Interesting question. If you are a creative, open-minded individual and you study WC long enough, I suspect that eventually "JKD" happens least in the broader, more philosophical sense. If you are a narrow minded follower, no matter how long you study anything, you will remain a narrow-minded follower.
I have been doing WC for a long time now, and lord knows, I still have tons to learn. But I've also trained Filipino Martial Arts since the 80's. My current guro/coach helps me understand how to integrate concepts from boxing, grappling, short and long range fighting, with and without weapons ... and make it work with my personal WC instincts. One time we were talking about how well it all worked together, and yet was still so different for each member of our FMA group depeding on their personal inclinations, abilities and their differing experiences in other martial arts. Our instructor leaned back and said, Yeah, it ends up almost like JKD, ...or at least what JKD was meant to be.
For what it's worth, I train these arts separately, and wouldn't ever teach a "blended system". But, in sparring (or if I had to use MA for self -defense) I wouldn't worry about keeping things so pure and discreet as I am more focused on functionality and effectiveness, and what will work for me.