Star Wars III:Revenge of the Sith

Got My Advance Day Tickets for May 19th, 12:01 am showing!!!
Palusut said:
Got My Advance Day Tickets for May 19th, 12:01 am showing!!!

YOU SUCK! sorry dont mind the jealousy here... Lucas just had to pick finals week for the opening. Bah.
dubljay said:
YOU SUCK! sorry dont mind the jealousy here... Lucas just had to pick finals week for the opening. Bah.
Ha!!! Just use your 2 1/2 hours of sleep for that night for the Movie!!! :jedi1:
Just came back from the 12:01 am showing!!!

I will say nothing but the line was almost as long as in '77!!!
Palusut said:
Just came back from the 12:01 am showing!!!

I will say nothing but the line was almost as long as in '77!!!

I just got back from our 12:00 am showing, and I will say this:

See the movie.
Sometime in LATE June... I'm not in a BIG hurry to see it... although the freakshows on the outside of the theater might be worth seeing...
MACaver said:
Sometime in LATE June... I'm not in a BIG hurry to see it... although the freakshows on the outside of the theater might be worth seeing...

Where I was at there were several women who tried to dress like Padme or Leia. Wish there was one who was dressed like Aalyra(sic)!!!
arnisador said:
My kids are out of town on a school trip so I have to wait!
No. No you don't. You do not need an excuse to see this movie.

Just got back. We'll see it at least once more in the theaters, maybe twice.
Palusut said:

Where I was at there were several women who tried to dress like Padme or Leia. Wish there was one who was dressed like Aalyra(sic)!!!

NO YOU DON'T! The women who dress up like Queen Amydala tend to also put on a good Jabba impersonation without talking.

Saw it last night, the same night i booked the ticket. I went to the only theater in Wisconsin that didn't sell out of tickets. There were actually empty seats. It was a nice, small showing, and I felt the movie was well done.
One thing that dissappointed me, was the lack of a JarJar torture/death scene. I wanted him to scream "MESA NO WANT TO LIVE NO MORE!!! PLEASE LET MESA DIE!!"

It also lived up to the Star Wars sexual innuendo reputation. Examples from the first trilogy:

Yoda: "Judge me by my size, do you?" "Mm, come! Good food! Come!"

Han Solo: "She may not look like much kid, but she's got it where it counts!" "Get in there you big furry oaf! I don't care what you smell!"

Now, in this movie:

Obi-wan: "This time, we do it together!"

I have to give the following spoiler though:

Anakin turns evil. :uhyeah:

Oh, and see the movie.
A good friend of mine gave me the hardcover version of the book. Hmm, should I read it first or see the movie first?? Hmmm decisions decisons... well if I read the book that I got for frwee then I won't have to pay the seven/eight bucks to see the movie... hmm... what to do? what to do? heh heh

Oh I sneak peeked at the end of the book... dang... he dies in the end.

They always do ya know.... this case it was Return of the Jedi... heh...
Palusut said:

Where I was at there were several women who tried to dress like Padme or Leia. Wish there was one who was dressed like Aalyra(sic)!!!
:barf: That just sounds like a "Girl, you shouldn't be wearin that," trash TV episode..., how many times have you seen far?

5 times here. :) Tally is expected to be 10 by saturday. :D
I wont criticize it. i like em all. The whole thing as a story is why I had followed. I will do a "fest", per story order, as soon as all are on video

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