Forgot you'd said this, thought I'd add my .02.
The J.W.'s aren't "Christian". They do not believe that Jesus is the son of God.
Amongst several other reasons, they are not a "Christian" sect.
Your Brother
Well you'd better tell Wikipedia, the BBC and the JWs themselves as they quote on their site.
"Jehovah’s Witnesses are members of a worldwideChristian religion who actively share with others information about God, whose name is Jehovah, and about his Son, Jesus Christ. We base our beliefs solely on the principles found in the Holy Bible and view first-century Christianity as our model."
"Are you Christians?
Yes. We follow Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and put faith in the ransom sacrifice he provided for the salvation of mankind. We imitate his example in preaching and teaching and in our dealings with fellow humans. We also look forward to living in true peace on earth under his heavenly Kingdom."'s_Witnesses