The stupid things people do!

This is an actual event that happend to my teacher Bruce Lee.While in the Air pot he notice a man crying.Bruce was eagor to help other Chinese & introduced himself.(My name is Bruce Lee what is wrong,What is your name.)The man looked up & said( While go threw custom -man in front of me name John Smith-When come my turn,I could only tell the trueth. I say Sam Ting. They think it mean (Same Thing & call me on pass port John Smith.)
Monkey, I have a challenge for you. I'm willing to bet you can't go an entire day without mentioning any of the following phrases: "Bruce Lee" "Presas" "Parker" "Guardian" "my teacher" "my video"

What do you think?
Kreth said:
Monkey, I have a challenge for you. I'm willing to bet you can't go an entire day without mentioning any of the following phrases: "Bruce Lee" "Presas" "Parker" "Guardian" "my teacher" "my video"

What do you think?

How would you know or under stand the point of referance of whom i was tought & refering to Of my many teachers & as well (Who may have said the quote).I use them as Referances but,those with minds not able to see past themselvs will see it as Name dropping.How dose one apply for a job with you or send referances (without tell the source or origans of said info).Here in lays the ultimate challange to evolve & see the references & not the name dropping.What good are Ranks without Who certified you.The historical value of who was at the time teaching --seems to be a prevalent thing but -if any one tells of it(they are accused of name dropping & utiliesing the refenaces asked of them.Do you do the arts?Then take the event-mark a note (That it was told by that person) who was (historicaly world renown)Now you have an actual joke -Yet true encounter from that person & you never had till now.I offerd a gift & you turn it to name dropping.I asked to see it not as such (when I wrote i).But,it has not been perceive so.Imagine theres now pain(John W.Lennon) My friend 1970-80.
The point is that, AFAIK, you have yet to make a post on this site that wasn't either bragging about who you've trained under, or pimping your videos. And BTW, as for your "true story," I heard it this way:
Moishe Plotnik's Chinese Laundry
Walking through San Francisco's Chinatown, a tourist from the Midwest was fascinated with all the Chinese restaurants, shops, signs and banners. He turned a corner and saw a building with the sign "Moishe Plotnik's Chinese Laundry.""Moishe Plotnik?" he wondered. "How does that fit in Chinatown?" So he walked into the shop and saw a fairly standard looking Chinese laundry. He could see that the proprietors were clearly aware of the uniqueness of the name as there were baseball hats, T-Shirts and coffee mugs emblazoned with the logo "Moishe Plotnik's Chinese Laundry."There was also a fair selection of Chinatown souvenirs, indicating that the name alone had brought many tourists into the shop. The tourist selected a coffee cup as a conversation piece to take back to his office.Behind the counter was a smiling old Chinese gentleman who thanked him for his purchase.The tourist asked, "Can you tell me how this place got a name like"Moishe Plotnik's Chinese Laundry?"The old man answered, "Ahh... Everybody asks me that. It's the name of the owner."Looking around, the tourist asked, "Is he here now?""He is right here," replied the old man. "He is me.""Really? How did you ever get a name like Moishe Plotnik?""Is simple," said the old man. "Many, many years ago when I came to this country, I was standing in line at the documentation center. The man in front of me was a Jewish gentleman from Poland. "The lady at the counter looked at him and said, 'What is your name?' " He said, 'Moishe Plotnik.'"Then she looked at me and said, 'What is your name?'" I said, 'Sam Ting.'"
And I never even met Bruce, imagine that. :rolleyes:
Then you have not read all my psot -You see a few & jugde from that.I feel sorry for your students that cant get an open veiw of what ask.Only a very closed mind that sees so little & Assumtions made from that.(Hence not true philosophical or un-bias answers).Sad day for those who may ask & get a one sided coin from you,No Longer a chance to get an even bet.Just the 1 side.HUUUUUUM! odd & a pitty.The arts are to be un biast & unite,You seem to want to devide,Go threw all my posts & see you are wrong.I am Shaolin & hieghst Senior Master of such.Do you have this kind of Reverance?It must be peaclu-unbiast-honable-trusting & non jugdementle.
monkey said:
Then you have not read all my psot
You're correct, as I have no idea what a psot is.
You see a few & jugde from that
I'm not sure if I have jugded before. I can't find it in my dictionary.
I feel sorry for your students that cant get an open veiw of what ask.Only a very closed mind that sees so little & Assumtions made from that.
I feel sorry for your students if you speak like you type. Using sentence fragments. Among other things.
I've never made an assumtion. Is it some type of makeshift shelter?
(Hence not true philosophical or un-bias answers).
My jaw almost hit my desk when I saw that you had spelled philosophical correctly.
Sad day for those who may ask & get a one sided coin from you,
I'm reasonably certain that it is physically impossible to create an object with only one side. If you have in fact created a Moebius coin, then my hat's off to you.
Go threw all my posts & see you are wrong
I asked the site owner if I could throw all of your posts and he said no. But thanks for thinking of me.
I am Shaolin & hieghst Senior Master of such.
Was this before or after you were appointed Guardian of Modern Arnis and Knight of the Realm?
Do you have this kind of Reverance?
I must admit, I have no reverance, or even reverence. Then again, I don't make LOOK AT ME posts here every 5 minutes. Do you think if I did, I could be revered like you?
It must be peaclu-unbiast-honable-trusting & non jugdementle.
WTF does that even mean?
Once a kid was trying to impress me with his martial arts experience. He told me that a friend of his did the "death touch" on him. I suggested that his friend must not be very good at it.
Flying Crane said:
Once a kid was trying to impress me with his martial arts experience. He told me that a friend of his did the "death touch" on him. I suggested that his friend must not be very good at it.
He got better... :uhyeah:
Flying Crane said:
Once a kid was trying to impress me with his martial arts experience. He told me that a friend of his did the "death touch" on him. I suggested that his friend must not be very good at it.

ThatÂ’s funny there I donÂ’t care who you are
Im not the only person who( misspells )from time to time but if you cant figure out the error of a simple word of (post) that I miss typed! Then truely you have no skill other then hurtintg people that have disablities.I never said Im a master of a realm (that is defermation of my name-ranks & cross trinaing I have done.)Yet you did not check out any other posts & still stuck in your insolating talk.Many people cross train & get ranks in multi arts but, to you thats unconcievalbe.Here are afew for Referance Not as name dropping But Referance only Remy Presas-Dan Inosanto-Paul Vunac-Joe Lewis-Chuck Noris-Ernesto Presas all of whom trained in Multi arts,& received some kind of recegnition for it.Ill ask with honor & reverance as I do have shaolin trainnig (Please stop Blasting me & use the info provided for what it is)-also check the other post (By Me )so you see you did nothing more then take cheep shots at some one you never met-know or trained with or know nothing of that person,(Some of my Ranks-signed photos ect are on display )so go to search type in (Monkey & see some of my ranks-not all, My skills ect).Then maybe we can talk Martial Arts , Insted of how you try to put people down.This is supose to be a forum of the arts Not how well do I cut some one in defermation ways.Use my info & unite the arts.Dont take cheep shots of people you know not of.I was apointed Guardian & Master of the arts.I do the arts & help others.Read my other posts & please -please stop blasting.Learn from this.Espesualy those taht may have handi caps.
I ddint meen to upsetyou-back when I was tarining with Musashi, just before he apponited me Lord and Master of All He Surveys over all Jpaanese Arts, (it was all about the traning, so I try to show that to eveyrnoe. BTW, I have videso for sale, feel free to sned me your addres and I will male them to yuo. Laren from this. Walker-Texas Ranger, Green Hronet, Kung Fu (David Cradine), all good shows to laern from,show respect. Go to search typein Kreth, see my ranks(skills, vidoes for sale, etc). Reverance.
I watched the videos Chiliman. The first one is a very impressive array of attendence certificates, collected patches, and superstar autographs. Did I ever tell you about how I was once awarded a captains rank in the Klingon Imperial Fleet? See, we were engaged in heavy combat with this landing party of marines from the Klingon Assault Group, and I managed a disarm and takedown on the smelliest one. Turns out, he was the captain and since I defeated him in mortal combat (or was it at mortal combat? the drinking has dulled my mind) I was entitled to take his place. Now, this is all legit as the great Kor himself was there and watched the battle, even commented on it. Now, I study hard, hoping to one day defeat the owner of this site in epic battle to obtain rank in his ancient art of Kungate, as well as best him for his rank of Thought Admiral. Now, the only question I have is, do you or I have more meaningless paperwork. I'll refrain from commenting on the rest because DragonBallZ is on and I need to learn more leet moves, y'know, so I can be like the monkeyman and the frogman, y'know? Man I got the munchies...anyone got a scoobysnack?

Stupid things people do? Hmm.
Try to make an ape evolve.

Stupidest thing I've ever done?
drove the car into (as in , crashed) the garage door, thinking I was hitting the brakes, but instead was hitting the gas. The owner of both the car and garage were not impressed with my mad driving skillz.
Edmund BlackAdder said:
Stupidest thing I've ever done?
drove the car into (as in , crashed) the garage door, thinking I was hitting the brakes, but instead was hitting the gas. The owner of both the car and garage were not impressed with my mad driving skillz.
This seems to be an ongoing thing with me when I drive standard for a while, then drive an automatic. I end up stepping on the brake with both feet from the habit of applying clutch and brake together. Must be interesting for the person behind me... :uhyeah:
I can't get into my I had the pictures destroyed. :)

Now, I study hard, hoping to one day defeat the owner of this site in epic battle to obtain rank in his ancient art of Kungate, as well as best him for his rank of Thought Admiral.
If you can snatch the pebbles from the rubble, you too may be a Flintstone.
Flying Crane said:
Once a kid was trying to impress me with his martial arts experience. He told me that a friend of his did the "death touch" on him. I suggested that his friend must not be very good at it.

Mod. Note.
Please, keep the conversation polite and respectful.

-Pamela Piszczek
-MT Moderator-
Sometime back I had a chance to do some consulting work for a car dealership. Their was a big Red Sox game on, and a bunch of the dealership folks were going to a nearby pub to watch the game. They offered me a chance to join them. I did and, even though I idn't konw them very well, we all had a very good time.

One of the service advisors gave me a hard time because I hardly ever drink. It was all in good fun and I laughed right along with them. The same advisor said "Hey, Carol, you can get along with anyone, I think"

It was a compliment and I should have just left it alone. But I didn't. I smiled and said "Except child molesters, maybe. I don't like them." There were a bunch of murmers in agreement.

I later found out that one of the people within earshot was, technically, a child molester. Very very very sad story; a guy with a two abusive parents and he abused his younger teenage sister just like his parents abused him. Ugh. And, he spent his young adult life getting in trouble in other ways...but...he had since gotten a lot of help and cleaned up his act.

I felt so horrible, it was a couple of days till I could look the guy in the eye again :(