Neo-Ninja Training Camp

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Jeff Boler said:
It seems to me that if you had multiple schools teaching their own thing, then the original art form could potentially be lost in the mix.....

I and others have thought about this before. But Hatsumi has made sure that those around him and in line for potential succesion know the whole enchilada. As long as the branches overseas make honest effforts to keep coming back to the source, I have little fear that there will be parts lost like that to the world. The branches that choose to not make honest efforts will have to deal with the potential of them not maintaining the whole total.
Bujingodai said:
I will ask the schools attending if they ahve any issues with you being at the summit. If not I will pay your attendance, food is included with the summit as well as accoms if you can't get them yourself. You would be pretty impressed with the spead Falcaro Sensei has, well I am.
So let me know and I will get the ball in motion
The summit is April 15,16,17. There were alot more schools coming but now so far we have Falcaro Sensei and the Godaishin Dojo, The Nindo Ryu, My group, Wagner Sensei, King Sensei and the Sanucus Ryu (pardon the spelling) I am not sure but there is a few more possibly lined up.
What I'm thinking, is that I'd probably be able to make one day of the summit, likely on Saturday. As I said, I'm willing to act as uke for any of the instructors, and I'd also like permission to videotape. As for conflicts, there will only be one if one of the people I act as uke for decides to try and "teach me a lesson."
Afterwards, I will post in this thread with an account of my experience.

I doubt too much that there would be anyone there to "teach" anyone a lesson, and any reaction to someone doing that is worthwhile. No need for anyone on any side to be a jerk about it.
I think personally it would be great. We originally had a kan, Chris Watson invited but some schools had some issues with it. Those schools are no longer attending. I think it would be nice, even to be able to have some constructive chat about the event.
Odds are you'd see something that doesn't seem so good, may well see some things that may shed a better light on some of the schools.

Jeff what is your email address and I can continue the info there and set things up for you. I want to send you a clip via email of one of my guys in action as well. Not to see if it is good or bad, just would like a critique. If that would be OK. I would love any help you can give me.
Bujingodai said:
Jeff what is your email address and I can continue the info there and set things up for you. I want to send you a clip via email of one of my guys in action as well. Not to see if it is good or bad, just would like a critique. If that would be OK. I would love any help you can give me.
You can email me via my profile. I try to avoid posting it as the spam spiders will pick it up...

Kreth said:
As I said, I'm willing to act as uke for any of the instructors, and I'd also like permission to videotape. As for conflicts, there will only be one if one of the people I act as uke for decides to try and "teach me a lesson."

Good idea. The Nindo ryu is supposed to go to that thing, and you can ask Jeff Mueller about what happened to him after he trained with them and reported back that they were not all that great.

Definately keep a video copy of everything that goes on.
gee, I wouldn't want to get the wrong idea as to why this is happening.
If the intention is to come and disprove, to attend with that mindset to come and collect info to publicly smash the groups. No, I won't have it.
However anyway Jeff I will email you from this point on.
BTW, I will also be having words with all of the schools involved. In the lines that no one need to come with prove it attitude. It happens rarely, but even between the indies some like to show their dominance.
Bujingodai said:
I do also train under Jackson Wagner and David Falcaro .
Gibb Sensei is not currently, nor has ever been a student of Falcaro Sensei's. He has participated in a few joint seminars and is a friend but this does not make him a student. This will be the only post I will make.
Jacob Fouts, Uchideshi
Godaishin Dojo
Godaishin said:
Gibb Sensei is not currently, nor has ever been a student of Falcaro Sensei's. He has participated in a few joint seminars and is a friend but this does not make him a student.
Jacob Fouts, Uchideshi
Godaishin Dojo
"Uchideshi", eh? So you live at your teacher's house and pay for training by doing cooking, cleaning and other chores for him? Awesome.
Play nice. It is obvious that someone started using things (like language and terms) he had no true knowlege of as he set himself up as a head of a ninjutsu system. We are kind of used to that. But please just tell them that and don't make trouble for us moderators.
Correct, Jacob is right. I am not a student of the Godaishin Dojo, I do mean exactly what he states. Cross training. Sorry if I made it look any other way, not my intention. I do "train" under Wagner Sensei though. Falcaro Sensei has "taught" me things, so I guess I misworded it.
Kizaru said:
"Uchideshi", eh? So you live at your teacher's house and pay for training by doing cooking, cleaning and other chores for him? Awesome.
I can vouch for Jacob. He does live at his Sensei's house and does chores and stuff like that. Jacob is the friggin man. A really BIG friggin man! lol He can bring the pain for sure! Nice guy as well!

Hope to see ya soon man! I can't make the summit but I will be around there sooner or later.
HonshinWarrior said:
I can vouch for Jacob. He does live at his Sensei's house and does chores and stuff like that.
(The following is taken from the "Animal List")
Below are links to various professional sites that give not only the warning signs of cults, but also members' behavioral patterns. We invite you to take a minute and follow them. Many of the warning signs mentioned there can be applied to much of the behavior you see on Internet forums. And if you are really unlucky, you will see it in your martial art school.
Links to "warning signs of a cult" Web pages Cultic Studies Journal FactNet Religious Movement Resource Center Ross Cult Information Centre (UK)

(snip) The thing is: People who are willing to be used are often willing to use others.

This brings us back to the idea that volunteers don't work for free. As they are being used, often such people are using the group for their own agenda. Cults are a two-way street. Both the cult leader and the member are getting something out of it.

HonshinWarrior said:
Jacob is the friggin man. A really BIG friggin man! lol .
So is that like, "Michael Jackson big" or more like Tom Hanks' "BIG"?

HonshinWarrior said:
He can bring the pain for sure! Nice guy as well!
How does he pull that off? Does he put ball bearings in the morning muffins for the master instead of blueberries?!?!?

Maybe someone can give him a plane ticket to Japan and he can bring me some coffee.
Why do you have to be like that? It is not like a cult at all. I have been there. Falcaro Sensei has the coolest house I have ever seen! Jacob is a very large guy! He is tall and strong and is an excellent martial artist (THAT is how he is big) He helps out when he is needed.
HonshinWarrior said:
Why do you have to be like that?
Basicly because I don't care much for martial arts schools with big egos, nor do I have much patience for cults. For me, the first tip off is when a non-Japanese crowns themselves with a title like "Sensei" , "Shihan" , "Uchideshi" , "Unko Kui No Hito" or whatever.

I read your reply, then your PM to me, and I thought, "okay, maybe that was a cheap shot". Then I did a little digging...the following quotes are all taken from David Falcaro's web page

"Be careful what you wish for..."

HonshinWarrior said:
It is not like a cult at all.
(From Falcaro's
"Uchideshi (Literal translation “live-in devotee") The role of an Uchideshi is to have a life devotion to the art as well as one to the Ryu, Sensei, and Dojo."
That first line sounds a bit cultish to me...what about you?

"An Uchideshi focuses mainly on his own training and caring for his Sensei."
Why does the "sensei" need caring for? Can't he take care of himself? Why would one want to learn survival and protection skills from someone who can't take care of themselves?

"He is an apprentice that has given his heart to the warrior arts."
Sounds romantic...

"To be an Uchideshi one must be hand picked by the Sensei to live with the Sensei."
Like the "chosen" lived with David Koresh in Waco, Texas?

"This person holds a unique position with the Sensei."
I'm not even going to comment on what "position" I think that is...


"The training of an Uchideshi is quite different then that of a Kyu."
Later on it's stated that the literal translation of "Kyu " is “martial student“. Which is a completely incorrect statement altogether. "Kyu" in Japanese means (literally) "grade, class, degree or level". Here's the proper kanji if you want to check yourself... 級

"There is not a point during the day where the Uchideshi is not in training from when he awakes to when he falls asleep at night, even while he dreams,"
Even when he dreams?!?! Sounds like brainwashing to me...


"Training that would normally take nine years to complete; the Uchideshi must do in three."
You've GOT to be kidding me.

"The Uchideshi’s Giri (duty) is to more then just keep up with the training; it is to push the Sensei to teach him more. Another aspect of his Giri is to care and support the Sensei in all ways."
Here we go again!

"An Uchideshi’s vocation is similar to that of a Knight’s Page. They live in the Sensei’s shadow."
So the grand sensei wants people "living in his shadow"? Does that sound like an ego problem to anyone here but me?!?!

"They alone may speak for the Sensei. They are able to demonstrate on the Sensei’s behalf, constantly being groomed by the Sensei to become a sensei."

"An Uchideshi is as close or closer to the Sensei then his own blood family."
Now THAT is scary...

"An Uchideshi is often considered the next Sensei because becoming one is an oath that seals one's fate."
"Seals one's fate"?!?! Wait, let's look at that again...yep, that's what it says, "an oath that seals one's fate". Maybe I'm living in crazyland here, but that statement makes my spider senses tingle...

HonshinWarrior said:
I have been there.
It's good you got out alive! Don't eat the muffins!

HonshinWarrior said:
Falcaro Sensei has the coolest house I have ever seen!
I'm very happy for him. Being a home owner is an accomplishment, especially at his age...

By David Falcaro's own admission ( "Our Sensei" section)
"In 1984, at age seven I started my training in an American blend of Karate/ Kung-fu."

2005 - 1984 = 21 years; 7 years old + 21 years = 28 years old in 2005. And he's the head of his own complete system at 28 years old....I dunno, I think I have more respect for him being a homeowner...
Please do not make judgements and assumptions like that. Especially when you obviously never spoke to him. David Koresh was a complete whack job that had control over his weakminded idiot followers. Falcaro Sensei has a bigger heart than anyone I know and is well respected by his community. I am not going to get into this any further as it is giving me a headache. lol
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