Star Wars III:Revenge of the Sith

I saw it and thought it was not very good. The fact that it broke box office records is no surprise after all it is Star Wars, or well atleast it uses the same title as the original 3. The lightsaber fights were very good, but they just cant seem to get rid of Anakin's incessant whinning. The plot was also weak imo, I was like oh is this why he became Vader, eh.
evenflow1121 said:
I saw it and thought it was not very good. The fact that it broke box office records is no surprise after all it is Star Wars, or well atleast it uses the same title as the original 3. The lightsaber fights were very good, but they just cant seem to get rid of Anakin's incessant whinning. The plot was also weak imo, I was like oh is this why he became Vader, eh.
Yeah, you are like many who cant be wowed. Always looking to pick something apart. It will never be like the very first....the comparisons of something when new verses something sequeled will always disappoint people.

I liked it. I liked the whole story of ALL.
chris... said:
Ah come on. In every movie people look for political overtures. I seen/heard about this. Lucas himself said that the info in this movie was written long before such political overtures.

If one cannot enjoy a movie for the plot-story of it...might as well scrunize it like Leonard Maltin ot Sieskel and Ebert......Geez. These guys get paid to have a view apart from mere entertainment.
evenflow1121 said:
Lol, no actually I was wowed by Kingdom of Heaven, I just expected more from SW thats all. :jedi1:
Everyone "expects" more from sequels. It is hard for sequels to out-do the original score.

Perhaps you were wowed on KOH, because you didnt know the plot or expect certain story-board situations.

Like, with any SW, there is the Force, light sabers, Dark Side, Yoda, Sith, Empire.....on and on. The story board is the same.
I look forward to see the charecters move along the story/plot.

Now mind you, now that it "all fits in", I would not care to see another one pop up to go off story board.

Isnt the whole SW, a book created by Lucas. Like all books, there has to be closure. I like reading (in this case-seeing) the whole story/plot unfold.

Of all things, I had liked Kung Fu Hustle....
Kaith Rustaz said:, how many times have you seen far?

5 times here. :) Tally is expected to be 10 by saturday.
Hmmm, $8 per ticket plus popcorn and must be nice to be so rich!

Will you be able to pull yourself away from it when I'm in town next week? We'll get some pizza if you can break away...
Well, I for one wasn't into going to see any movie more than once. It is not a financial thing, but a "time/schedule" thing. Anytime I have to see a movie at a theatre more than once, it is usually from the invite of a friend. Moreso in the past, a girlfriend wanted to go after I saw a film previously.
Yes, I very rarely see a movie twice...even if it's at home on DVD. We have Episodes I and II on DVD but I've never watched them.
arnisador said:
Yes, I very rarely see a movie twice...even if it's at home on DVD. We have Episodes I and II on DVD but I've never watched them.
Well, I may watch em over (DVD), if there is one, such anew at a theatre.

This is to look back and get into the mode and fully scope the story/plot.
I've got a large DVD collection. Average viewings is I'd say 5 time.
I tend to see a small number of films repeatedly.
EP1 - 5 times in theaters, 4 or 5 times on DVD.
EP2 - 3 times in theaters, 6-10 times on DVD
EP3 - see above
EP4 - Original version in Theaters - 25+, VHS/TV dozens. First SE - Theater 3 times / VHS twice. DVD Version twice.
EP5 - Original version in Theaters - 15, VHS/TV Dozens. First SE - Theater Twice / DVD Twice.
EP6 - Original version in Theaters - 10, VHS/TV - Dozens. First SE - Theater twice / DVD Twice.

The joys of $1 shows, matinees, student discounts, and group discounts. :)

There are 6 other films that I've seen regularly, several times a year: Wrath of Khan, Gettysburg (own originals in VHS and DVD), Patton (own originals in VHS and DVD), Wargames, Tron and the original BattleStar Galactica.

My name is Bob. I'm a geek. I refuse to change. :lol:
Kaith Rustaz said:
My name is Bob. I'm a geek. I refuse to change. :lol:
Say it loud, say it proud my man....

I've seen it twice, including opening day, which is where the real nerd bragging rights come in...I'll see it a couple more times in the theaters and once it hits the cheap seats in my area I'll be there at least a couple more times....I'll probably see it 10+ times before it hits was really good...

I think what it was is that the original trilogy had a fun and a campiness that Lucas tried to shove down our throats with the first two prequels and the "comedy" of Jar Jar and so forth. Secondly, Lucas' writing is horrible, he's a great at the technical aspects of filmmaking and he comes up with good ideas, but he should leave the writing for someone else. I think this one he just let the story play itself out and didn't try to force in the types of moments that made the original Star Wars trilogy so great. And they happened on their own....

********* MINI-SPOILER & Comments (Highlight to read) **********
Obi-Wan's little monologue at the end, after he defeats Anakin, still gives me a bit of the goosebumps. Ewan is a pretty good actor and casting him as Obi-Wan was one of Lucas' best decision in the original trilogy.

Also the moments of Palpatine interacting with Anakin are delicious...especially the one point when they are walking out of Palpatine's office, before Anakin has turned, and their figures are silhoutted and you can see it right there, the master and the apprentice walking side by side......
Well, I dont have too many DVDs. I have a lot of video (VHS) on old Kung Fu/Samurai flicks.

In fact, some I havent seen in some time until recently.

My nephew asked me to take him to see Kung Fu Hustle. I didnt think it was going to be good. Frankly, I grew weary of the common, "Flying-Through-The-Air" "Saturday Chop Suey".

But I had found that one to be amusingly funny. With pun and common genre towards past "Flying-Through-The-Air" "Saturday Chop Suey".

My nephew had requested to borrow some of my vids. A few, i had re-watch in his eager and amusing audience.

Not to mention, I had received, as a Xmas gift, both seasonal DVD packs on the Kung Fu series. Most of the episodes, I had not seen.

This kinda stuff is amusing to those who have been around in that era.

I guess what ever "floats the boat"
Get the book. While some of the dialog is well....crappy, it gives a great deal of insight into what was going on behind the scenes and in the characters heads. It makes the final fight, that much more tragic.

Robin would never fight Batman.....Kirk could never kill Spock....and the idea that Anakin would turn and become the evil he did, never occured to Kenobi.
Kaith Rustaz said:
Get the book. While some of the dialog is well....crappy, it gives a great deal of insight into what was going on behind the scenes and in the characters heads. It makes the final fight, that much more tragic.

Robin would never fight Batman.....Kirk could never kill Spock....and the idea that Anakin would turn and become the evil he did, never occured to Kenobi.
Is the book still available in original content?

I guess the early publications are harder to find?
Bought it before the movie came out....that was a test of willpower. So hard to not read it before I saw the movie. I ruined Episode I by checking spoilers online and reading the book before I saw it. For Episode II and Episode III I shut myself down for about a year prior to the release so I would have no idea what was going on.
I was flipping through the comic book version at the bookstore earlier.

Even watching the Clone Wars series on Cartoon Network helped flesh out details.

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