What happened was the kids class finished and there's always a couple minutes before the adults class starts to clear the kids out and instructors to have a quick break etc. I saw I had a missed call so went outside to call back as it'd be quieter and wouldn't disturb anyone if the adults started while I was still talking. Then once I'd done I was heading back in as the parent and the kid were leaving and then that all happened.
Honestly why I have to explain in this much detail is baffling would Steve like to know what I ate before training to or what I was listening to on the radio because maybe that affected my mental state during or maybe he wants to know every detail of my phone call to know what my mood was.
Hey, we're just talking about hypotheticals here. But if it helps, in general, my point isn't why you were in the parking lot. The point is that the setting can make a difference. In general, hypothetically speaking, if you have a choice about being in the school or in the parking lot, it's helpful to be in the school. You have a psychological advantage in that you are in the place of business. You have a physical advantage in that you have people on hand to help.
So, in general, if you have to step out of the class to take a call, it's a good idea to avoid taking calls that aren't emergencies. Consider it like if you were driving.
And, I appreciate you don't like the scrutiny, but you started the thread and asked what we think. I've given up on figuring out what actually happened. I just see a couple of things that might have helped based only on what you've shared.
Also, just to be clear, the account has enough details to comment on, but everyone here is filling in gaps based on how things are done in their experience. So, bowing out a class looks different in different schools, rankings (tips/stripes), who and how rank is awarded and just about everything else is handled differently in different schools.