I disavow all other star wars movies

You are so easy to get going sometimes Chris…..:angel:

I don’t watch movies or TV to learn about “things”, I watch TV and movies to be entertained. I have 2000+ books right behind me, and I have my little computer beside me to help when I need to know “things”.

I find SW and ST both entertaining, one I need to focus a bit more to know what is going on, the other I just enjoy the moments as they are presented to me on the screen. Like a book, sometimes it’s a cheap paperback and at other times it’s a serious discussion on a subject of interest.

To me the history the writer(s) used as source material in creating their piece is of no consequence, I ask myself, “did I or did I not enjoy the experience?” Was the acting good? Was the FX good? Was the story presented well? It all gives us an experience to enjoy or not. Had I taken theatre or screen writing at school the details would matter more to me than they currently do.

And it helps having pretty ladies on screen……:)
Ha, I'm really not arguing about the ladies.... (but next time you put a pic up, T'Pol would be, uh, appreciated....)

The role that Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and other mythological story-telling take are the role that traditional story-telling had in the village. It's a part of societal growth and maturity that is missing in many ways from today, mainly because people do just go for "hey, it's entertaining" instead. Both are great, both are necessary, and both have their place. But the myths are more important. So I win.

EDIT: Oh, and the films being based in mythology to give lessons to the society is not about learning "things", it's about learning life. A bit different. But we may be getting a bit deeper there than we need to....

{Shakes head as if to clear away a fog} Sorry, got distracted there ... what were we talking about? :angel:
In line with Chris's request, let's see if I can do this tricksy image embedding thing ...


... this may only work for as long as my image-hoster is logged in, so let me know if it turns into a 'Red X'.

By the way, a word of warning to my fellow Sci-Fi fans - when doing an image search for Jolene Blaloc you get some surprisingly, erm, 'frank' is perhaps the word, results. Probably best not to do such a search whilst at work or with your missus looking over your shoulder :eek:.
Educating ourselves or our children about life is not the role of cinema. Yes it can present a film of such profound meaning that it affects us in a meaningful way, and in fact can change our lives by opening our eyes, but it is story telling on screen. Our ancestors told stories around the hearth, using gestures and enunciating words specific ways to evoke deeper meanings, all weÂ’ve done is use our technology to bring such tales to the screen.

It is the role of parents, grandparents, neighbours, teachers, and experience to teach us the lessons of life, we need to interact with life to learn about life. Sitting in a theatre watching a profound film may validate or invalidate our already constructed beliefs, but I doubt the film will have such an affect as to change the lives of most people watching.

Though given the right set of circumstances TÂ’pol could affect my life in a powerful and meaningful wayÂ….

Educating the young generation about the values of the society, and guiding them through the passage towards adulthood has typically been the providence of the community itself (far less the parents than most realize, though...), and one of the primary ways such guidance has been given and passed down through the generations have been these myths and stories. The cinematic version is really just the latest technology for it, really, as the older, traditional methods are less and less seen today. The loss of these myths and the accompanying guidance that they brought has been a big part of the issues that recent (primarily following the Industrial Rwvolution) generations have suffered from, so I'm not about to underestimate or undervalue such stories however they are told.

Have you seen "Reign of Fire" with Christian Bale and Matthew McConoughy? It's set in a future where dragons have returned and pretty much wiped out most of society, and technology. A community, led by Bale, is keeping alive as best they can, trying to keep their values alive, and are putting on plays to tell some of their most important stories. The one chosen is Star Wars, as it fits the role perfectly.

When Viggo Mortensen was asked why LOTR was so important to people he answered "Because it's a true story". This is what the true myths are. Star Trek was Gene Roddenbery's idealized future, where greed and discrimination was forgotten. That's why the original crew was made up of all different races (American, Russian - in the 60's, no less, Japanese, a woman, and an African American one at that, even an alien in Spock). It was a show about tolerance and working together, which is a great ideal to have, a wonderful aim to work for, but it was an expression of individual values, whereas a myth addresses the universal truths in each life.

Seriously, Star Wars wins.

I do appreciate the T'Pol's, though guys....
In line with Chris's request, let's see if I can do this tricksy image embedding thing ...


... this may only work for as long as my image-hoster is logged in, so let me know if it turns into a 'Red X'.

By the way, a word of warning to my fellow Sci-Fi fans - when doing an image search for Jolene Blaloc you get some surprisingly, erm, 'frank' is perhaps the word, results. Probably best not to do such a search whilst at work or with your missus looking over your shoulder :eek:.

"This girl is in her working clothes"
~~and with a swing of her hips...
Yes, Star Trek Rules!

Lessee... here's every star trek episode ever summed up:

Captain, Something Bad is happening!

We... need... tofixit! (or "Numba One, Make it so!", take your pick)

Captain, If I modulate the frequency of the (Torpedo, tricorder, warp engines, Holodeck, Transporters, sheilds, Phasers) we will all be saved!


Or... Ho Hum, seen it last week.

If it's all about the eye candy watch something like the damn playboy channel.

And besides... Laura Prepon was way hotter in her Princess Leia outfit on that 70's show than she could ever be in a Starfleet uniform.

You nerds.
If it's all about the eye candy watch something like the damn playboy channel.

{Hands Cryo a bottle of gripe water} Drink this then you might not be so grumpy! :lol: {realises far too late that there is an extreme kettle & pot situation here :D}.

I quite agree that it is about much more than the pretty ladies in the films/programmes.

Mind you, to not belittle the importance of that part of the appeal of the two sci-fi greats ... here comes the science bit {but science that is probably NSFW}:


At their base, Star Wars is heroic mythos, as has been most eloquently stated earlier in the thread. Star Trek is a broad church of morality plays on the human condition. For me, both are entertaining and emotionally engaging - so they both win :tup:.

You nerds.

Aye. More letters after my name than are in it = guilty as charged on that one :o. Never got those two letters in front of my name tho' - something to rectify perhaps? Always fancied being really addressed as "Doctor" {being nicknamed Professor at school doesn't really count :(}.

So as such, I should mention that the scientific research linked to earlier may be fraudulent (according to Snopes) - which is a great shame :(.
Yes, but we're all missing the important issue here... Cryo, the Cosplay Leia on the far right, er, got any contact details? Purely for research, you understand, getting one of the involved to speak their mind, that sort of thing......
I'm Deputy Quadrant Commander, Dark Vengeance Quadrant, Klingon Assault Group.

That and $2 will get you a drink at a fast food place. :D
Yes, Star Trek Rules!

Lessee... here's every star trek episode ever summed up:

Or... Ho Hum, seen it last week.

If it's all about the eye candy watch something like the damn playboy channel.

And besides... Laura Prepon was way hotter in her Princess Leia outfit on that 70's show than she could ever be in a Starfleet uniform.

You nerds.

Three words... 7 of 9

nuff said!

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