wing chun vrs jkd

  • Thread starter Thread starter hapki-bujutsu
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I have no real training in wing chun. just what my jkd instructor talked about. I know jkd came from wing chun in the begining. What is the main difrence and likenesses?

with respect

It is practically impossible to study concepts JKD without knowing the answer to your question, H-B. (Although the opposite is possible).
Dan Inosanto made certain that the subject would be very clear to those that he certifies and insisted that this be made clear in the cirriculum passed on to the students of those he certified.
my instructor paul never really got into it. He beleived jkd was about going forward and said what he taught was based onwhat bruce taught but was updated and difrent. I think alot of what bruce taugth as not been pased on sad as it may be.
Personally, I wouldn't bother trying to compare the two. I think it's important just to realize that WC was the art Lee had formal instruction in, so of course a large amount of his techniques would come from that system. I think it's also important to keep in mind that Lee never 'finished' learning the WC system under Yip Man.

Comparisons between styles is ultimately pointless. As many here have said, there is no superior martial art, just superior martial artists.

If the interest was academic, however, the best way to discover this is to spend time learning WC from a competent instructor. Since JKD is supposed to be a personalized expression of the martial arts, any comparison you make between JKD and WC should be unique.

I think the main difference is that Bruce Lee's JKD was not meant to be a style and WC was, is, and ever shall be a style. JKD is about transcending what you have your "base" in so that you can be rooted but not bound. His base, just happened to be in Wing Chun.

If you were to compare them thinking of JKD as a style, then you would find that JKD is a very small subset of very basic Wing Chun with many techniques and principles from other systems like muay thai added in that don't necessarily jibe well with the WC. It is eclectic and very much NOT Wing Chun. The Wing Chun in JKD doesn't even scratch the surface of what Wing Chun is about.

As a philosophy concerning the Martial Arts, I think that it has a lot to offer. I would even fancy myself to be a JKD adherent (or sympathizer at the least). But I think that people who go into it should have a solid background in another more traditional martial art. Otherwise there is a tendency for people to become more "collectors of technique" than truly transcendent practitioners and martial artists as Bruce Lee intended.

As a style, I think you're better off training something else until you have a solid base of at least 3 to 5 years of training something else (enough time to EARN some REAL rank in a more traditional art).

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