Purple Belt
This thread goes kind of hand in hand with the My new car Thread. I am by no means an expert on buying new cars but I have bought more than a few cars and trucks in my life. Seven if you only count my personal purchases and I have helped many of my friends to get a better deal. I also wanted to say that this is just my suggestions and I welcome any and all to post there ideas. I just got tired of getting the short end of the stick when I went to a dealer. So I sat down and made a game plan and I figured I would post it here.
First and foremost never, never, never trade in a car/ truck if you have one you need to rid yourself of to get your new car sell it outright. If you trade in a car that is what I like to call the Golden Gate for the dealer and you will have a one night stand and the dealer will not call the next day.
Once you are free and clear of the car you needed to sell you are ready to get on the net and decide what it is you cant live with out. Once you have made a decision on what car/truck you want DO NOT go to the dealer, dont call a dealer not yet.
Now before I get into the good stuff I wanted to say some of this may seem a little shady or just plain rude. But keep in mind the dealer in there to make as much as he/she can and they will cheat, lie, do what ever they need to in order to separate you from your money. And they are not your friend, they ask questions to use against you when you talk to them. But I will get more into later in this.
Ok so now you have picked a car out and have not been to the dealer you are now ready to do two things. One get your own financing, two log onto www.fightingchance.com . Most finance places will overnight you a check and it is very easy to do. The website is the best $39.00 you can spend they will give you very accurate pricing for every option, dealer kickbacks and all kinds of cool stuff.
Now for the fun part time to visit a dealer after you have located the car you want and hopefully you have your check in your back pocket. You have a folder with your (Fighting Chance data) a Calculator, and a pen and paper. Be very careful at this point, the dealer will ask what I like to call tag questions. They are geared to profile you and compile information to use against you. Such as do you have a trade in? What would you like your payments to be? How much are you thinking about putting down? All dangerous questions as the trade in thats easy if you followed the first part of this you sold your old car. On the payments question BIG RED FLAG. That sets you up in a bad way. If you told them I want my payments to be around $400 per month and say you qualified for a low interest rate then your payments would be lets say $340.00 but since you told the dealer you could live with $400.00 they will just play with the price of the car until your payments are $400. And rake you over the coals since this is all hidden in the shell game.
Ok so you went to the dealer and were careful to not give away to much info and you have a car in mind and you are ready to talk price. Keep in mind when you were making small talk with the dealer you never said that you Would finance from them but you DID NOT tell them you have a check in your back pocket. Go ahead and let them run your credit since you have a check in your pocket. This will not hurt you if your score is a little lower from a check on your credit. And this gives them an idea of where you stand credit wise and they start to play their game. Once they have your credit score they will look at your interest rate that was offered. Say you qualified for %6 the dealer now can sit down and work up a price on the car. If you argue the price they will lower the price but (they secretly raise you interest rate) to recoup what they lost on price. The ole shell game. That is where you hammer them to the wall here in a min. Once you have a price that is fare. You will never get dealer hold back 3% that they get from the manufacture but you can get real close to True invoice price. They will really hound you to make a commitment to buy today. Well that is when I tell them I can have X truck for X price today. They say yes to those terms I say ok sign this paper that says I can have X truck at X price today. They sign the paper and CUT their own throat. I then pull out my handy check and ask who do I make this out too. At that point they generally turn green then red and I still have to run the gauntlet of the finance dept. Now they will try real hard to sell all kinds of crap like under coating, detail, sticker removal. You name it they want to recoup some of what they just lost.
But like I said in the beginning I am no expert and I welcome all other tips and advise. I have also never been a car salesman and I mean no disrespect to anyone who is. I have just been to a lot of rodeos.
First and foremost never, never, never trade in a car/ truck if you have one you need to rid yourself of to get your new car sell it outright. If you trade in a car that is what I like to call the Golden Gate for the dealer and you will have a one night stand and the dealer will not call the next day.
Once you are free and clear of the car you needed to sell you are ready to get on the net and decide what it is you cant live with out. Once you have made a decision on what car/truck you want DO NOT go to the dealer, dont call a dealer not yet.
Now before I get into the good stuff I wanted to say some of this may seem a little shady or just plain rude. But keep in mind the dealer in there to make as much as he/she can and they will cheat, lie, do what ever they need to in order to separate you from your money. And they are not your friend, they ask questions to use against you when you talk to them. But I will get more into later in this.
Ok so now you have picked a car out and have not been to the dealer you are now ready to do two things. One get your own financing, two log onto www.fightingchance.com . Most finance places will overnight you a check and it is very easy to do. The website is the best $39.00 you can spend they will give you very accurate pricing for every option, dealer kickbacks and all kinds of cool stuff.
Now for the fun part time to visit a dealer after you have located the car you want and hopefully you have your check in your back pocket. You have a folder with your (Fighting Chance data) a Calculator, and a pen and paper. Be very careful at this point, the dealer will ask what I like to call tag questions. They are geared to profile you and compile information to use against you. Such as do you have a trade in? What would you like your payments to be? How much are you thinking about putting down? All dangerous questions as the trade in thats easy if you followed the first part of this you sold your old car. On the payments question BIG RED FLAG. That sets you up in a bad way. If you told them I want my payments to be around $400 per month and say you qualified for a low interest rate then your payments would be lets say $340.00 but since you told the dealer you could live with $400.00 they will just play with the price of the car until your payments are $400. And rake you over the coals since this is all hidden in the shell game.
Ok so you went to the dealer and were careful to not give away to much info and you have a car in mind and you are ready to talk price. Keep in mind when you were making small talk with the dealer you never said that you Would finance from them but you DID NOT tell them you have a check in your back pocket. Go ahead and let them run your credit since you have a check in your pocket. This will not hurt you if your score is a little lower from a check on your credit. And this gives them an idea of where you stand credit wise and they start to play their game. Once they have your credit score they will look at your interest rate that was offered. Say you qualified for %6 the dealer now can sit down and work up a price on the car. If you argue the price they will lower the price but (they secretly raise you interest rate) to recoup what they lost on price. The ole shell game. That is where you hammer them to the wall here in a min. Once you have a price that is fare. You will never get dealer hold back 3% that they get from the manufacture but you can get real close to True invoice price. They will really hound you to make a commitment to buy today. Well that is when I tell them I can have X truck for X price today. They say yes to those terms I say ok sign this paper that says I can have X truck at X price today. They sign the paper and CUT their own throat. I then pull out my handy check and ask who do I make this out too. At that point they generally turn green then red and I still have to run the gauntlet of the finance dept. Now they will try real hard to sell all kinds of crap like under coating, detail, sticker removal. You name it they want to recoup some of what they just lost.
But like I said in the beginning I am no expert and I welcome all other tips and advise. I have also never been a car salesman and I mean no disrespect to anyone who is. I have just been to a lot of rodeos.