Hi, I was doing a defensive drill, and thought to try the above named deflection. I had watched a number of videos and learning the move was not hard. In fact the movement is very similar to a defensive movement I already new. I was using what is called the Inside Parry, here is a video of it. http://www.myboxingcoach.com/boxing-techniques-parry-punches-lead-hand/
Now having done the soto uke,(inside body block in TKD I think) in my drill I encountered a similar problem that I have with my parry. When I employ it, it tends to redirect my opponent, making it more difficult to counter attack with my rear hand. SO far the only real counter I can use is a rear straight(right cross) to the face. I thought about employing a Long hook off the rear side, but I don't have enough practice on the rear hand hook to employ it effectively.
Now, im adding the block to my defensive skill set because I like the attributes of it. Sure im having problems using my skillset to deal with the forcefull redirection of the opponent, but seriously that's a good thing. My opponent was off balance and no threat for that moment. Secondly, its like a hammer strike to the forearms. I would imagine using that at full speed, in self defense or in a cagefight would hurt a lot(or worse) for my opponent.
So, I am in need of training suggestions. Are there other tactics I should be considering over just employing a rear straight? How about trapping with the rear hand and going for a throw? I know I will ultimately have to sort this my self, but having things I can try in my defensive drills is a great thing for me. Im wide open to suggestions.
Now having done the soto uke,(inside body block in TKD I think) in my drill I encountered a similar problem that I have with my parry. When I employ it, it tends to redirect my opponent, making it more difficult to counter attack with my rear hand. SO far the only real counter I can use is a rear straight(right cross) to the face. I thought about employing a Long hook off the rear side, but I don't have enough practice on the rear hand hook to employ it effectively.
Now, im adding the block to my defensive skill set because I like the attributes of it. Sure im having problems using my skillset to deal with the forcefull redirection of the opponent, but seriously that's a good thing. My opponent was off balance and no threat for that moment. Secondly, its like a hammer strike to the forearms. I would imagine using that at full speed, in self defense or in a cagefight would hurt a lot(or worse) for my opponent.
So, I am in need of training suggestions. Are there other tactics I should be considering over just employing a rear straight? How about trapping with the rear hand and going for a throw? I know I will ultimately have to sort this my self, but having things I can try in my defensive drills is a great thing for me. Im wide open to suggestions.