Started my own martial art!

Must watch MORE Enter the Dragon..... Bruce... Bruce Wherefore Art Thou Bruce..... SHAKESPEARE!!!!Â…Where the hell did Shakespeare come from???

Quote The Shaolin "Nevermore"..This should REALLy cause you to seek help...
OK have I been promoted yet or do I go and blast this so called MA, just want to know how is my training going
It was sent by horse and buggy so do I get it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If it were totally up to me I would bestow it upon you in a second...However I believe only our beloved Transended Grandmaster Infy can give out rank promotions...
I have sent two ten dollar bills, it was hard work as I had to go change some money at the nearest travel agency, then go to the post office and send it recorded delivery overseas, but I've finally made it. I have a Proof of Delivery Receipt for it too... The signature looks like "Micky Mouse" but the printed name says "Transcended GrandMaster Infy" so I shall assume that the signature is just my bad reading skills.

My two questions are now valid then,

1. Can I be a or a W.I.M.P. on the basis that I trained by watching the Tae-Kwon-Dodos 26 times or do I have to watch a Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan or Chuck Norris film? (P.S. I've seen resident Evil i and ii 6 times if that helps)

2. What is now my rank please?
I have sent two ten dollar bills, it was hard work as I had to go change some money at the nearest travel agency, then go to the post office and send it recorded delivery overseas, but I've finally made it. I have a Proof of Delivery Receipt for it too... The signature looks like "Micky Mouse" but the printed name says "Transcended GrandMaster Infy" so I shall assume that the signature is just my bad reading skills.

My two questions are now valid then,

1. Can I be a or a W.I.M.P. on the basis that I trained by watching the Tae-Kwon-Dodos 26 times or do I have to watch a Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan or Chuck Norris film? (P.S. I've seen resident Evil i and ii 6 times if that helps)

2. What is now my rank please?

If our beloved revered Transended Grandmaster Infy does not appear in a forthnight I will take it upon myself to pass out ranks..
If our beloved revered Transended Grandmaster Infy does not appear in a forthnight I will take it upon myself to pass out ranks..

Go ahead, I still got your back, even though I am a bit confused as to why the Shaolin temple is insulting cheese easting surrender monkeys in Ireland with my family
Go ahead, I still got your back, even though I am a bit confused as to why the Shaolin temple is insulting cheese easting surrender monkeys in Ireland with my family

Have another drink and don't worry about it...
Shaderon, I'll be happy to send you any certificate you require... just write those checks care of "Kacey's vacation fund" and I'll send you a certificate when I get around to it... sometime after the check clears!
Shaderon, I'll be happy to send you any certificate you require... just write those checks care of "Kacey's vacation fund" and I'll send you a certificate when I get around to it... sometime after the check clears!

My best friend/boss use to say address all checks to GATLAB...

Well in all honesty... I was hoping that in my absense we would fracture into many sub groups so I could claim to be the birth of an entire lineage of martial arts.

I'll post ranks soon my hypnosis experiment (see other posts) took up to much of my time lately sorry :)

Well in all honesty... I was hoping that in my absense we would fracture into many sub groups so I could claim to be the birth of an entire lineage of martial arts.

I'll post ranks soon my hypnosis experiment (see other posts) took up to much of my time lately sorry :)


YEA the Transcended Grandmaster Has Spoken, the splinter groups are approved!!!! I'm joining two,

Kacey the cheque is on the way my dear, I'll have the rank of "Shadow Warrior of the Infinite" if that's ok? I'll add whatever P&P charge you state, money no object for that rank! :D

A Cheque to GALTAB is on the way.

I've always wanted to cross-train in the same art :matrix:
Oh no now I'm really really confused!

I want so much to join Kacey's splinter group, she offered to take my cheque first and I am totally loyal to those people who I have something in common with.... I mean she's female!

I want to join GATLAB with Drac cos he's a man in authority as I previously stated and who am I to deny that? I'm too superficial!

But now.... Xue!! I wannabeatreeebeater!!!!! I had my first taste of beating up trees last night and I love it!!!! I beat up a tree!!!! It felt good! I know now why you do it Xue! I... I... I admit I'm sat here eyeing up the trees outside my window with a degree of malice, Oh no I can't deny the feeling any longer, I've just got to go do it.

I'll be back.
But now.... Xue!! I wannabeatreeebeater!!!!! I had my first taste of beating up trees last night and I love it!!!! I beat up a tree!!!! It felt good! I know now why you do it Xue! I... I... I admit I'm sat here eyeing up the trees outside my window with a degree of malice, Oh no I can't deny the feeling any longer, I've just got to go do it.

I'll be back.

Welcome to the dark side.:EG:
*Hangs head*

Now that you know the power of the Dark SideÂ…. And of course tree beatingÂ….

There may just be a place for you in my organization....and my plans for world domination through XUEFU the ULTIMATE martial art :mst:

Makes me just want to go out and beat a treeÂ…. Must goÂ…. So many trees... so little time

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