With the release of the new movies, we can see the original movies in a whole new light. Here for your bemusement, I present a look at the characters, when taking into account the new trilogy:
Darth Vader - Was this annoying whiney little git, who grows up, betrays his comrades in arms for a one night stand, betrays his master and joins the enemy. Eventually, he wipes out his old comrades, and kills his old master, only to find out he has a son. He then betrays his new master for his son, who, is an annoying whiney git.
Luke - The whiney, clueless offspring of his Dadas 1 night stand with royalty. Hidden away on the backwards planet that spawned his dad, Luke finds adventure with his dads old master after seeing pics of his sister, and getting all excited. Eventually, Luke finds out his dads the ultimate bad guy, and he has the hots for his own sister, he does what any self respecting man would do, he walks un armed into the enemys arms. His dad, with a fatal attack of pity after seeing himself in this whiney brat, does what any self respecting father would do. He offs his master, just so he can die of shame in his sons lap. Luke does what any redneck would do, he has a BBQ thus proving he's a true farmboy.
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Darth Vader - Was this annoying whiney little git, who grows up, betrays his comrades in arms for a one night stand, betrays his master and joins the enemy. Eventually, he wipes out his old comrades, and kills his old master, only to find out he has a son. He then betrays his new master for his son, who, is an annoying whiney git.
Luke - The whiney, clueless offspring of his Dadas 1 night stand with royalty. Hidden away on the backwards planet that spawned his dad, Luke finds adventure with his dads old master after seeing pics of his sister, and getting all excited. Eventually, Luke finds out his dads the ultimate bad guy, and he has the hots for his own sister, he does what any self respecting man would do, he walks un armed into the enemys arms. His dad, with a fatal attack of pity after seeing himself in this whiney brat, does what any self respecting father would do. He offs his master, just so he can die of shame in his sons lap. Luke does what any redneck would do, he has a BBQ thus proving he's a true farmboy.
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