I really enjoyed everyones view on 1 kata. Lets see if we can get the ball rolling on two kata. Again I am only putting down one basic application per sequence and leaving out any of the intricacies in the transitions from one sequence to the next so that we can all share our views.
2 Kata
Sequence 1: Step back using opposite hand dropping palm into chicken wrist and follow up front kick.
Attack: cross side wrist grab
Grab is made to left hand, left foot steps back drawing left hand to chamber (turning attackers elbow up) executing right dropping palm to elbow. Track up the arm with chicken wrist to face and follow up front kick.
Sequence 2: Right side kick to 4:30, scoop, spear, knife to 1:30.
Attack: two attackers, one at 1:30 the other at 4:30
Execute combo #7 to 4:30 returning your kick to face attacker at 1:30. From right punch step back right executing a left open hand scooping block (dragon tail, waiters handÂ….) immediately flowing into a left spear to throat. Step in with right knife to temple
Sequence 3: see 1 kata orÂ…Â…use as hip throw
Left hand controls attackers right hand, right arm hooks under left armpit. The motion of drawing into cat is used to thrust hip in toward attacker throwing them over.
Sequence 4: chain punches
Left outward block to left punch exposes ribs for right punch
I actually see similarities between this sequence done as a whole and the AK technique Twirling Wings used against a rear choke. Basicly replace punches with roundhouse elbows.
Sequence 5: Back kick to 12 oclock, side kick to 9 oclock, step up to horse grab and punchÂ…..
Self explanatory
More of a balance lesson to me, kicking in two different directions without putting your foot down.
Look forward to your views.JT