I disavow all other star wars movies

Well. I do know when it was Originally released, there was no "Episode IV: A New Hope" in the title crawl. That was added later.

Star Trek is much better then Star Wars, you sound like a bunch of children arguing about single Oreo's over double Oreo's, when the rest of the world knows chocolate chip cookies kick ***.

This amuses me, it does.

Yeah...that's how it goes. :D
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Star Trek is much better then Star Wars, you sound like a bunch of children arguing about single Oreo's over double Oreo's, when the rest of the world knows chocolate chip cookies kick ***.

This amuses me, it does.

Just think about this for a second... Darth Vader vs. Spock in a Force/ Mind Meld death match.
Sitting at home channel surfing I came across my favorite childhood film "Star Wars." Having watched part of it again, I hereby disavow any and all subsequent star wars movies, including "Empire Strikes Back." Watching Star Wars just highlights the damage that Lucas did to his greatest movie when he decided to make more of them. It would be okay to make bad sequels, but the sequels reach into the original movie and do their best to wreck it. He also tarts it up with all the extra little bits that he put into the scenes, the little alien creatures, the big alien creatures, the alien creatures used for comic relief (why spend all that money to add comic relief to a near perfect movie).

The tale that Luke and leia are brother and sister and that Darth Vader is Luke and Leia's dad is just really silly. It detracts from so much of the original that it makes it almost impossible to watch. I mean, Luke had romantic feelings toward Leia, his sister. See what I mean. And the story that Obi wan told about Lukes dad being betrayed by a Jedi named Vader was much more powerful, in that less than a minute clip than the entire movie series about the fall and redemption of vader.

I have to say that the destruction of the Han Solo character's signature scene in the cantina only irritates more and more as time goes by.

So, I disavow any and all knowledge of any movies other than the original Star Wars, the original, not the directors cut.
Thank you, and good day.

Its called Not watching yer continuity when doing movies, my friend. :)
I meant to post it in the rec room but hit the wrong tab in favorites. I bet Lucas made me do it...

Star Trek is much better then Star Wars, you sound like a bunch of children arguing about single Oreo's over double Oreo's, when the rest of the world knows chocolate chip cookies kick ***.

This amuses me, it does.

Ken, you and I tend to see eye to eye on most things, but really, here you have lost it completely. One of my poor long suffering workmates made a similar statement a week or two ago, and had to live through a 15 minute diatribe from me on not only exactly how wrong he was, but why, in excruciating detail..... do you really want me to do that here as well??
All movie Cannon aside..I really enjoyed the Games... Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and (2)..although two wasn't as good as the first..

I am also looking forward to the new game, the MMO "Star Wars: The Old Republic"

Its a fun way to continue the story.
Ken, you and I tend to see eye to eye on most things, but really, here you have lost it completely. One of my poor long suffering workmates made a similar statement a week or two ago, and had to live through a 15 minute diatribe from me on not only exactly how wrong he was, but why, in excruciating detail..... do you really want me to do that here as well??

Are we talking Oero's vs. Chocolate chip cookies?
Or Star Wars vs. Star Trek?

I will not give ground on the cookie debate, chocolate chips rule the day.

As for the SWST debate, all are not equal. ST like SW has produced "better" series/movies, while at the same time produced substandard pieces as well.
For SW, I loved ESB
but for ST I'll take First Contact and DS9 anyday.
Oh, no, you're completly right about the cookies, no question about it!

On the SW/ST question, however..... er, no. Diatribe time? Okay!

Star Wars is based in classic mythology, same as LOTR, and is a retelling of the lessons that guide and shape the values of a society. It gives lessons and allegories for the journey through life, the path from youth to adulthood, the twists and turns that we take, the roads travelled both desired and forced, the wealth that such experience can offer, and the truth of choice versus fate.

Star Trek is about how nice is would be if we all got along.
Star Wars is based in classic mythology, same as LOTR, and is a retelling of the lessons that guide and shape the values of a society. It gives lessons and allegories for the journey through life, the path from youth to adulthood, the twists and turns that we take, the roads travelled both desired and forced, the wealth that such experience can offer, and the truth of choice versus fate.

Star Trek is about how nice is would be if we all got along.

Classic mythology?? You mean from the 1930”s for LOTR and the 1960’s for SW?

So a story has to be based on some underlying current of meaning for it to have more validity then another?

And ST has better looking female charactersÂ….

Do you hear me arguing about the ladies?

And, in terms of mythology, no, I'm talking actual classical mythology here, LOTR is based in various Creation Myths, as well as the Hero Myth, and a range of others thrown in along the way. Star Wars is mostly the Hero Myth, but there are other rites of passage aspects thrown in, and the story arc hits the specific points in the correct places in the correct order as well.

And, no, it doesn't have to have some undercurrent as such, but it certainly does give something much greater resonance.... let's face it, Star Wars isn't what it is due to the dialogue or acting!
Sitting at home channel surfing I came across my favorite childhood film "Star Wars." Having watched part of it again, I hereby disavow any and all subsequent star wars movies, including "Empire Strikes Back."

You are dead to me.
Do you hear me arguing about the ladies?

And, in terms of mythology, no, I'm talking actual classical mythology here, LOTR is based in various Creation Myths, as well as the Hero Myth, and a range of others thrown in along the way. Star Wars is mostly the Hero Myth, but there are other rites of passage aspects thrown in, and the story arc hits the specific points in the correct places in the correct order as well.

And, no, it doesn't have to have some undercurrent as such, but it certainly does give something much greater resonance.... let's face it, Star Wars isn't what it is due to the dialogue or acting!

Better a good steal than a bad idea....

Tolkien wrote LOTR in (as I recall) Wales which is steeped in myths and legends, at the eve and around WWII (much of Nazi Germany is said to have found it's way into the story)
It's epic, everybody knows it
So somebody else grabbed the story and ran with it. Happens all the time. If it's bad we call it fan fiction....
(World of Warcraft has taken a lot of ideas from both LOFR and Star Wars....)

The art is to make your remake look fresh.

(and the thing about the women...:lfao:)

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