SKK Combos

Here's my take on#1: (I practice each of mine again a stepping in r/foot overhand r/hand punch: then again against a L/foot forward lunging r/hand straight punch...Forces my to use the same technique using a modified block...) Against the overhand strike: r/hand cross palm block with the right hand striking the faceinto the eye socket/nose with an inverted palm, the hand continues to move outside the body encircling his right with a "snaking wrap", the right hand strikes across the the face hitting the same general area again, the same hand comes back and strikes to his r/side of face with a "chicken wrist or Ox Jaw" strike, Come back into the throat with a tiger mouth strike bending himover backwards...step behind him with your r/leg (horse stance) FORCE HIM TO THE GROUND...tear out the throat, front 2 knuckle punch face sword hand to the throat...step back into a guard stance 90 degrees from opponents head. If the attack is straight in I change the first strike to a spear poke to the throat...(block accordingly) finish as usual...
The moves for me are the same but the timing and attack are different. the first parry is for a RT front kick. as you step back in, LT hand blocks RT hook and wraps arm while striking face at same time with palm. The bent wrist then comes back to side right away and blocks a left hook, instead striking the face. next take down and finish right punch chest, right knife hand neck.
I end the same beginning is different:
Left sword block & right hand back punch to the eye crown/jaw....
DM #25

Start with Palm on top of ridge hand guard. Step right leg back or shift weight to right leg if starting form half moon followed by left downward palm block. Right spear to throat area then left cross hand shuto to throat. Left hand grabs lapel. Rt. ccw palm then cw palm. Left palm to jaw then right palm to jaw while the muscle is stretched.

This DM uses one of the same principles as Kata 2. Turning the neck tenses the Sterno Mastoid muscle. On DM 25 you use this to make the person move more on the last palm. On Kata 2 you use it to make the right shuto to the neck knock the person unconcious easier since the muscle is pressing against the artery. On kata 2 the left spear can turn the head as it is retreating from the poke to neck.
DM #25

Start with Palm on top of ridge hand guard. Step right leg back or shift weight to right leg if starting form half moon followed by left downward palm block. Right spear to throat area then left cross hand shuto to throat. Left hand grabs lapel. Rt. ccw palm then cw palm. Left palm to jaw then right palm to jaw while the muscle is stretched.

This DM uses one of the same principles as Kata 2. Turning the neck tenses the Sterno Mastoid muscle. On DM 25 you use this to make the person move more on the last palm. On Kata 2 you use it to make the right shuto to the neck knock the person unconcious easier since the muscle is pressing against the artery. On kata 2 the left spear can turn the head as it is retreating from the poke to neck.

This is how I have the technique, with one minor change, I move inward, not back to begin the technique. First movement, in or back, can be determined from the aggressiveness of the attacker ... a gauge so-to-speak. Personally I lean towards inward movement.
This is how I have the technique, with one minor change, I move inward, not back to begin the technique. First movement, in or back, can be determined from the aggressiveness of the attacker ... a gauge so-to-speak. Personally I lean towards inward movement.

Interesting. What footwork do you use for the inward version?
Final Strikes on 20 - Does anyone have reasons for where they strike? I.E. on DM 4 immortal mans to the eyes creates intense presure on the temples than you strike the temples with the trigger fingers or trigger fingers to the temples "bugs" the eyes out then you stick immortal mans in them.

I have front punch to temple then shuto to nose to end 20. I don't recall ever hearing a reason given for the strikes besides there nice targets.

Anyone have variations and/or reasons?
My variation is only the last strike....sword to the throat ....
DM #25

Start with Palm on top of ridge hand guard. Step right leg back or shift weight to right leg if starting form half moon followed by left downward palm block. Right spear to throat area then left cross hand shuto to throat. Left hand grabs lapel. Rt. ccw palm then cw palm. Left palm to jaw then right palm to jaw while the muscle is stretched.

This DM uses one of the same principles as Kata 2. Turning the neck tenses the Sterno Mastoid muscle. On DM 25 you use this to make the person move more on the last palm. On Kata 2 you use it to make the right shuto to the neck knock the person unconcious easier since the muscle is pressing against the artery. On kata 2 the left spear can turn the head as it is retreating from the poke to neck.

FV version:

Draw in a left cat and downward palm block with the left hand. Right hand spear hand poke to the throat as you step in with the left foot. Left crosshand shuto to the throat. Right willow palm strike to the temple followed by a left willow palm strike to the temple. That's it.
FV version:

Draw in a left cat and downward palm block with the left hand. Right hand spear hand poke to the throat as you step in with the left foot. Left crosshand shuto to the throat. Right willow palm strike to the temple followed by a left willow palm strike to the temple. That's it.
The way we do 25 is very similar. Instead of drawing back into a cat, we step forward and to the left with our left foot into a left half-moon stance + left downward palm block + Right knife hand strike to the collar bone.
Left cross knife to throat
Right glancing palm to face circling to the left
Left palm heel strike to face + Left knee buckles attacker's left knee
FV version:

Draw in a left cat and downward palm block with the left hand. Right hand spear hand poke to the throat as you step in with the left foot. Left crosshand shuto to the throat. Right willow palm strike to the temple followed by a left willow palm strike to the temple. That's it.

i have two small differences. the cat stance is done by stepping to 5:00 therefore your hips are angled to 11:00 the block and strike happen at the same time. and my reverse knife is to the plexus. I originally had it to the throat but Prof.I does it to the plezus. and with the buckle

i have two small differences. the cat stance is done by stepping to 5:00 therefore your hips are angled to 11:00 the block and strike happen at the same time.

If I am understanding your posts, you never step toward 6:00 when moving back. I would assume that is so you are not lined up with the opponents energy. Is that correct?
DM(Combo) # 26
Right step back or half moon with #2 knife hand block. Step right foot toward 11:00 with right side leopard's paw to bicep shoulder separation or rising leopard's paw to armpit. Circular footwork ccw then left glancing elbow through ribs while right hand grabs the groin(grab the pants to be kind to your practice partner). Sweep opponents leg with both hands. Press opponents leg toward chest with left back hand then right shuto to groin.

I look at 26 like an advanced DM #2 so to speak. If you do the elbow/chicken wing on DM 2 to hard they fall over before you can sweep, which is fine felling is felling to a certain degree. If you don't hit them hard enough to move their weight to the heels you shouldn't sweep(in my opinion). Since you are holding their groin on 26 they don't fall.

This technique would seem to work nicely from an overhead strike you could just step in with the leopard paw instead of having to cross the left punch zone after moving back.

Any thoughts on Club use with this DM. I don't like the idea of not controlling the weapon arm, but even if they don't drop the club from the leopard paw would their ability to strike be diminished with the strikes and positioning we're using?

21 Seems to me like it would be more appropriate to a club since your doing multiple strikes to the arm and then following up to the base of the skull for a posible knockout.
If I am understanding your posts, you never step toward 6:00 when moving back. I would assume that is so you are not lined up with the opponents energy. Is that correct?

correct, stepping into a cat stance i mostly do not back up to six o'clock.

DM(Combo) # 26
Right step back or half moon with #2 knife hand block. Step right foot toward 11:00 with right side leopard's paw to bicep shoulder separation or rising leopard's paw to armpit. Circular footwork ccw then left glancing elbow through ribs while right hand grabs the groin(grab the pants to be kind to your practice partner). Sweep opponents leg with both hands. Press opponents leg toward chest with left back hand then right shuto to groin.

I look at 26 like an advanced DM #2 so to speak. If you do the elbow/chicken wing on DM 2 to hard they fall over before you can sweep, which is fine felling is felling to a certain degree. If you don't hit them hard enough to move their weight to the heels you shouldn't sweep(in my opinion). Since you are holding their groin on 26 they don't fall.

This technique would seem to work nicely from an overhead strike you could just step in with the leopard paw instead of having to cross the left punch zone after moving back.

Any thoughts on Club use with this DM. I don't like the idea of not controlling the weapon arm, but even if they don't drop the club from the leopard paw would their ability to strike be diminished with the strikes and positioning we're using?

21 Seems to me like it would be more appropriate to a club since your doing multiple strikes to the arm and then following up to the base of the skull for a posible knockout.

. i step forwards with the left leg to 12:00 and pivot my hips ccw to 11:00 with the leopard paw strike. (a sort of a step drag. i find it gives better uniformity of motion and power for the strike). As i step through i like to give a forearm strike to the bicep, the elbow i do angled downwards and not glancing as in combo 2. Done the way i do it the shuto is doen before the uke hits the ground.

Our version of #26 inserts a strike to the solar plexus just before the strike to the armpit, otherwise, it is identical.
DM(Combo) # 26
Right step back or half moon with #2 knife hand block. Step right foot toward 11:00 with right side leopard's paw to bicep shoulder separation or rising leopard's paw to armpit. Circular footwork ccw then left glancing elbow through ribs while right hand grabs the groin(grab the pants to be kind to your practice partner). Sweep opponents leg with both hands. Press opponents leg toward chest with left back hand then right shuto to groin.

I look at 26 like an advanced DM #2 so to speak. If you do the elbow/chicken wing on DM 2 to hard they fall over before you can sweep, which is fine felling is felling to a certain degree. If you don't hit them hard enough to move their weight to the heels you shouldn't sweep(in my opinion). Since you are holding their groin on 26 they don't fall.

This technique would seem to work nicely from an overhead strike you could just step in with the leopard paw instead of having to cross the left punch zone after moving back.

Any thoughts on Club use with this DM. I don't like the idea of not controlling the weapon arm, but even if they don't drop the club from the leopard paw would their ability to strike be diminished with the strikes and positioning we're using?

21 Seems to me like it would be more appropriate to a club since your doing multiple strikes to the arm and then following up to the base of the skull for a posible knockout.

I learned 26 from a guard stance, so there was no step back. I learned it as a left outward knifehand block to the wrist and grab the wrist. Step in with the right foot and do a leopards paw strike to the shoulder to start your opponent on the backwards motion. Spin CCW, elbow to the sternum/collarbone with the left as you follow with a tigers claw to the groin with the right. Sweep the leg with the left hand at the ankle and guide so you are on the inside of the legs...basically, have the knee as a check on the inside of the leg and the left hand is checking the ankle. Shuto strike to the groin, cross out and go on guard.

26 can be used as a side club technique but you have to modify the footwork.
I am similar..weight shift right time his punch, left sword block arm, r/hand sword to his RIGHT clavicle, wrap the arm, the takedown is done with another sword to the left Clavicle while hawking the leg, Finish with the 3rd sword across the throat again at the clavicle joining point (pit of the throat).
DM#18 - There are at least 3 versions of the attack. T-Shirt version, Wall Version, Resistance/Whiplash. Does anyone have other variations?
Here's my take on 18: r/foot steps right to 4:00 left snap kick to groin as the l/hand does a downwards crane block similar to # 8 block,step towards opponent working against their centerline,strike with inverted ridgehand to the carodid as the r/hand delivers a driving sword to the heart, l/hand hooking cranes' strike to back of neck pull opponent down into double driving knees, as you land drop a downward elbow to the spine, strike with inverted sword to the l/side neck (jugular), crane jump back into stance as you l/foot snap kick the face.
For 10 you could use a stop kck, however i keep a strong aiki flow with this combo.

for 16 by stepping to 2:00 th arm thing is neutralized, also, a kick to the bladder can help extend thier arms also

What I do for 10 is my l/hand does an upwards lifting block (cranes' wing) I get control of the arm by getting a fast block in place while simultaneously stepping forward w/my l/foot outside their foot(encircle their arm), delivering an upwards palm to the chin, circle the hand @ and deliver a ridge to the groin, uplifting palm ( at one time called white ape offering fruit) snapping the head back, continue pressing the head back and over, slide your r/foot behind them and take them down directing their head between your feet. Most of my takedowns like this take out both feet not just one...the difference is it becomes a very violent takedown...hard to practice without your partner knowing or they freak out....not knowing how to land...try it carefully....
USSD 22: Step behind the opponent with the left foot while doing an open handed 5 block and spear hand poke to the neck (caratid artery) with the left hand while grabbing a hold of the wrist with the right hand. Bring the left arm across the throat . There are 2 ways to do the takedown. One is to sweep with the left leg while pushing them backwards with the left arm. The other is to do a hip displacement with the left's hard to explain. Either way, let go with the right immediately. Right heel kick to the ribs, right ball stomp to the solar plexus, turn towards the right, knee with the left to the solar, palm to the face and groin and jump off.

FV 22: Openhanded 5 block, 6 block, spear hand to the throat with the right, crosshand shuto with the left. Sweep with the left and follow thru to do an axe kick to the ribs of the downed opponent.
I have it 2 ways the old FV way was very similar to what you listed...6 & 5 rising sword blocks 6 blocks at the wrist, 5 just above the elbow, while the l/hand spearpokes the throat, l/hand sword arm across the chest as your l/leg sweeps his r/leg, after teh takedown spin cclockwise deliver l/braising heel kick to the ribs rising up then stomping downward with twisting side kick into the throat..
What I do here is r/cross palm/#6 swordblock, step forward r/inverted (palm down) spear to the throat same r/hand takedown and finish...

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