Star Wars III:Revenge of the Sith

psi_radar said:
I just got back from Star Wars Celebration III. Lucas revealed some interesting stuff; most importantly that a Star Wars live-action TV show will be produced in the relatively near future, taking place between episode 3 and 4. Rick McCullum said that there would be at least 100 hours of broadcast associated with that show. Apparently Lucas made his final decision at the show right before he went on; R.M. later told us he was as surprised as anyone, and he's the guy who'll be doing the show.

I saw a 8- or 9-minute montage of scenes from the new film (twice), from which a lot can be deduced--though the graphic novel of the movie is already out if you want to get a good idea of what the film will look like. All I can say is wow. This promises to be the best one yet. Lots and LOTS of action. The effects are incredible; the level of detail hyper-real. The fight scenes--Mace Windu vs. Emperor, Yoda vs. Emperor, Obi-wan vs. Anakin, Obi-wan vs. General Grievous, absolutely HUGE space battles--lead me to believe there's not going to be much sniveling dialogue or painful character development. That's been done, out of the way now, and it's time to rock and roll.

People walked out of the theater after Episode 1: The Phantom Menace saying:"That was the best ever!" People walked out of the theater after Episode 2: Attack Of The Clones saying:"That was the best ever!"
Now people will walk out of the theater after Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith saying "That was the best ever!" :rolleyes:

I'll be glad when it's all over.
MACaver said:
People walked out of the theater after Episode 1: The Phantom Menace saying:"That was the best ever!" People walked out of the theater after Episode 2: Attack Of The Clones saying:"That was the best ever!"
Now people will walk out of the theater after Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith saying "That was the best ever!" :rolleyes:

I'll be glad when it's all over.

I'm not sure what you're getting at here. I'm speaking from a standpoint of effects, action, and story this episode has a lot of promise. How Anakin is transformed into Darth Vader, his descent into the dark side is the pivot point of the entire series. If you like the series at all, you've been waiting a long, long time for this. From the clips I saw, it looks like this crucial moment is treated in a way that will not dissapoint the true fans.

I for one, won't be glad when it's all over. I've had Star Wars movies to look forward to my entire life. Now that they're done, a chapter is definitely closed. If you don't like the movies, if you're annoyed by the hoopla, then don't go.

p.s. R.M. hinted that Jar-Jar meets his demise in this installment (roars from the crowd ensued.)
arnisador said:
We're only an hour from Indy and my son wanted to go, but it didn't work out for us schedule-wise.

That's too bad. It was incredibly crowded, but fun. I wanted to go to one of the Jedi training sessions just to see what MA they were teaching, but I had to pick and choose. Out of the 11 hours or so I was there (4 a.m. to 3 p.m.), I was in line for about 6 or 7, and only saw three sessions--the Lucas presentation, Concepting and Shaping, and the preview. They anticipated 20,000 people per day but I heard actual attendance hovered closer to 40,000.
Yep I am going to go to the theater opening day and knock out the first nerd that tries a Jedi mind trick on me and take his ticket. If that fails I am knocking out the first Jar Jar or storm trooper I see. lol.
I saw when RM hinted at Jar-Jar's demise, too, but my friends just heard that we wouldn't be disappointed and took it as a general statement, so I'm not sure if Jar-Jar gets it or not. We can only hope.

Anybody catch the Matthew Wood presentation about General Grievous? He played the entire fight scene between Grievious and Obi-Wan and showed how they blend the foley, voice tracks, and music together to create a scene. He also talked about how he got the part, which was a pretty funny story. Apparently, a bunch of people auditioned for the part, but George Lucas kept saying that it needed this or that. Matthew Wood kept track and decided to sneak his own voice into the tryouts under a pseudonym (because he was already on the payroll as a supervising sound editor, I think) and was surprised and a little scared that his name was picked because he thought he might get into trouble.
Xequat said:
I saw when RM hinted at Jar-Jar's demise, too, but my friends just heard that we wouldn't be disappointed and took it as a general statement, so I'm not sure if Jar-Jar gets it or not. We can only hope.

Actually, your friends are correct, though he implied Jar-Jar takes a dirt nap. Perhaps it's overly wishful thinking on my part. The various spoilers out there indicate Jar-Jar is home on Naboo to receive Amidala at the end of the film.
Mod Hat Off:

SuperShadow is not considered a credible source on several SW boards.
I read the scripts for eposiode one and two there and both were resonabley close with only a little dialogue being diffrent. He was also the first to drop the bomb about the possibility of a tv show. Alot of what he talks about are jokes sometimes it is tough to tell what he is serious about. Trust the scripts though.
Saw the first commercial yesterday. Looks like it is going to be better than I thought.

Anyhow, it looks like it is the only Star Wars ever rated PG-13, meaning it might have some darker scenes in it. Which his good.:)
Kane said:
Anyhow, it looks like it is the only Star Wars ever rated PG-13, meaning it might have some darker scenes in it. Which his good.
Yeah, probably necessary for this one.
Off topic but still funny.

You know you are a star wars fanatic when...

....You have a flashlight and pretend that you have a lightsaber (making sounds and everything)

....You ask your girlfriend to make the princess Leia's hairstyle.

.....You ask your girlfriend to use something similar to princess Leia's outfit in ROTJ.

.....All your pets have names related somehow with Star Wars characters.

.....You know the names and ranks of every Jedi in the movies.

....You know ALL the models and serial numbers of every droid in the saga.

....To the most minimal oportunity you say: "May the force be with you".

....You keep telling to your 8 year old nephew that he is the chosen one.

....You pretend that you are piloting the Millenium Falcon everytime you drive your car, and you evade the other cars as if they were asteroids.

....You often invert words in your sentences whenever you speak (Like Yoda).

....You already have your tickets for ROTS for May 19th

....You wander in the iMDB Star Wars' boards and everytime that you see a title that reads "Spoilers" you have an existential conflict wether you should read it or not.

....You already read the comic or novelization....Twice or more times!!

... every time you pick up the phone you cant help but say "TK421 why arent you at your post?"

edit: Missed one:

... You get pulled over by the police and when the cop looks at your kids in the back seat you say "these arent the droids you are looking for"


(taken from an IMDB message board)
dubljay said:
Off topic but still funny.

You know you are a star wars fanatic when...

....You have a flashlight and pretend that you have a lightsaber (making sounds and everything)

....You ask your girlfriend to make the princess Leia's hairstyle.

.....You ask your girlfriend to use something similar to princess Leia's outfit in ROTJ.

.....All your pets have names related somehow with Star Wars characters.

....To the most minimal oportunity you say: "May the force be with you".

....You keep telling to your 8 year old nephew that he is the chosen one.

....You pretend that you are piloting the Millenium Falcon everytime you drive your car, and you evade the other cars as if they were asteroids.

....You often invert words in your sentences whenever you speak (Like Yoda).

(taken from an IMDB message board)
I'm guilty for a few of those.

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