Started my own martial art!


The transended grand master Infinite has returned to this plane after searching the deepest parts of my psyche through chi meditiation.

I have returned to chaos and dissent! The mantel of leadership contested by those who would claim to be my loyal followers!

Return you all to the truth. Bear witness to the new insights that I provide the loyal.

1) TKDgirl is officially a member.
2) There are no pointed sticks enough witht he pointed sticks. Oh sure you may think pointed sticks are good but when someones got a hand full of rasberries and attacks you don't come crying to me.
3) We do have a logo of course it is so secret no one but me has seen it and I shall kill anyone who finds it!
4) I have learned through hours of meditation that our art is too deadly. We must seperate into two groups too be more effective.

These two groups are!

WAA -- B.S.'ers or WAA -- Brilliant Strategists
WAA -- W.I.M.P.'s or WAA -- Wise Important Masculan People

BS'er's are going to be in charge of our marketing and video's.
WIMP's will be in charge of collecting memberships and enforcing the rules.

All others who asked to join are now members and FOR THE RECORD yellow tracksuites are fine.

Carol Kur is now in charge of our Nike-ryu classes secretly in her dreams I tought her all she needs to know.

Drac is now in charge of the WIMP's

CorkyKS is now in charge of the BS'ers.

Now go forth my members and prosper!

--The Transended Grand Master Infinite
ALL HAIL the return of the Transended Grandmaster..Don't forget about your loyal tree beating servant Xue Sheng
ALL HAIL the return of the Transended Grandmaster..Don't forget about your loyal tree beating servant Xue Sheng

I have not forgotten about Xue but he offended my family and the shoalin err wait sorry.

He does not like my tree so he will have to wait.

Just make sure you list the arts on the MartialPedia, next to stooge fu and kungate.

ALL HAIL the return of the Transended Grandmaster..

Yeah yeah all hail and all that sort of stuff... glad your back and I am glad you did not fall to foul play or on teh ice or whatever else may ahve happened... but didn't

Don't forget about your loyal tree beating servant Xue Sheng

Thanks Drac... but I am still having a problem with the whole "how does this fit into a would dominated by Xuefu" thing. So I am not ready to sign up, jump on board get with the program sign up, etc.

I have not forgotten about Xue but he offended my family and the shoalin err wait sorry.

He does not like my tree so he will have to wait.


But I am rather impressed that the Transended Grandmaster may just train by watching enter the dragon as well.

And I never said I didn't like your trees, I did say that dressing them up was WRONG!!!! that is all.

I do have a question about your great art however..... will there be shouting? I rather like the shouting.
Could we see a new list of current members. I am currious to see how far up the ladder I have climbed.

An excellent suggestion....Do we have to burn insense and chat in order for the Grandmaster to hear us and consider your request???
*ahem* I'm still awaiting my apology from Xue Sheng for suggesting I had anything to do with the exalted TG's departure. Sir, you have insulted my family and the Shaolin- well, no, just me.
*ahem* I'm still awaiting my apology from Xue Sheng for suggesting I had anything to do with the exalted TG's departure. Sir, you have insulted my family and the Shaolin- well, no, just me.

"You will not agree with what I'm going to do. It is contrary to all that you have taught me, and all that Su Lin believed. I must leave. Please try to find a way to forgive me."

HEY!!!! the Enter the Dragon quotes DO work sometimes

Now I'm off to try to cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with a herring
Could we see a new list of current members. I am currious to see how far up the ladder I have climbed.

You could yes... because you see I could do it but right now I'm very busy ignoring admiration from many.

check back soon I'll release the truth again in just a few short days!

(saterday before 2pm PST for those that want specifics)


--Infy Trancended and still Cool
I do have a question about your great art however..... will there be shouting? I rather like the shouting.

Ok first you imply that I am wrong I am never wrong EVER. I am transended and my B.S.'ers will not stand by and let you besmirch my good name (I love that word besmirched).


THERE WILL ALWAYS BE SHOUTING as long as people can hear.

--Infy quiet but loud at the same time I am mysterious!

Ok first you imply that I am wrong I am never wrong EVER.

WHAT!!!! I NEVER.... well maybe just a little.

I am transended and my B.S.'ers will not stand by and let you besmirch my good name (I love that word besmirched).

I have to admit it is a great word..... besmirched


THERE WILL ALWAYS BE SHOUTING as long as people can hear.

--Infy quiet but loud at the same time I am mysterious!

OK Shouting is a plus, but I am still not convinced I can join... I would... it sounds quite wonderful.... but I have this whole world domination thing going on and I am very busy.
WHAT!!!! I NEVER.... well maybe just a little.

I have to admit it is a great word..... besmirched

OK Shouting is a plus, but I am still not convinced I can join... I would... it sounds quite wonderful.... but I have this whole world domination thing going on and I am very busy.

Oh that's easy use our quick efficient distance learning program. For 99 dollars a month and just 5 minutes a week you too can be trained in the myseterous deadly arts of the WAA. Our arts are so effective we don't need to practice its that simple!

I'll toss in my favored astra projection psychic soul punch for signing up today.

--Infy selling is selling now who the heck is buying.
If we have been a member since day one, do we get the astra projection psychic soul punch as well? I can think of a number of people I would like to be able to strike from afar.
If we have been a member since day one, do we get the astra projection psychic soul punch as well? I can think of a number of people I would like to be able to strike from afar.

All GGMM get the astra projection psychic soul punch. However Xue was going to get his sooner. I like a man who teaches trees their place.

--The Great The Wonderful Wizard of WAA -- Infy

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