Strating your own System, That is the Question???????

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Ya know...
If you want to start a different system..go ahead.
Just because its tradional and been around for 500 years..does NOT mean it's going to be effective in the 21 century.
God bless the forefathers! Without them,would not have the options we would have the options we have today!
The stick was first...the bow and arow followed...then one day..someone invented the .45.
But without the stick......
Times change...needs change.
I have been in the martial arts for 30+ years and I do not teach traditional.
What I have found most people are looking for is not a multi-century lineage.
What they ARE looking for is viable application and the instructors ability to TEACH!
Just because a person has 10-20 years,or a high dan grade or associated with whatever organisation,does NOT make you a good teacher nor does it mean thier art will save you in a street fight.
A lot of these guys think just because THEY did it...they can are great teachers.
Expierience is an outstanding teacher,but does not MAKE you a good teacher.
How well can you relay what you are teaching?
Are the techniques and information viable to what the people are looking for and need?
You will NOT please everyone,but can you give the information in the correct way to please the ones who do stay or are even interested?

A small tip...
Find out who all the instucotrs are in your area.
If you can't satisfy everyone,you will be looked upon with more respect if you can send them to others who may be able to help them with what they are looking for.
And no...not all instructors do this!
Unless you follow the steps you where taught and never varry you create a new system with each new thing you do. It may not be intentional but you have altered that which was given to you. Therefor we all in our own small way create new systems. This however is not the subject of the thread.

Now to give yourslef a title or expect others in the martial arts world to call you by that title and proclaimyou as the head of your own system is different. Respect of the martial arts world should be something that is earned over time. What you do will need to be viewed by others over the years, as will the accomplishments of your students and theirs. If your teachings survive then maybe you did do something to have people say it was your system.
Can this be accomplished by someone with little or no training or even someone with only a few years of training? I personaly doubt it, because you may promote students quickly and they may do the same but will what your showing be around in 50 years? A firm background and knowledge of what and why a technique is done and the ability to correct the small things is learned over time not over night.

I may have wandered off trak of the original post so lets go back and try to answere the questions that where asked
Hi folks,

Ive read everyonse post and have enjoyed all of the posts, please keep them coming. When I started this thread, I expected to get varied answers and I was not disappointed. Some views I agree with while others I totaly disagree with but still respect your opinions and welcome your posts.
I believe in the concept of O.A. (Original Art) all arts came from one art and have since then changed, been modified, etc. Just as I believe in Creation and evolution, I believe we were created and since then we have evolved, same with the arts.
Thanks again
VSanhodo said:
Hi Folks
I started another thread asking about being a Soke or Not and I recieved quite a few posts and a number of private E mails form ppl who frankly didnt like my posts and disagreed with some of the posts which other participants left.
Now Im not in this for a popularity contest, but one of the things that came out of the posts and E mails brought up a what I thought would be a good topic.

Lets say for sake of argument you agree with ppl starting their own systems. I have 4 questions.

1) What is the mininum rank a person should hold before starting their own system??

2) How long should a person have studied and or had time in grade?

3) What other requirements should a person have?

4) Should there be some type of exam board or accrediation board for testing to ensure high standards?

I look forward to your posts, all opinions and views are welcome.



1: If you are starting your own system, why should you care about rank in other systems.

2: Same answer as # 1.

3: The only necessary requirement is a good marketing plan.

4: There is. It is called the Better Business Bureau.
MichiganTKD said:
I have several problems with people claiming to start their own system:

1. Most "new systems" are merely mongrel styles comprised of a little bit of this and a little bit of that, instead of being truly unique.

Its obvious, I agree !

MichiganTKD said:
2. Many people who claimed to have started their own style do so after having left or gotten kicked out of their original organization. You must ask yourself "Why did they get kicked out and would I really want to study under someone who has no credibility in their original organization?"

Hmm, I could say the same with General Choi .....Althougt not kickout. Getting kicked out is not a measure of one credibilty. In the last event with the WTF, the president was supposively convicted of "stealing " or Bribary or whatever the heck he did. Should your credibilty be of the same ?

MichiganTKD said:
3. Most of these "new styles" have no real background, history, tradition, etiquette, or philosophy behind them. Yes, everything starts somewhere, but any legitimate style has a background to go with it.

Neither did Itosoh Ankoh, and the some of the Okinawan legendary teachers. Keep in Mind that you can have all the lineage in the world. Styles are what they are styles, nothing more , nothing less. It does not proved your ability as a martial artist as whole .
Old Fat Kenpoka said:
1: If you are starting your own system, why should you care about rank in other systems.

2: Same answer as # 1.

3: The only necessary requirement is a good marketing plan.

4: There is. It is called the Better Business Bureau.

Hi and thanks for your post

I appreciate your input. There may be some confusion here, if you are saying ppl in general trying to start their system thats fine, But I in no way have ever said I want or feel I am in anyway remotely qualifed to start my system.

I must say, Though I appreciate your posts, I disagree with your post. Your outline isnt for a person qualifed to start to system, rather it is an outline for a cookie cutter school designed to rip off ppl by telling them a person has created a system, written a course outline and calls him or herself grand pooopa.
I see alot of this in todays martial arts enviroment, I find it sad and while ppl like this do tend to make money they also give a bad name to legit martial artist. Hell, why not just go out and call yourself a doctor and perform open heart surgery. Either way you slice it BS is BS.
But once again, thanks for your views and post
VSanhodo said:
Hell, why not just go out and call yourself a doctor and perform open heart surgery. Either way you slice it BS is BS.
But once again, thanks for your views and post Thanks
This is because there arent any mal-practice law suits against these Grand Poopas!
47MartialMan said:
This is because there arent any mal-practice law suits against these Grand Poopas!
Very good point.

A few years ago I was fortunate enough to be invited to teach a seminar. When I arrived I gave two examples I would like to share with you.

I told students being a real estate agent is kinda of like being a martial arts teacher.
1) its an easy business to get into
2) its and easy business to say your in
3) its and easy business to get out of

In my business as a custom home builder I meet a lot of agents who love telling the wolrd they are real estate agents, they love showing only the real fancy houses then they rush out to tell all thier friends that they are agents and that they only show big exspensive homes , then pooof six months later they are doing something else. Ask ppl like this how many homes have you sold this year or last, UmmmmmAhhhhhh 2, 6 whatever the answer is it usually has more excuses than successes.
My point merely being, and one you have touched on. There simply is not the oversight in most states, citys, towns and or schools to ensure those who are opening schools even have close to legit credentials if any at all.
Imagine going to a doctor or lawyer who was just some guy off the street who felt like opening up his / her business only to find they were a decent biology studnet in high school.
Again Way toooooooooooooooooo much BS artist out there opening schools and calling themselves GRan Super Doooper Master in Charge of The Traditonal schoool for eclectic beat the guy up next door Ryu.
Thanks again for your posts, I am enjoying everyones views, Remember nobody has to agree with you to post, All views are welcome.
Well, I have always viewed posts as:

A entitlement set by "rules", but a right to be exercised.

A view/opinion of personal expression.

A view/opinion of personal belief, held with confidence, but not neccessarily substantiated by positive knowledge or proof-therefore;

A view/opinion is not truely righteous or wrong.
47MartialMan – You stated a minimum requirement of 10 years time in training before a person was ready to “start their own system.” I’ve been studying for nearly 20 years in the same art, and I can state with a great degree of authority that there is still at least another 10 years of training to go before I know enough about this art to decide, were I inclined to do so, what should be changed and what should be kept.

There is an old Chinese saying that for the first 10 years you are nothing but a beginner; after 10 years you are ready to begin the real learning. How would that figure into your minimum requirement?

still learning said:
Hello, I would think if anyone wants to start their own style(stystem) would do it only if they think they can and want to. This person knows he must have the knowledge, skills, and leadership to make it work. Time in the field is a must. Can't put a number, but I would think at least many years. Have you notice the people who have started one, has made many changes as they grow.? This is the natural process for any head Sensi.

The problem with this is that ego gets in the way. I heard it said once that a person who though they were eligible for sainthood is most likely ineligible. I think that saying, slightly modified, applies here… “The person that thinks they are a martial arts master is most likely in need of more training.” So the idea that a person who “thinks they can do it” probably shouldn’t. Often it isn’t about “can I” but “should I?” Just because a person “can” do something doesn’t automatically imply that they “should” do something, and this is usually the case in martial arts. After at least 5000 years of martial arts history, does some mini-mall karate teacher really think he/she has something new to add? Especially when their “combat” experience is limited to light contact, point sparring tournaments?

Doesn't this reminds you of a new business, many fail, but once and awhile a great one grows into history. Example Jeet kun do, BJJ,

Most fail, not many. And those so-called “new styles” are typically nothing more than a fancy uniform for the teacher, reduced rank requirements, minor changes in forms that weren’t fully understood by the teacher in the first place, and a vigorous kids program to ensure solid income…

Many times it is a person who just wanted to teach his own thing his way and broke away from the normal school he was at. ED Parker, and many others.

Teaching something “your own way” is one thing. I teach in a very similar fashion to my teacher. Other instructors in our style teach in their own fashion. But the material remains the same… And it is a change in the material, not the manner of its presentation, that causes a change in the system…

There is no rules, anyone can open his own style. Success only comes with hard work/lots of luck too. Age is not important. (like opening your own business to teach anything).

Age is very important. A 20 year old lacks the life experience and wisdom of someone twice that age. If age is unimportant, then why is voting restricted to 18 years and older? What about firearm ownership? These things are predicated upon the assumption that with age comes mature decision making, life experience and a relative degree of wisdom.

Any 20something “teacher” that opens his own style because in his/her “vast” experience (having been a black belt since age 8 and all) their martial arts training “lacked” something, is perhaps one of the biggest warning flags ever…

A teacher from school once told us " If you start a business and you get repeat business, you are doing something right, but if you don't get repeat business,you are doing something wrong. One can stay in business only if they are making money. Same with your own Stystem.

The difference here is that “success” in martial arts business is often based upon the ignorance of the public, not to mention that of the teacher. The public doesn’t know any different, they aren’t exposed to anything else, and the teacher certainly isn’t contrasting his/her teaching with that of other instructors, so as long as the students don’t get into a knock down, drag out fight, they’ll believe whatever they’re told.

47MartialMan – My response upthread was more to indicate the inappropriateness of the question… Rank, certifications, etc., have absolutely no standard between arts, and as such saying “you should be at least Xdan” is ludicrous. A 3rd dan in X art may well be light years beyond a 6th dan in another art, based solely on the content of the art and the requirements for that grade.

What do I think would qualify someone to start their own system? Plenty of experience (decades, 2 or 3, of training at least); sufficient diversity of training, without compromising the integrity of that training, to a relatively high level of proficiency (by which a comparison between arts could be drawn with a satisfactorily high degree of correct understanding); plenty of time in developing the art before it goes public, so that the art is less a hodgepodge of patchwork teachings and more a comprehensive, integrated system of training. ThatÂ’d be a startÂ…

Bammx2 – You are correct that experience doesn’t make you a good teacher. Not all good martial artists/fighters are good teachers, no matter their skill. However, a good teacher that has little actual knowledge and experience isn’t really teaching all that much, is he?

VSanhodo – I don’t know where you developed this “O.A.” concept, but unless you are talking about the very first hominid picking up a stick and whacking another hominid with it over a dispute regarding bugs to eat, I think you are proceeding from a flawed premise… Systematized fighting techniques, taught in a regular, disciplined, regimented fashion, would be developed by whatever culture/nation that needed them at the time. I doubt that Roman boxing with cesti managed to be transferred to the Middle Kingdom in a method that had any influence on the development of empty handed fighting. Likewise, native American fighting methods were probably not influenced by the fighting arts of the Egyptians… Your premise lacks something. Perhaps you could instead consider the universality of the movement of the human body, that there are a limited number of footwork patterns, punching techniques, kicking techniques, joint manipulations, etc., and by that all arts have a similar originating basis. But there was probably not one single art that gave rise to all the rest. If you are teaching that to anyone, you are guilty of passing on a theory that isn’t sufficiently well thought out…

OFK – Nicely put! It’s odd, don’t you think, given our history, that you and I agree on so much as of late? Ya just gotta love it…
– You stated a minimum requirement of 10 years time in training before a person was ready to “start their own system.” I’ve been studying for nearly 20 years in the same art, and I can state with a great degree of authority that there is still at least another 10 years of training to go before I know enough about this art to decide, were I inclined to do so, what should be changed and what should be kept.
Yes I did state a least 10 year or 5th dan.....but to clarify not to start a art, but to start teaching on a professional scale.....

My response upthread was more to indicate the inappropriateness of the question… Rank, certifications, etc., have absolutely no standard between arts, and as such saying “you should be at least Xdan” is ludicrous. A 3rd dan in X art may well be light years beyond a 6th dan in another art, based solely on the content of the art and the requirements for that grade.
I see, and agree that X dan in one art is different than the same x dan in another, but I guess the pont I was making is the difference has to be WAY more than 5 years (per PM Red-D-D :) )
VSanhodo said:
Hi Folks
I started another thread asking about being a Soke or Not and I recieved quite a few posts and a number of private E mails form ppl who frankly didnt like my posts and disagreed with some of the posts which other participants left.
Now Im not in this for a popularity contest, but one of the things that came out of the posts and E mails brought up a what I thought would be a good topic.

Lets say for sake of argument you agree with ppl starting their own systems. I have 4 questions.

HI Folks, Seems we ma have gotten off track from the original thread, just wanted to post this to remind ppl about the original thread

1) What is the mininum rank a person should hold before starting their own system??

2) How long should a person have studied and or had time in grade?

3) What other requirements should a person have?

4) Should there be some type of exam board or accrediation board for testing to ensure high standards?

I look forward to your posts, all opinions and views are welcome.



HI Folks
It seems we may have gotten alittle bit off track, I merely wanted to post this as a reminder of the original thread.
Thanks and please keep your posts coming.
VSanhodo said:
HI Folks
It seems we may have gotten alittle bit off track, I merely wanted to post this as a reminder of the original thread.
Thanks and please keep your posts coming.

I don't think things are off track at all... As I said upthread, the original questions aren't the ones to be asking, necessarily. You are asking about specific qualifications, but then referencing

1) What is the mininum rank a person should hold before starting their own system??

Rank is subjective and dependent upon the art studied. The requirement for "black belt" or an equivalent grading in one art may be light years beyond that required in another art. Because of this discrepancy, the question is irrelevant and needs to be rethought...

2) How long should a person have studied and or had time in grade?

Define "studied." Studied under the direct supervision of a capable, qualified instructor? Studied via seminar attendance and "personal practice?" Studied via video tape and/or books? "Studied" is again subjective and the question needs to be rethought...

3) What other requirements should a person have?

Like what? Actual documented training to teach (be it collegiate, professional, or within the martial arts school?)? And what qualification, then, is sufficiently high to qualify them fully? Elementary school education? Middle school? Junior high? High school? College level? What about medical training of some sort? Do we stop at first aid and CPR, or is more required? Are any of these requirements really appropriate? If so, how would any one particular person enforce them (MAists aren't exactly the most fiscally sound, in my experience, and they are likely teaching MA to subsidize their income to one degree or another)? Yet again, more thought needs to go into the question.

4) Should there be some type of exam board or accrediation board for testing to ensure high standards?

Who would man this board? One of the fraudulent martial arts associations that grants "soke-ship" to anyone that pays their fees? Please... Or some external organization that has absolutely no knowledge of the workings of whatever system comes before them for evaluation? Hardly... More thought on this one, too...

I think the comments in this thread so far have been quite on track. There is more to this topic than a quick answer to four simple questions. Qualifications and authenticity in martial arts is our greatest strength and our most easily targeted weakness. There are already far too many frauds and hucksters wandering about, living in their own fantasy world of martial arts mastery, making their students call them "master" in and out of class, bowing in and out of class, etc., for the martial arts world to tolerate another 20something know-nothing to "create" his/her "new" and "original" martial art.

There is little new under the sun... I think that, for the most part, there are very few people knowledgeable enough, insightful enough, and educated enough to develop a "new" system. It does happen, I'll admit, but nowhere near as often as instructors with "new" systems would have you think...
Hi again folks

Matt, Thanks for your posts, your views are always welcome and appreciated.

In ref to your posts.

I do agree with you rank is subjective and clearly not all systems or ppl are going to have the same rank which would equal rank X in another system. I try when I start a thread to not be specific and ask general questions. My post merely asked what is the mininum rank a person should hold before starting their own system? I dont see where this is a specific question. It is merely designed to get ppl to respond. I do see your point though.

Question 2: Again I see your point. Again questions are posted in my threads for generalities. If Im point blank specific for you or someone else it may not apply for others, so I think for the average person, the point to my quesion is clear to 99% of the ppl who read it. sorry its not clear for you but again I do appreciate your post.

Question 3: This quesion is pretty clear, but if you like I will use caps to spell it out for you.
Hope that helps?
This questions is clearly subjective to whatever anyone would like to posts is fine. I dont care what ppl see as additional requirements, Its a question, it isnt hard.

Question 4: I do agree with you that there is more to this topic than 4 simple questions, No quesion about that. I see where you present numerous questions but few answers.

Thanks for your posts Matt, Your views are always welcome. I appreciate you taking the time to post. I think its fair to say I agree with most of what you have said but clearly disagree with others. Offer solutions to the questions, if your way is to present more questions and ridicule peoples threads that fine. We will simply have to agree to disagree on that point.

Thanks again

MATT, This is simply a question. I hope you get it.. Im new to this board.

What is Blades of Death Dojo Commissariat??????????

And are you a Minister???

Just asking
VSanhodo said:
I try when I start a thread to not be specific and ask general questions.

I guess I wasn't aware you were looking for a collection of opinions... I misunderstood the intent of your original post. Easy enough to do, what with the monotonal nature of electronic communication.

Question 3: This quesion is pretty clear, but if you like I will use caps to spell it out for you.
Hope that helps?
This questions is clearly subjective to whatever anyone would like to posts is fine. I dont care what ppl see as additional requirements, Its a question, it isnt hard.

No need to get snippy... In the time I've been online the issue of individuals starting their own styles of martial arts, as well as what constitutes the qualifications to do so, is a topic I've encountered all too often. And, again all too often, it is a topic started by someone with designs on letting loose their earth-shattering insights on the general public. As such, I'm usually reluctant to indulge someone on their fact finding mission to substantiate and validate their own desire to defraud the public.

I'm not stating, implicitly nor explicitly, that that is what you were doing when you started this thread. Just stating the reason for my reluctance to specify things that may "qualify" someone...

Question 4: I do agree with you that there is more to this topic than 4 simple questions, No quesion about that. I see where you present numerous questions but few answers.

I present few answers because there are few, if any, answers. Starting one's own system of martial arts could be predicated on far too many criteria than could be fully oulined. Further, there is the all too present argument regarding the luminaries of the past who started their own systems and their apparent lack of qualification to have done what they did (as measured by modern standards).

My answer to what qualifies someone to start their own system? Nothing and everything... How's that? An answer as ambiguous as the topic itself...

Offer solutions to the questions, if your way is to present more questions and ridicule peoples threads that fine. We will simply have to agree to disagree on that point.

Answering questions with questions is often the only path to understanding. As I said before, the answer is only important in context with the correct question.

The answer is 39. What is the question?

If I were simply ridiculing your post, everyone present would know of it. Your condescension is neither welcome nor appreciated. When I post, I very carefully craft what I write to say exactly what I intend it to say. Sometimes there are layers beneath the obvious wording. I won't insult your intelligence, however, by capitalizing my responses nor spoonfeeding them to you. My responses stand as presented...

Lastly, sometimes there are no answers, only question upon question upon question... It isn't always about the destination...

VSanhodo said:
What is Blades of Death Dojo Commissariat??????????

The Blades of Death Dojo is a humorous construct of Phil Elmore. A few years back, friends of Phil were "granted" titles and positions within this non-existent dojo. All the titles and positions, in keeping with Phil's Guide to Internet Trolls and his overall approach to bad budo, were hilariously over the top.

A commissariat is an old Soviet-styled division or department within the government. A commissar is typically a political officer, often empowered with the privilege of summary execution in order to enforce the party line. A minister, in the political sense, is the director or chairman of a department... Therefore, I am the "minister" of the Blades of Death Dojo's "commissariat," whatever that might be.

It is a bogus, made up, hoax title. But thanks for asking...

And are you a Minister???

Just asking

I'm ordained (if you could call it that) through the Universal Life Church... And you can be, too. Just spend about 10 minutes registering online, and you too will be "clergy." I did it just to say I had. I don't take it seriously at all, even though legally I can perform marriages, etc.

VSanhodo said:
Hi and thanks for your post

I appreciate your input. There may be some confusion here, if you are saying ppl in general trying to start their system thats fine, But I in no way have ever said I want or feel I am in anyway remotely qualifed to start my system.

I must say, Though I appreciate your posts, I disagree with your post. Your outline isnt for a person qualifed to start to system, rather it is an outline for a cookie cutter school designed to rip off ppl by telling them a person has created a system, written a course outline and calls him or herself grand pooopa.
I see alot of this in todays martial arts enviroment, I find it sad and while ppl like this do tend to make money they also give a bad name to legit martial artist. Hell, why not just go out and call yourself a doctor and perform open heart surgery. Either way you slice it BS is BS.
But once again, thanks for your views and post

No. think it through. If someone says "I'm a medical doctor" then you have an expectation of a certain education, apprenticeship, skill-level, code-of-conduct, and certification. If someone says "I'm a PhD in a brand new subject that I just made up myself" then you should evaluate their knowledge based on whatever standard you like.
You will need to improve on what you have and all all that you might be lacking. Sounds simple,but it is pretty difficult to do. Always keep in mind that all styles had to start somewhere, they didn't just happen. The key is systemizing what you have and passing it on.
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