be done completely separate.

I do not disagree with that. I do think the bigger injury factor is simply not getting warmed up first. We dynamic stretch at the beginning of class and static stretch at the end of class for this reason.

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