You Might Be a fluffy bunny ninja

Thats funny, When I first saw that picture I thought of the bunny suit christmas present Ralphie got in the movie A Christmas Story.
Since this thread seems to have come back to life recently, I thought it'd be fun to share a link a friend sent me. I think we can say as long as you are one of these guys, you fit the bill perfectly

I can see that in my absence these lessons have been forgotten.

I give to you yet another installment of "You Might Be A Fluffy Bunny Ninja"

If you once saw Georgia on a map, and it was purple, You Might Be A Fluffy Bunny Ninja.

If you train daily by running around in your black pajamas and diving through old truck tires, You Might Be A Fluffy Bunny Ninja.

If you ignore repeated corrections on your fantasy ideas of ninjaness, You Might Be A Fluffy Bunny Ninja.

If you think the Ask A Ninja guy is serious, You Might Be A Fluffy Bunny Ninja.

If you were offended by the Ameri Do Te episode on Ninjas, You Might Be A Fluffy Bunny Ninja.

If you've been banned from a message board after asking about how to vanish in a puff of smoke, You Might Be A Fluffy Bunny Ninja.

If you use internet forums as notebooks where everyone says "Huh?" after you post something, You Might Be A Fluffy Bunny Ninja.

If you watched GI Joe and learned your ninja skills from Snow Shadow, You Might Be A Fluffy Bunny Ninja.

If on your Shodan certificate it's signed by Lo Wang, You Might Be A Fluffy Bunny Ninja.

If any of these fit you, stop, seek help. Operators are standing by at legitimate schools around the world. Put away your fantasy ideas, find a real instructor in a legitimate historical lineage and learn the correct way to be a real ninja. Being a ninja is not for everyone. Constant exposure to ninjas may cause your family to die horribly when attacked by a rival clan. Ninja training may cause an aversion to sunlight and a desire to hide in shadows. Some trainers in ninja arts may develop paranoia and a funny walk. If your walk does not return to normal within 4-6 weeks, seek further instruction on how to blend in with society. Ninja training does not come with a warranty. Shinobi void where prohibited by law.
If you watched GI Joe and learned your ninja skills from Snow Shadow, You Might Be A Fluffy Bunny Ninja.

Especially this one because your translation of the show/movie might be off... You'd be MUCH better off learning from Storm Shadow ;)