Interesting road, there.
Life is a series of choices. I also went to a private college, a choice that I would definitely do differently if I had the chance to do it over. As it turned out, that school was just not the right place for me, but I stuck it out and got through it.
However, a series of events that happened because I was there got me into scuba diving which landed me in the Bahamas for a couple months after I graduated. It also got me exposed to capoeira, which ultimately lead me to move to San Francisco where most of the good capoeira schools were located in the mid 1990s, which lead to meeting my wife at the capoeira school, and also lead to me building my life on the West Coast and taking some vacations on Maui. Being in San Francisco gave me exposure to a lot of martial arts, including some that are pretty rare in the US, including Tibetan White Crane, which is my thing now.
So even tho that school was the wrong choice for me, a lot of good things came out of the fact that I was at that school, things that likely would not have happened if I had gone to one of the other schools I had been considering at the time.
Funny how that works.