Signs your Ninja training might be questionable at best

Uh, Mac1964? Might I suggest using the "Quote" function? I'm not sure what any of your last three posts here are in reference to....
1- Your instructor is named "Master Sony" or "Master Magnavox".
2- Instead of training at a dojo, you train in your living room in front of the tv.
3- You want to be just like Sho Kashugi when you finish training.
4- You consider Michael Dudikoff an inspiration.
5- You bought your training gear at Walmart.
6- You have studied carefully the works of Ashida Kim, Count Dante or HaHa Lung.
7- You have a certificate showing a mastery of Dux-Ryu, Tew Ninjitsu or trained at the Golden Dragon Dojo in WNY.
8- You spell Ninjutsu, ninjitsu.
9- You made up your own art.
10- Terms in your made up art are in your own made up language.
11- You consider training to involve throwing yourself against trees at 2 am.
12- You're ideas are constantly ridiculed on web forums populated by serious practitioners.
13- You are a student of Ashida Kim, Rick Tew, Frank Dux, Robert Bussey or Soke Calkins.
14- The hell with that tradition stuff, pass me the nunchucks!
15- You think real ninjas walked around with ninja-tos, in black outfits and disappeared in puffs of smoke.

Add yours :lol:
Walmart sells Karate gear? Sweet!
I think the point here, Josh, is Franks claims (completely unsubstantiated) of anything to do with Ninjutsu, the fact that his stuff looks nothing like anything authentically Japanese, and so on. If you enjoy the training, that's one thing, but to claim it as Ninjutsu is a huge red flag to those of us that train in the real thing. Oh, and before you try saying that we can't disprove his claims, remember the sticky at the beginning of this forum for what is accepted as Ninjutst here (from the sticky "Newbies Posting on Ninjutsu, Please Read):

The mean-sprited and false allegation that my claims go unsubstantiated resulted in SOF magazine being named a defendant in a lawsuit of libel and slander. Exhibit evidence proves up my expertise.

People can make all the allegations that the world is flat. But that doesn't stop it from being round and, likewise, the same holds true for myself.

In terms of real martial arts vs. martial-talk; where more fighting is done through keystrokes than by way of getting down and dirty on the matt, if your looking for acknowledgement, then let me refer you to my being named a source contributor on pg. 10 of US Navy SEAL SpecWar CFC manual (k431-0097). A court exhibit that speaks volumes over hyperbolized allegation, speculation and hearsay in terms of measuring the myth from REAL NINJUTSU! Attached is an article that might shed light on the reality.


  • Artesia Daily Article copy.webp
    Artesia Daily Article copy.webp
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Hi Frank

I'm a little new to this site so we don't really (virtually) know each other. I love the focus that you put on helping people avoid drugs and focus on positive growth - awesome work!

I read the article and was curious as to what your training in ninjutsu was? The article suggested that you'd built your own art based on observing many styles, but didn't mention any study in ninjutsu

Also I had a look at the award of "Order of Saint Michael, Knight Chevalier" from the Police Hall of Fame, Miami because that's very cool & as a Brit I love the idea of this. Unfortunately I could find any entry for that award or anyone named Dux on the Police Hall of Fame awards database. Perhaps there's an error or some other explanation?

Thanks loads and sorry if this is going over old ground for you
I'll have you know I take my ninjitsu training very seriously. As a 15th degree black belt I find this post vulgar and offensive. Also just plain disrespectful. I'll have you know I don't throw myself at trees at 2:00am. I practice my ninja poses until 2:30am. Then I practice hiding for the next 15 minutes. Then I throw myself against the trees.
I'll have you know I take my ninjitsu training very seriously. As a 15th degree black belt I find this post vulgar and offensive. Also just plain disrespectful. I'll have you know I don't throw myself at trees at 2:00am. I practice my ninja poses until 2:30am. Then I practice hiding for the next 15 minutes. Then I throw myself against the trees.

Ah, you were hiding. Damn Ninja invisibility cloaks.
Hi Frank

Any chance you could respond to my earlier post

Perhaps it got lost behind some of the other posts here



Hi Frank

I'm a little new to this site so we don't really (virtually) know each other. I love the focus that you put on helping people avoid drugs and focus on positive growth - awesome work!

I read the article and was curious as to what your training in ninjutsu was? The article suggested that you'd built your own art based on observing many styles, but didn't mention any study in ninjutsu

Also I had a look at the award of "Order of Saint Michael, Knight Chevalier" from the Police Hall of Fame, Miami because that's very cool & as a Brit I love the idea of this. Unfortunately I could find any entry for that award or anyone named Dux on the Police Hall of Fame awards database. Perhaps there's an error or some other explanation?

Thanks loads and sorry if this is going over old ground for you
The mean-sprited and false allegation that my claims go unsubstantiated resulted in SOF magazine being named a defendant in a lawsuit of libel and slander. Exhibit evidence proves up my expertise.

People can make all the allegations that the world is flat. But that doesn't stop it from being round and, likewise, the same holds true for myself.

In terms of real martial arts vs. martial-talk; where more fighting is done through keystrokes than by way of getting down and dirty on the matt, if your looking for acknowledgement, then let me refer you to my being named a source contributor on pg. 10 of US Navy SEAL SpecWar CFC manual (k431-0097). A court exhibit that speaks volumes over hyperbolized allegation, speculation and hearsay in terms of measuring the myth from REAL NINJUTSU! Attached is an article that might shed light on the reality.
What are the chances you could show the page from said k431-0097 manual?
What are the chances you could show the page from said k431-0097 manual?
Chances? Slim to none. It doesn't exist. The navy seal community is a small group and more open today then ever before in regards to what goes on. There was a time when they were open to training with anyone. There was no official combatives program. So everyone and their brother might be invited down to show what they did.

All this aside navy seal combatives and a magazine article is not a form of Menkyo Kaiden or proof of such.
Chances? Slim to none. It doesn't exist. The navy seal community is a small group and more open today then ever before in regards to what goes on. There was a time when they were open to training with anyone. There was no official combatives program. So everyone and their brother might be invited down to show what they did.

All this aside navy seal combatives and a magazine article is not a form of Menkyo Kaiden or proof of such.
Yeah, I know, But a boy can dream can't he? I mean a real life CIA asset who teaches the SEALs how to be badass doesn't show up in my life everyday.
Hi Frank

Any chance you could respond to my earlier post

Perhaps it got lost behind some of the other posts here



I was presented the Knight Chevalier Award in April 1993 from National Association of Chiefs of Police, Police Hall of Fame in MIami, FL. I understand other Hall of Fames exist so it depends on what data base your searching and when they started posting data... Regards to Ninjutsu training I was trained by and consulted with many sources as this is only "tradescraft" and NOT A CLASSICAL MARTIAL ART as others have been misled to believe.