Stupid things people ask about what you do

"Have you ever shot anyone?"
Nope... wanna be the first?

"I didn't do it!"
Really? How do you know?

"There here for you, Fred/Billy Bob/Jane/whoever"
Nope -- actually, I'm here for YOU.

"So, I got pulled over and the cop was an *******..."
"You cops are all biased/dirty/whatever..."
Really? Are there no *******s/crooks in your profession?

"So, I got this ticket... what should I do?"
Pay it or go to court.

"So, my friend got arrested; what should I do?"
Tell your friend to get legal advice from a lawyer.
"Have you ever shot anyone?"
Nope... wanna be the first?

"I didn't do it!"
Really? How do you know?

"There here for you, Fred/Billy Bob/Jane/whoever"
Nope -- actually, I'm here for YOU.

"So, I got pulled over and the cop was an *******..."
"You cops are all biased/dirty/whatever..."
Really? Are there no *******s/crooks in your profession?

"So, I got this ticket... what should I do?"
Pay it or go to court.

"So, my friend got arrested; what should I do?"
Tell your friend to get legal advice from a lawyer.

"Who, me?"
Well there isn't anyone else here is there!

"Can't you go out and catch real criminals?"
Nah, thought we'd just harrass the first innocent person we see tonight.

"I pay my taxes that pays your wages"
Well bully for you sir

"I know the chief constable"
Not ours you don't, he's in Essex, we're in N Yorkshire

"I know my rights!"
That's nice for you.

I think we may be a tad more sarcastic than you lol!
"Have you ever shot anyone?"
Nope... wanna be the first?

"I didn't do it!"
Really? How do you know?

"There here for you, Fred/Billy Bob/Jane/whoever"
Nope -- actually, I'm here for YOU.

"So, I got pulled over and the cop was an *******..."
"You cops are all biased/dirty/whatever..."
Really? Are there no *******s/crooks in your profession?

"So, I got this ticket... what should I do?"
Pay it or go to court.

"So, my friend got arrested; what should I do?"
Tell your friend to get legal advice from a lawyer.

Dammed, beat me again..What he said...
One of the biggest, most useless Asshats I've ever met was an Airforce pilot. If this idiot couldn't fly a Flybywire plane I have no idea of what he'd do. I normally don't like barfights but did enjoy watching some Airborne boys walk it to him and a few of his freinds. Buzzy dude, let em take off but do they really need to land?

Sigh....that would be nice, but we kind of need them. Unfortunately, without pilots, the rest of us don't have a job. It would just be nice to keep them in cages and roll them out when we need them to go shoot at something.
As a bouncer, I get a LOT of:

"If I show you my ______, can I get in for free?" - No. They're lopsided anyway.
"I know the owner." - I don't care. I know him too, and he hates you.
"I come here all the time. I should get in for free." - Thanks for paying last month's electrical bill.
"What, you don't want to card me?" -No. Because Cougars are definitely over 21.
"This girl is HAWT!" -No. That's the booze talking and I'm pretty sure she's a dude.

Too funny.

I work at a cafe on a fairly busy main street, and if customers see me outside of work, it seems to be the local weirdos that ask me questions. Seriously, I'm not sure if we get asked these questions as a conversation starter, or because people want something for free, but in either case, it's like their social skills are in serious need of etiquette lessons.
As a mathematician, I get "You must be great at doing your taxes!" a lot, as do we all. Ummm...accounting is in the business school, two buildings down, behind the law school.
See now this is where I'd have my fun and make like I was all suddenly angry and go "So YOU'RE the prick that denied my pay raise!"
I used to know a guy who had calculated the amount the typical tax payer contributed towards his pay... and carried the change to make a "refund."

Of course, I'm amazed at how many of the folks who "pay my salary" don't even live in my jurisdiction!
"Hey my computer is doing xxxx, could ya come take a look and see if you can fix it?"

OK, I'll take a look, but if you know someone that is in IT, they might be a better person to ask.

"Aren't you in IT?"

No, I'm in telecom.

"What's the difference"

I get to call IT when I don't feel like fixing my own machine. ;)

"I guess I don't understand just what it is that you actually do."

No one does...except my managers and other people in similar roles. Makes it harder to talk about work at the dinner table...which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Do you get people, friends, family, whoever phoning/asking you to come round and fix their machine?

Yes I do

And I too am not a big fan of things IT outside of work... in fact after many years of this I am not a big fan of things IT inside of work either.

But to the topic of the post

I have been asked

"What's worng with my computer" of course I have not seen it yet nor am I anywhere near it and they really can't give me much info other than it doesn't work like it use to.

"Why won't my computer turn on?" Answer because you are turing the monitor off and on and are not actually turning the PC on at all.

"Why won't my internet work?" Oh I don't know could be that you unplugged your hub to plug in you cell phone charger

There are many many more but at this stage I am trying not to remember them.

There was a guy at work I did have to explain to that even though the security policy did not mention screen savers that it was not a real good idea to have his screen saver scrolling his password... but that is another story
I'm an electronic technician.

"So you work with computers then, right?"

Yes, I use computers, but nothing I design, repair, or build has anything to do with computers.

"You know electronics? Can you fix my TV/sterio/etc?"

If smoke came out of it when it broke then maybe. I really need the schematic for it in order to fix it.

"What's a schematic?"

Never mind, don't ask me to fix stuff.
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I meet people and right away they want me to show them something. Well when I was a newbie I would accommodate them. Quick fix coming from my inexperience at the time. Well needless to say, but I will, they would come back and say “hey” that move didn’t work for me. In time when asked, I would add just a little body contact and guess what, they very rarely ever asked a second time. J Now, that I am older I much prefer that people didn’t know, because it just makes life so much easier, and also friends are harder to come by.
I meet people and right away they want me to show them something. Well when I was a newbie I would accommodate them.
About 15 years ago I took TKD for a few months. After my first class I met up with some friends at the bar. Doug asked if I learned anything, I had, the Back Fist. So, I said yes, he said "show me" and I knocked him off his bar stool. :D