Sorry 'bout that!


2nd Black Belt
Hi guys and gals!

Sorry I've been out of the loop for a while. Long story short, I had something really bad happen, I moved to California, I quit kung fu, I descended into depression and alcoholism and heavy cigarettes smoking, I gained a ton of weight back. So that's the bad news.

The good news; I don't drink or smoke, and I'm back in classes working my butt back to true form. I'm now studying a MMA, "Kajukenbo". Doesn't even matter what it is, I'm excersizing and I'm practicing. Even though I lost the ability to do 50 push ups on my fingertips it appears I haven't lost much of my balance or technique.

My Sifu was aware that I trained before and how much, so he just sorta tossed me into classes and had a black belt work with me on refining the basics. The comment made was "It's clear you are already a skilled martial artist." This comment is part of why I feel remotely worthy of returning to Martial Talk. I'm a martial artist again, woohoo. Skilled, ehhh.. I'll get back to ya in 5 years on that.

So, anyhow.. My beloved toyota is gone along with pretty much everything I owned, so now I ride a motorcycle. I live in the East Bay in California where it never rains. If there are any martial talk members who live within 100 miles of Fairfield/Suisun get ahold of me. I need practice partners to kick my butt!
Welcome back. Glad you pulled yourself together again before it was too late.

Just wait until about November. It will start raining, and sometimes it never stops until June.
Shoalinwind glad to have you back and glad to hear about giving up all that nasty stuff like smoking.
Anyway you sound like you are happy and that is what is important in one's life.
Congratulations on finding a way out of your problems - that takes real strength! Welcome back - I look forward to getting to know you. :asian:
Welcome back!

First, and foremost, you recognized that you had some problems, and second, you're doing something about it. With those two things in mind, I have all of the faith in the world, that you're going to come out of this stronger than ever.

Best regards!
Welcome Back!!:)

Glad to hear things are going better with you now!!

I have the utmost respect for ya, man. Welcome back to the fold and don't forget that there are always folks here willing to listen if you need to talk for a minute or two.
We will all fall down at some point in our lives. What is more important is picking ourselves back up. Glad to hear the good news in your life, and your return to training. Things will only get better from here. :)
Greetings and Congratulations! I recently returned to training after a long haitus and it feels soooo good! *grin* I am sure you must feel very proud of your recovery!

Hello, Life is not easy....the thing is we (as individuals) believe it only happens to us ( living life today)...Everyone has struggles....but we must believe and keep on going..even if it means to looseing everything.

You realize you are a winner and you brought yourself and self-worth back..this is GOOD.

Starting over is never easy.... the first step. Funny as life goes start to live again..fully and enjoy the new life style you have.

Every advisery is a seed to a greater benfit.....things time things will get better...sometimes....GREATER!

Welcome back..keep up the the right things...and the right things will happen to you............Aloha

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