Star Wars III:Revenge of the Sith

Because they're too busy creating too much evil to worry about brushing.

Hey! A new MA!! Maul Fu!


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Apparently I'm going to the convention in Indianapolis. My uber-rich bro is flying me out for the day. He REALLY wants that new action figure. Apparently you can operate all features of the toy without taking it out of the package, as well as replace the batteries. E-bay 2015, here I come! That's my retirement plan!
I've decided my costume will be Luke Skywalker in the stormtrooper outfit after he gets out of the trash compactor. Thumbs up?
psi_radar said:
I've decided my costume will be Luke Skywalker in the stormtrooper outfit after he gets out of the trash compactor. Thumbs up?
Well yeah, and here's one for your girl friend maybe?? heh heh heh


psi_radar said:
I've decided my costume will be Luke Skywalker in the stormtrooper outfit after he gets out of the trash compactor. Thumbs up?

Remember Princess Leia's comment: "Aren't you alittle short to be a stormtooper?"

do you fit this bill? If so thumbs up to the costume! If you're too tall, then I would go for the Luke Skywalker costume in the x-wing pilot outfit covered with swamp garbage after "crashing" in dagobah....

I remember going to the re-release of Star Wars and looking at the teenagers there. Then it hit me. I saw the original release in the theaters. These kids werent even alive then. Suddenly I felt OLD.
triwahine said:
Remember Princess Leia's comment: "Aren't you alittle short to be a stormtooper?"

"One thing for sure, we're all gonna be a lot thinner!" ~Han Solo IN the Trash compactor.
I didn't have the same thrill seeing the new movies as I had whan I was younger and saw the originals...but I'm 35, not 7. My kids have the same reaction and thrill and excitement that I did have way back then, and for that I will forgive an awful lot
Ya know Freep..I was just thinking the exact same thought. I havent had that "feeling" about a movie since I was a Kid. I think its one of the joys of childhood that we grow out of. No matter how much the run up or even how much I actually enjoyed the movie, I dont get that "feeling" anymore.
Tgace said:
Ya know Freep..I was just thinking the exact same thought. I havent had that "feeling" about a movie since I was a Kid. I think its one of the joys of childhood that we grow out of. No matter how much the run up or even how much I actually enjoyed the movie, I dont get that "feeling" anymore.
Same here but they (original three: Episodes 4,5 & 6) still have that magic left and I saw the "Special Editions" and A New Hope DVD and was still... enjoyable.
I probably will (waste) my hard earned $8.00 to watch the third installment if only to give me reason to dislike Lucas even more. We'll see.

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