Star Wars III:Revenge of the Sith

47MartialMan said:
These guys get paid to have a view apart from mere entertainment.
I dont think they get paid, anyone can dream crap like that....
Now that any die-hard "Star Wars" fan worth his lightsaber has seen "Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" at least once, what's a Jedi to do?

The end of the "Star Wars" movies leaves a gaping hole in the galaxy of geekdom. And it begs the larger question: Is the era of the superfan over?

There is always the Knighthood from the Eagle Federation..
With Star Trek pretty much dead, the Lord of the Rings over, no more Matix....yup.

I can't see a franchise at the moment that will generate that kind of fan-action.
Not even the Batman/Superman films IMO.
Better start polishing up on comic book heroes, Animine, or Harry Potter...

Strange, my dad did not like Star Trek, Star Wars, Lord of Rings...

I did "turn him on", in this order;

Bruce Lee (and films)

Kung Fu TV Series

Post Jackie chan (not the cop suey in the air-sat flioks)

Or well, we cant perform Russian Roulette with our phazers or commit Hari Keri with our Light Sabers.
bignick said:
As far as I understand it, the only canon is what is found in the movies....

Lucas has a hand in the novels as well. (Mainly just stuff "We've already had an Anakin, and Luke can never die.") Depends on how much you want Chewbacca to live I guess.

The Dark Empire Dark Horse comics would be a great Episode 7. Zahn's stuff is good, but not very screen friendly IMO.

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