Soldier defies President.

I personally have no problem with our president, I did not vote for him but he is our President. I think that the Lt in question, since he is actively serving our country, should be able to say what he wants. He probably has more rights to it than I since I've never served in the Military nor put my life on the line for my country. With that in mind he should understand that he will have to face the consequences of his actions what ever they be Dis-Honorable discharge, jail , loss of benefits or a trip to Disney Land.
I was just pointing out that there are two different types of birth records
1 certificate of live birth 2 birth certificate. There is no problem in getting a certificate of live birth but the birth certificate is the original.
Yes legally they are the same weight but one is filled out at the time of birth the other is a copy.
The state of Hawaii (as other states do) verify the original document and then certify an abstract. The original document, in the state of Hawaii, is not a public document, hence they will not release it to anyone other than family - but if that document isn't on record, they cannot issue the abstract.
Just to put one thing to rest - and this is what bothers me the most. AND the reason that military members aren't allowed to do things like this. People in this post and I'm sure around the country have somehow connect ONE soldier, who is breaking the law, to the rest of the military.

Let me assure you all. This is ONE solider. His personal views DO NOT reflect those of the entire military. Believe it or not, we all have our own political opinions and affiliations, but we are responsible enough to keep them to ourselves and follow orders.

I don't want anyone thinking that solderS are questioning legitimacy or orders. This is 100% FALSE. One SOLDIER is question legitimacy and not following orders. He is wrong in every sense of the words and his actions should not reflect on the rest of the military.
That is great news !!! I have never trusted that weasel from day one.

I hope more men and women in uniform join Lieutenant Easterling because the Constitution says our U.S. Armed Forces are to fight foreign or domestic enemies. The president is not exempt from this ' American only ' clause. It was put in place for a good reason and that should be common-sense too.

I also say replace the entire people who screened the eligibility of the presidency because they did such a poor and a very dangerous job for the American people.
Questioning the president and the will of the people? Treason.

You are right the LT. in question is one man with one opinion.

I have the utmost respect for the Lady's and gentlemen that serve in the Military. I also appreciate what they do every day for us.
The state of Hawaii (as other states do) verify the original document and then certify an abstract. The original document, in the state of Hawaii, is not a public document, hence they will not release it to anyone other than family - but if that document isn't on record, they cannot issue the abstract.

As far as I know (I could be wrong) Hawaii (as well as other states) will not release original documents at all. They are property of the state, stored in archive. This is why, legally, a certified copy is the same weight as what is filled out at the time of birth.

There is no law that says anyone has to like the fact that legally, they are the same weight. Also no law saying that one has to like our President. But, that is an entirely different argument.
The state of Hawaii (as other states do) verify the original document and then certify an abstract. The original document, in the state of Hawaii, is not a public document, hence they will not release it to anyone other than family - but if that document isn't on record, they cannot issue the abstract.

That's what I thought.
I personally have no problem with our president, I did not vote for him but he is our President. I think that the Lt in question, since he is actively serving our country, should be able to say what he wants. He probably has more rights to it than I since I've never served in the Military nor put my life on the line for my country. With that in mind he should understand that he will have to face the consequences of his actions what ever they be Dis-Honorable discharge, jail , loss of benefits or a trip to Disney Land.

Well I did serve in the military, and relevant for this purpose, that included a couple years as a military prosecutor.

No, people in the military can not - and should not be able to - publicly say anything they please. They give up some freedoms when they volunteer to protect ours.

Officers are not entitled to have their own back up checks run of the entire military and civilian chain of command.... just imagine the consequences were they allowed to review court records, DNA samples, fingerprint papers before doing their duty. This guy has no legal grounds to stand on. None.

Officers may not engage in conduct unbecoming an officer, in conduct detrimental to good order and discipline and they may not engage in open politics. In egregious cases, the conduct may constitute disobedience of orders or even mutiny.

Officers may be Dismissed from the Service as a result of a General Court Martial, or they may be allowed to resign their Commissions - the very likely outcome here. He will then be made into a faux folk hero by those who are exploiting him at present.
The problem is that he's not a Republican.

Now that is where it gets very interesting, since the original person to bring up Mr. Obama's birth certificate was individuals from his own party. A man by the name of Philip J. Berg was the person to bring it into question and he is Democrat.
This man should not be a martyr after he is released from service - or put into Leavenworth (hopefully). Me should be a bad example of how predjudice and political opinions can interfere with reason, good judgement, and reality. Seriously, people need to give it up. The election is over, he is president. Like it or not. As others have said, if he wasn't a minority and his middle name wasn't Hussein, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Well I did serve in the military, and relevant for this purpose, that included a couple years as a military prosecutor.

No, people in the military can not - and should not be able to - publicly say anything they please. They give up some freedoms when they volunteer to protect ours.

Officers are not entitled to have their own back up checks run of the entire military and civilian chain of command.... just imagine the consequences were they allowed to review court records, DNA samples, fingerprint papers before doing their duty. This guy has no legal grounds to stand on. None.

Officers may not engage in conduct unbecoming an officer, in conduct detrimental to good order and discipline and they may not engage in open politics. In egregious cases, the conduct may constitute disobedience of orders or even mutiny.

Officers may be Dismissed from the Service as a result of a General Court Martial, or they may be allowed to resign their Commissions - the very likely outcome here. He will then be made into a faux folk hero by those who are exploiting him at present.

This is almost word for word the same as our military laws. We have 'prejudicial' instead of 'detrimental' but the meaning and the spirit is exactly the same.
To have otherwise leaves our countries open to military coups.
Now that is where it gets very interesting, since the original person to bring up Mr. Obama's birth certificate was individuals from his own party. A man by the name of Philip J. Berg was the person to bring it into question and he is Democrat.

Oh yeah-the guy who filed a RICO case against George W. bush and 155 other people for their complicity in the 9/11 attacks.

Too bad we don't have a tinfoil hat smiley
This man should not be a martyr after he is released from service - or put into Leavenworth (hopefully). Me should be a bad example of how predjudice and political opinions can interfere with reason, good judgement, and reality. Seriously, people need to give it up. The election is over, he is president. Like it or not. As others have said, if he wasn't a minority and his middle name wasn't Hussein, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

I dunno about that. I think that if the Republicans had something like this against Clinton in the 90's it would have made the rounds as well. The race card is far too easily played without some proof that the guy is a racist.
I dunno about that. I think that if the Republicans had something like this against Clinton in the 90's it would have made the rounds as well. The race card is far too easily played without some proof that the guy is a racist.

Courts have decided that nobody 'has something' on Obama. I'm thinking if there was any substantive legal question, the Chief Justice of the United States would not have sworn President Obama in.

If memory serves me... When Clinton was in office, a General (Singlaub?) did refer to him derisively and publicly as ' our dope smoking skirt chasing draft dodging commander in chief'. Now even though those things happened to be true, an officer then - and now - has no business making such statements. He was speedily forced into retirement.
Just to clarify..I dont think there is any substance to this Obama birth stuff. My reference was just to say that I think that this has more to do with politics than race.