I agree, and in now way am I trying to make this a political discussion.
But, making this a country specific topic, gun ownership is a foundational issue, and is a directive in how our freedoms were created and how they are and will be maintained in the future.
I do see how different the viewpoint and perspective gets the farther and farther away our country gets from being in a major conflict. For example, 9/11 may the considered the most recent 'major' conflict (although I would disagree). Most everyone was ready to arm up and defend their country when it happened. It is/was a raw, carnal feeling that has Great value and really puts a exclamation point on why people should be allowed to carry.
22-years later, for several reasons, it is extremely grey what the climate is on who/how many would stand up and defend this country.
Parsing it down to the state level (and by the way, many of our states are the same size as some countries), there are inalienable rights concerning defending a states borders. And to take it a step farther, to defending an individuals curtilage. Yes, they are regulated at the federal level first, state second, and municipality third.
It will always be a hot topic. And it should be IMHO. That is the only way to balance the equation. But it is imperative to include ALL the variables when doing so, not just the emotional, sensationalized media images.