Here is an old write up I haven't even proof read in awhile to be honest.
Three Kata
From front position, right foot out on elbows with open hands. Right foot steps back to 6 oÂ’clock and draw left foot into cat stance while circling hands counter clockwise until right hand is in upward open block and left hand is equal to face with arm at 45 deg.
From left cat stance half moon in right with right open hand scoop block, then left open hand scoop block, continue with right hand spear poke low and then left spear poke high. Follow up with left front kick.
From left half moon stance turn 180 deg and draw into right cat stance while executing right scoop block. Step out with right foot into half moon stance and execute a right back punch. Sweep right foot counter clockwise 360 deg while lowering your height zone by bending knees coming to rest facing 6 oÂ’clock in a squatting position. Push off floor and jump into right double front kick landing in left half moon stance. Immediately deliver right back kick landing in left half moon stance.
From left half moon stance execute right low block inward palm up while chambering left hand to right shoulder then deliver left low block outward palm down. Right foot steps up on line and pivot 90 deg to 3 oÂ’clock. Repeat low blocks. From left half moon stance turn into twist stance facing 12 oÂ’clock. Right foot steps back to half moon stance and execute right then left tigers claw returning right elbow straight back, then draw to left cat stance and anchor elbows with tiger claws still formed. From left half moon stance turn into twist stance facing 9 oÂ’clock. Right foot steps back to half moon stance and execute right then left immortal man finger strikes while returning right elbow straight back, then draw into left cat while anchoring elbows with immortal mans still formed.
From left cat stance step left foot out into half moon stance and grab outward with left hand. While balancing on left leg execute right front kick, back kick, side kick landing in horse stance facing 9 oÂ’clock. Immediately cross left foot in front of right and circle hands in front counter clockwise coming to rest in twist stance facing 6 oÂ’clock with right open hand in upward block and left open hand face level with arm at 45 deg. Execute left side kick and return kick to previous position, step back right into side horse and return hand position as in twist stance.
From left side horse stance execute combination #26. After executing right knife hand slide right foot back toward 3 oÂ’clock and pivot body clockwise coming to rest in right half moon stance facing 12 oÂ’clock. Immediately execute right low block followed by left front punch.
End form by half mooning backward with right foot into horse stance, crossing open hands above head, right foot meets left into front position. Bow.