new blocking question

Originally posted by Angus

Didn't you say that you've only been training for 5-6 months? That's less than him.

I'm also of the don't block/eat the attack unless you have to. There are so many ways to go around the attack and still set yourself up for an attack that I'd much rather do that. I don't like the jab/cross block that MTP posted the picture for (the double pillar block) because a) he should've had his hands clinched, which shows he wears gloves a lot, and b) it's too slow to effectively counter with your hands after using that, so they'll either know legs or coming or will see the punch from a mile away. It's pretty rarely used outside of pure boxing.

I hate to ask this due to driving everyone nuts:rolleyes: , but would that go for palms in as well? If so, what type of blocking for jab/ cross do you prefer?
right, 6 months is all ive done but its better than bouncing around. bouncing around arts.....the techniques overlap.

cfr, i prefer my hands to be a fist with the palms not exposed. the knuckled facing upward, my backhand is facing to the sides(left/right)

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