Sick Time

Sick Time

  • Yes..My company/department has sick time.

    Votes: 30 76.9%
  • No.. My company/department doesn't offer sick time.

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • I use it when I'm sick

    Votes: 21 53.8%
  • I save it and come to work sick

    Votes: 5 12.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Back when I drove truck I would come to work sick, but I was alone and there was no chance of infecting anyone...The idiots I work with think nothing of coming to work deathly ill..Complaining to a Sgt does no good and our Union Reps are worthless..
Your feelings echo mine, at my place of employment.

When they were patrolman they were great and helped me alot..Now that a couple of them are wearing stripes they have forgotten where they came from...
I'm currently a stay-at-home domestic engineer and that means I don't get sick days. I have to work regardless.

My husband, a union worker, does not get sick days - if he doesn't work, he doesn't get paid.
.My husband, a union worker, does not get sick days - if he doesn't work, he doesn't get paid.

I wouldn't even mind that so much..We have an ACP ( Absence Control Policy) and if you're sick more that 6 times a year you will be written up...One of the bad flu years I missed a lot of days and was written up..I would just be recovering and come back to work and get stuck in a car with someone that was contagious and I would be out again.
I get about 6 paid sick days per year (I say "about" because it depends on the number of hours worked). I use them when I need them, but that's rare, so I've accrued a fair amount of time. As far as I know, I cannot get paid for them if I don't use them, nor can I use my sick time to take care of a sick family member.

I work in schools--I don't get salary or benefits during summers--so I try to save up my vacation time every year to use during the summers. I confess that occasionally, when I need a day off--for example, to take care of my kid--I'll call in sick instead of taking the day as vacation time. But again, that's infrequent.

I don't like calling in sick unexpectedly, because it inconveniences my co-workers.
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Its time to dust this thread off and get some input from some of the newer members..While training for this new job I came into contact with someone who was ill and now I have the flu, more likely its walking pneumonia based on the symptomatology. Its a real ***** if ya have no sick days.
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When I am sick I stay at home with a note from the doctor, getting full pay and no decrease in holiday time or number of paid off-days.
Its really sad that all work places dont have some type of sicktime pay..These same work places will offer free flu shots and put up posters offering tips about staying about staying healthy, yet they forget that people coming to work ill is one of the greatest sources of spreading grems.

I actually risked suspension and was almost brought up on insubordination charges when I went home refusing to ride with a sick fermale officer whose attitude was " I be saving my sick days for the nice Summer days, you just gots to deal with it"..
Generally go to work sick. Unless it involves Vomiting or Migraines (or something that is debilitatingly sick). There is too much to get done to take time off. To take a day off puts too much strain on having to catch up when you get back as well.

Even working at 50% sitting in a back room doing paperwork, I'm more useful then sitting at home being miserable.
I'll agree that there are times to go to work sick. Mild hayfever, maybe. Some mild bugs... but if you're possibly contagious, stay the hell home. I don't want to get sick. Some jobs have a different answer, too. As a first responder, there are some illness that I'm irresponsible to go to work; I could infect someone I'm trying to help. Or I don't want my waiter working through even a hayfever runny nose or when he's got a rash...