Superpower Game


Master Black Belt
Feb 13, 2007
Reaction score
Southern Oregon
"A Blessing and a Curse"

So the way this game works is that one person describes what superpower they would like to have (The Blessing)-- it could be anything but the "all superpower" kind of thing -- it has to be something specific.

The next person posts the downside, or the "glitch" to that superpower (the Curse), but then they have to introduce a super power of their own.

For instance,
First person may say they want x-ray vision.

The next person may "curse" their power with "never being able to turn it off."

And so on and so forth. Get creative!

To start:

I wish I could run really, really fast.
What's the curse?
I wish I could run really, really fast.
What's the curse?

OK you can run really fast. But your ability to not so good.

I mean dude...when you hit the wall, you really hit the wall!! :lol:

I wish I had an invisibility cloak, like Harry Potter.
What's the curse?
OK you can run really fast. But your ability to not so good.

I mean dude...when you hit the wall, you really hit the wall!! :lol:

I wish I had an invisibility cloak, like Harry Potter.
What's the curse?

I was afraid you were going to say that . . .

It's actually the invisibility cloak of Erik the Viking -- it only works on weak-willed people

I wish I could hold my breath forever under water
But if you NEED to be seen and heard Just at that moment you are pooched. Say if you are in garbage compactor that relies on motion sensors to know if it can activate, it doesn't see you, locks down and starts. You are then goo, red, slimey,invisible goo.

I wish I could read other peoples thoughts and emotions.

But if you NEED to be seen and heard Just at that moment you are pooched. Say if you are in garbage compactor that relies on motion sensors to know if it can activate, it doesn't see you, locks down and starts. You are then goo, red, slimey,invisible goo.

I wish I could read other peoples thoughts and emotions.


oops cross-post

You can't separate their thoughts and feeling from the stupid songs that get stuck in their heads all day -- from everyone!

Now I wish to hold my breath forever under water.
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But if you NEED to be seen and heard Just at that moment you are pooched. Say if you are in garbage compactor that relies on motion sensors to know if it can activate, it doesn't see you, locks down and starts. You are then goo, red, slimey,invisible goo.

I wish I could read other peoples thoughts and emotions.

Red invisible goo?
You aren't underwater, you're trapped in a full septic tank.
I wish I could fly

You can only fly with the help of your battery-powered propellor beanie.

I wish I had laser heat vision, like superman.
I wish I had laser heat vision, like superman.

You go blind if you use it too much.

I wish I could control fire ants with perfect predictability of their actions without having to be a fire ant or producing fire ant enzymes myself. Hah! Try to punch a hole in that. (Probably take some wiseguy all of 2 seconds.)
You go blind if you use it too much.

I wish I could control fire ants with perfect predictability of their actions without having to be a fire ant or producing fire ant enzymes myself. Hah! Try to punch a hole in that. (Probably take some wiseguy all of 2 seconds.)

You carry them with you wherever you go . . . in your underwear.
(Been watching "Indiana Jones and the monotony of the plastic skull" have we?)

I wish I could climb walls like a gecko.
Gecko-boy unfortunately has EVERYTHING stick to his hands and feet.

My superpower is.. telekinesis.
Gecko-boy unfortunately has EVERYTHING stick to his hands and feet.

My superpower is.. telekinesis.

You can only move officially licensed pink PlayDough with your powers.

I wish I could make other people break wind involuntarily.
You can only move officially licensed pink PlayDough with your powers.

I wish I could make other people break wind involuntarily.

The dog will always blame it on YOU!

I wish I could dispense coffee and/or beer from my fingertips
The coffee is folgers crystals and the beer is Busch.

My superpower, the ability to heal any disease.
The coffee is folgers crystals and the beer is Busch.

I used to drink folgers crystals, before I knew any better.

My superpower, the ability to heal any disease.

The burden of the world rests on you to collect Chuck Norris' tears (you'll have to make him cry first.)

"Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer, the problem is, Chuck Norris never cries."

I wish I could hack into any computer in the world.
Unfortunately your version of 'hacking' is your right hand turning into an axe in the presence of any computer and you just compulsively 'hacked' into your girlfriend's laptop.

I wish I was undetectable by any kind of electronic surveillance.
Unfortunately your version of 'hacking' is your right hand turning into an axe in the presence of any computer and you just compulsively 'hacked' into your girlfriend's laptop.

I wish I was undetectable by any kind of electronic surveillance.

You are. Problem is, you're dead. Ooops. (Stick around please Sage, we'd rather have you on this side of the ethereal for awhile ;))

I wish I could speak any language.
You can Carol the proble m you have is no voice box...

I wish I could live forever...
You will, Terry.

Unfortunately, because of a freak accident, you'll live forever trapped in your own body unable to interact or communicate with the outside world (see Metallica's "One").

I want to be able to control other people's actions similar to the Jedi Mind Trick.
It works but only on stormtroopers.

My super power is to be super strong like superman.