Stupid neighbor stories

my next door neighbor is a idiot. this man does not even cut the grass he has his wife do it while he sits on his but watching tv. any food he buys is his nobody else is allowed to touch it or they get into trouble. his wife was pregnant and came over to our house during a blizzard wanting to borrow our ladder so she could get up on her roof and dust off the satlilte dish for him so he could get his pittsburg station.

Does she have a sister, just in case my Laura doesn't work out in the long run. Laura would tell me to go pound sand if I asked her to do those things. :lol: :lfao:
In college, while I stayed in a dorm room, I had two suite mates (two rooms to one living area deal), plus my roomate- and yes, I have a few of these stories. The 2 neighbors were your stereotypical "blondes", in every sense, both literal blondes and acted like what you'd hear in a joke. The dorm rules were, "no pets, except for fish". What do they do? They get a kitten- cute, harmless... I wasn't going to turn them in, because they were going to be found out eventually because of regular "check- ups". Well, the sad story is- they did get found out when one of their boyfriends came over and sat on the poor thing. Needless to say, that "secret" didn't even last a week. They were also the ones that would set their alarm clocks early in the morning, but they would buzz until around 11- meaning they never made it to class and failed.

Now, my roomate loved to have her boyfriend of the day come over at odd hours, and would actually expect me to leave. I'm sorry, but I'm not one to be walked all over, and promptly said no. Sadly, she never got the hint. She also had the tendency to forget to take her "pill", and wound up doubling up (which happened at least once a week). When she did this, she'd get SOO sick- vomiting, dry heaving, the works. It was so bad one time, I was (according to her) doing the sounds of dry heaving in my sleep, and she got mad at me for it.
my next door neighbor is a idiot. this man does not even cut the grass he has his wife do it while he sits on his but watching tv. any food he buys is his nobody else is allowed to touch it or they get into trouble. his wife was pregnant and came over to our house during a blizzard wanting to borrow our ladder so she could get up on her roof and dust off the satlilte dish for him so he could get his pittsburg station.

I cringe when I hear stories of class one A-holes like this. My sister in law has lived with several of these, and is living with one now who tried to malest my neice. You might want to keep an eye out for bruises and other tell-tell signs of abuse. Befriend them if you must. Then report him.

Keep in mind, also, not everyone from Pittsburgh is like that. (I love that city).
I cringe when I hear stories of class one A-holes like this. My sister in law has lived with several of these, and is living with one now who tried to malest my neice. You might want to keep an eye out for bruises and other tell-tell signs of abuse. Befriend them if you must. Then report him.

Keep in mind, also, not everyone from Pittsburgh is like that. (I love that city).

I know who he's talking about, and luckily they got a divorce.

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