TaeKwonDo and hip surgery prevelance

As we know there are 3 "races" among humans(some studies now suggest a 4th. ) "Caucasoid race", "Negroid race", and "Mongoloid race". I read a study once of how the joint size in the Mongoloid race is proportionally larger than other races making them better able to withstand stress on the joints. Never checked to see if there are any statistics on joint replacement that may support this.

How many of your TKD friends getting through the ranks underwent surgery? I know you all trained in suboptimal conditions but it would still be interesting data.
As we know there are 3 "races" among humans(some studies now suggest a 4th. ) "Caucasoid race", "Negroid race", and "Mongoloid race". I read a study once of how the joint size in the Mongoloid race is proportionally larger than other races making them better able to withstand stress on the joints. Never checked to see if there are any statistics on joint replacement that may support this.
theres no set of rational circumstances where there are three races, if that was ever science, rather than some social construct, its very very old science
theres no set of rational circumstances where there are three races, if that was ever science, rather than some social construct, its very very old science

Then why are some groups of a certain color more subject to certain types of cancer?
Then why are some groups of a certain color more subject to certain types of cancer?
how does that show there are three races ?

and defining race by colour is really really 1800s back before they knew what dna was, let a lone mapped the human gnome
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Race is identified by Much more than jus color. While color may be an outward identifier there are many, many more identifiers. Mr. Weiss touched on just one of these qualities.
No different from how we categorize things to help break down and understand them. You are literally trying to read out the logic used in understanding something.
Race is identified by Much more than jus color. While color may be an outward identifier there are many, many more identifiers. Mr. Weiss touched on just one of these qualities.
No different from how we categorize things to help break down and understand them. You are literally trying to read out the logic used in understanding something.
no he clearly stated it was a fact, which would make it a fact of science which it isnt..

if he wants to perpetuate racial/ colour stereo types for ease of his own understanding, thats his affair but its not in any way a fact

any two white Europeans selected at random will probably reveal one has far more genetic similarity to north Africans than to the other white guy such has been level of mixing over the millennia. if two people of the same alleged race have so little in common genetically how can they be the same race ?
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no he clearly stated it was a fact, which would make it a fact of science which it isnt..

if he wants to perpetuate racial/ colour stereo types for ease of his own understanding, thats his affair but its not in any way a fact

any two white Europeans selected at random will probably reveal one has far more genetic similarity to north Africans than to the other white guy such has been level of mixing over the millennia. if two people of the same alleged race have so little in common, how can they be the same race ?
Categorically, it is a fact as we understand race today. If you are saying that saturation dissolves the defined lines between race then yes, I believe that it right.
In a hundred years or so I imagine the landscape or race will have changed quite a lot.

You seem to take an offense to this when all it is doing is trying to break information down into manageable pieces. Nothing more so don't let a socially driven imagination run wile.
As we know there are 3 "races" among humans(some studies now suggest a 4th. ) "Caucasoid race", "Negroid race", and "Mongoloid race". I read a study once of how the joint size in the Mongoloid race is proportionally larger than other races making them better able to withstand stress on the joints. Never checked to see if there are any statistics on joint replacement that may support this.
This is not true.
Here is a statement from the American Anthropological Society that gives some clarification on this idea.
AAA Statement on Race - Connect with AAA
This is not true.
Here is a statement from the American Anthropological Society that gives some clarification on this idea.
AAA Statement on Race - Connect with AAA
See, it is articles like this which just keep stir the pot. Way too many people push the agenda that people are still conditioned to view race outwardly which is just not true for the masses. It is the loud minority that keeps driving this agenda to support their own.
Simply put, modern, forward thinkers, which are the masses of today's society, do not give two shits what color a person is. They never consider it in the course of an interaction with anyone.
That is one very sad article that is Very, very outdated thinking. Stop, stop, stop trying to stir the pot. It is a massive waste of time.
Anthrophology is not natural science.

The natural sciences do make race distinctions

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Physical anthropology is the study of the physical human. It includes the evolution of humans as well as studying the physical body among different ethnic groups. It is heavy on anatomy.

Read what I linked to. It has good information about why the notion of distinct caucasoid, negroid, and mongoloid “race” categories is unsupportable. It certainly cannot be used to claim that members on a “racial” level have larger joints. Differences certainly occur among individuals. But racial categories cannot be established based on this.

The Covid link to the CDC that you included begins with a statement that “Long-standing systemic health and social inequities have put some members of racial and ethnic minority groups at increased risk of getting COVID-19 or experiencing severe illness, regardless of age.”

The differences found in infection rates (of Covid-19, in this example) are not due to genetic predispositions or differences of “race”. Rather, they are due to systemic health and social inequalities. Meaning, economic differences that often mean these people have less access to quality medical care and underlying issues like quality diet, overall stress factors that can be connected to economics and opportunity, etc.
Physical anthropology is the study of the physical human. It includes the evolution of humans as well as studying the physical body among different ethnic groups. It is heavy on anatomy.

Read what I linked to. It has good information about why the notion of distinct caucasoid, negroid, and mongoloid “race” categories is unsupportable. It certainly cannot be used to claim that members on a “racial” level have larger joints. Differences certainly occur among individuals. But racial categories cannot be established based on this.

The Covid link to the CDC that you included begins with a statement that “Long-standing systemic health and social inequities have put some members of racial and ethnic minority groups at increased risk of getting COVID-19 or experiencing severe illness, regardless of age.”

The differences found in infection rates (of Covid-19, in this example) are not due to genetic predispositions or differences of “race”. Rather, they are due to systemic health and social inequalities. Meaning, economic differences that often mean these people have less access to quality medical care and underlying issues like quality diet, overall stress factors that can be connected to economics and opportunity, etc.
And these factors are surprising to you?
C'mon man.
The differences found in infection rates (of Covid-19, in this example) are not due to genetic predispositions or differences of “race”. Rather, they are due to systemic health and social inequalities. Meaning, economic differences that often mean these people have less access to quality medical care and underlying issues like quality diet, overall stress factors that can be connected to economics and opportunity, etc.

You're missing the point. They do make race denotations and it is still under investigation whether COVID-19 affect certain group of people harder irrespective of social background.
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Categorically, it is a fact as we understand race today. If you are saying that saturation dissolves the defined lines between race then yes, I believe that it right.
In a hundred years or so I imagine the landscape or race will have changed quite a lot.

You seem to take an offense to this when all it is doing is trying to break information down into manageable pieces. Nothing more so don't let a socially driven imagination run wile.
no as we understand race today is there isnt any, or there are 100s, its not the mixing in the world today that means this will be so, its the mixing in the past that means this is so today

people in southern Europe have far more in common with north Africans than they do with north Europeans, to simply stick them in a racial class of white or Caucasian ( a particularly american classification) is at best stupid at worse setting up a divvied where non exists for what ever reason my particular antecedence is welsh and irish which raises the question of how i ended up looking Scandinavian, them danes got around abit
You're missing the point. They do make race denotations and it is still under investigation whether COVID-19 affect certain group of people harder irrespective of social background.
The term “race” gets used in reference to different ethnic and cultural groups. It’s use does sometimes create confusion and probably ought to be discontinued because it is inconsistent with current scientific thinking on the topic. It is not used in reference to the three “races” referenced earlier.

Did you read the link I posted?
The term “race” gets used in reference to different ethnic and cultural groups. It’s use does sometimes create confusion and probably ought to be discontinued because it is inconsistent with current scientific thinking on the topic. It is not used in reference to the three “races” referenced earlier.

Did you read the link I posted?

As I wrote before without going into details. There are certain types of cancer that a particular "race" (call it what you want, it's just semantics) is MUCH more susceptible to. There is no two ways around this and no amount of social science extrapolations can circumvent it. If this does not satisfy a race distinction, then I don't know what does.

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