Signs your Ninja training might be questionable at best

"Koga is a medieval term designating a Japanese region and Yamabushi is an indigenous people within that region I never made such a claim other than it is a Ryu (flows from) root source"-Frank Dux
"I never said there was an ancient Koga Yamabushi Ryu teaching Ninjutsu"-Frank Dux

Frank Dux is Sōke(宗家), a Japanese title meaning "head of the family," who may grant his own Menkyo kaiden-
"Someone tells you they have a Menkiyo in Ninjutsu and not the line of succession is a red flag of ignorance which you display here."-Frank Dux

My Budo (trans. "Way of War") is "Dux Ryu" that as its founder and head of family I have the authority to issue a document of transmission in my way Dux Ryu... Ninjutsu is again a 20th Century umbrella term denoting ancient rooted and stylized "tradecraft." There exist no Menkyo for NInjutsu in and of itself is what I was referring to, understand better?

Here's the example a person says "Im a 10th Degree in Karate... and have a Menkyo for Karate in and of itself without naming which style aka Budo is a red flag. Someone says they have a Menkyo in a particular form of Karate (Goju, Kyokushinkai, etc.) is more appropriate.
you know what ...i do think this is the real Frank now. to be honest i was kind of argumentative because i felt these posts were from an impostor just trolling to be annoying,so i was being annoying back. but at this point i do not think it is an impostor. i felt the real Frank Dux would have better things to do in life then make posts like these but i do not think an impostor would go through so much trouble to show these "evidence" posts.
so i apologize for that.
that being said, its rather sad that you spend your time arguing with people about things that do not really matter.
yeah yeah,, its your reputation. but i think you might find if you stop making a big deal out of everything that people really dont care about who you trained under or who you taught in the past.
i do not mean that as a slam but rather to point out that all i care about is learning something from these forums. most often we learn the most here, not from people trying to "teach us something" but from our own investigations into our own belief's and questioning ourselves. i do think it is sad that you have spent maybe the last 30 years arguing and trying to convince people of your authenticity. like i said in the beginning past accomplishments are really irrelevant. it is the content that people care about. look at someone like Rory Miller. who the heck is Rory Miller ? what has he done? he was a correctional officer just like the other 434 thousand officers. but his message is what people liked and connected with. so now he is a leading figure and well respected, what is so special about him? well nothing really. but i have paid good money to work with him.

i get it. back in the early 1980's accomplishments really meant something lots of people embellished because there was no way to refute their claims. but look at someone like Villari his entire chain collapsed to rubble. he is now a joke.
lots of people created their own system, many falsified a past for the sake of legitimacy. times have changed the internet has brought us into the information age. i created my own system, well created is not really the correct way of looking at it. i studied authentic systems but i added and subtracted to it, to the point where i felt it would be incorrect to call it anything but my own creation. i think this is a natural progression. but the key is i openly admit it and i aim to let what i do stand on its own accord and let people judge what i do by its own merits. and i allow people to judge me by my thoughts and ideas within these posts. but the fact that i trained with many authentic 10th degree Uechi- ryu masters or met the KyuDo teacher to the Emperor of Japan or any of my other accomplishments mean nothing and in fact just get in the way of being an authentic human being.
Shunryu Suzuki was a great example for me. he said "the past does not exist, all that exists it today" he didnt like to talk about his past, because it no longer exists. its just a burden to be carried by some.
for you Frank, i know what i say will not matter to you. you will continue on your Journey the same as you have done for decades. i will leave you to it.

Fred Villari monetized Martial Arts as a business and retired exceptionally wealthy. His franchise retired with him.
Hi Frank
Just to clarify you are not claiming that Dux ryu comes from any koga yamabushi ninjutsu or anything remote of any yamabushi ryuha?

I suppose if a menkyo kaiden was issued in say Katori Shinto ryu which does have ninjutsu as part of its curriculum would you still say that? Even if a person was designated someone as soke of a ryuha he would still need a menkyo, kyoju Dari, or some sort of certificate as a menkyo simply means license.
Fred Villari monetized Martial Arts as a business and retired exceptionally wealthy. His franchise retired with him.
this is a deviation from the thread, but your version of history is a little fuzzy. yes Fred monetized and franchised,. his chain is still active. i cannot comment on his net worth that is irrelevant anyway. what is important is that ALL of his top ranks left the franchise starting in 1990. if you would like a list i can give it. needless to say they abandoned him like rats from a ship along with all of the lower black belts and thousands of students and schools. why because it was suicide to be associated with his name. but maybe he is a hero of yours . whatever.
Heck, Fred Villari was Frank Dux before Frank Dux was.

That was kind of fun, writing that sentence. :)
Hi Frank - I would like butt in here for a minute.

First, a little about me - I am a Danzan Ryu Jujitsu guy. I have been training Danzan Ryu for a number of years, and have also cross trained in a few other arts. But, at heart, I am a Danzan Ryu guy.

As I read this thread, and the other, I find them quite entertaining. However, I don't really care. I don't really care if you are the real Frank Dux. I don't care about your lineage. I don't care if your art is gendai or koryu or something else entirely. Remember, I am a Danzan Ryu guy... so your lineage means nothing to me.

However, you must have had some amount of training, and some experience on the floor. (how much, I can't say... I don't know anything about you) Your experiences are different than mine. You have learned different things, and most likely, the same things as me only in a different way and or context. You have a different view on these things than I do. That is what I care about. That is why I am here. I want to hear from, and share with people, the things we learn and the different perspectives we have.

My hope is that you will stick around a while. I hope you will pop in on other threads, and offer your views, suggestions, tips and thoughts on the different subjects being discussed. I hope you will leave this mess here, on these two threads (as entertaining as it is), and just offer your views on these other subjects. Hopefully, in those discussions, we can both learn and grow as a result. That is the reason for this forum.

You will be judged by your messages. This is the same for everyone who posts here. You will not be judged by your fancy uniform or by the color of the thingy that keeps it closed. People here are judged only by the content of their posts. What is interesting is that I have learned things from folks here who are many times more experienced than I. But I have also learned many things from folks here just beginning their journey. Stripping away the ranks, and the associations, makes everyone here much more approachable. This makes communication easier, when we are not all comparing the color of the thingys we use to close our uniform.

Anyway, I hope to hear your input on the other subjects being discussed on this site. I think you have something to offer us. If you open yourself up, and look, I think you will find that we have somethings to offer you as well. I have appreciated the mutually beneficial nature of this site.
Fred Villari monetized Martial Arts as a business and retired exceptionally wealthy. His franchise retired with him.
Hoshin already clarified, but his franchise did not retire with him, it's still active. Due to the jumping ship hoshin mentioned, it split into a ton of different groups, all with the name (or something close) to shaolin kempo, but his system is still very much practiced, just not necessarily under his name.
Hi Frank - I would like butt in here for a minute.

First, a little about me - I am a Danzan Ryu Jujitsu guy. I have been training Danzan Ryu for a number of years, and have also cross trained in a few other arts. But, at heart, I am a Danzan Ryu guy.

As I read this thread, and the other, I find them quite entertaining. However, I don't really care. I don't really care if you are the real Frank Dux. I don't care about your lineage. I don't care if your art is gendai or koryu or something else entirely. Remember, I am a Danzan Ryu guy... so your lineage means nothing to me.

However, you must have had some amount of training, and some experience on the floor. (how much, I can't say... I don't know anything about you) Your experiences are different than mine. You have learned different things, and most likely, the same things as me only in a different way and or context. You have a different view on these things than I do. That is what I care about. That is why I am here. I want to hear from, and share with people, the things we learn and the different perspectives we have.

My hope is that you will stick around a while. I hope you will pop in on other threads, and offer your views, suggestions, tips and thoughts on the different subjects being discussed. I hope you will leave this mess here, on these two threads (as entertaining as it is), and just offer your views on these other subjects. Hopefully, in those discussions, we can both learn and grow as a result. That is the reason for this forum.

You will be judged by your messages. This is the same for everyone who posts here. You will not be judged by your fancy uniform or by the color of the thingy that keeps it closed. People here are judged only by the content of their posts. What is interesting is that I have learned things from folks here who are many times more experienced than I. But I have also learned many things from folks here just beginning their journey. Stripping away the ranks, and the associations, makes everyone here much more approachable. This makes communication easier, when we are not all comparing the color of the thingys we use to close our uniform.

Anyway, I hope to hear your input on the other subjects being discussed on this site. I think you have something to offer us. If you open yourself up, and look, I think you will find that we have somethings to offer you as well. I have appreciated the mutually beneficial nature of this site.
Exactly. And I have to go there, in the name of my warped sense of humor...

What’s the difference if Bruce Springsteen is his shidoshi? Show us the dim mak.

In other words... this past stuff is tired and old. It’s comical and just dumb at the same time. If you are who you claim to be, and I’m thinking you are*, please contribute something valuable. And not the absurd fiction that no one believes is actually passed on such as in the other thread.

*I had my doubts before. I hate to say it, but I believe he really is Frank Dux. I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer though, so don’t hold it against me if it turns out to be a scam the whole time.
Exactly. And I have to go there, in the name of my warped sense of humor...

What’s the difference if Bruce Springsteen is his shidoshi? Show us the dim mak.

In other words... this past stuff is tired and old. It’s comical and just dumb at the same time. If you are who you claim to be, and I’m thinking you are*, please contribute something valuable. And not the absurd fiction that no one believes is actually passed on such as in the other thread.

*I had my doubts before. I hate to say it, but I believe he really is Frank Dux. I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer though, so don’t hold it against me if it turns out to be a scam the whole time.

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