How long do you wait before going to a doctor?

The PA (physician's assistant) said the same thing - that the side effects could range from euphoria and hyperactivity to severe depression (and that's just her and her brother-in-law) or anything in between, and if anything happened that I didn't like, to stop taking it immediately.

Yes, that dovetails with what I've seen and heard amongst people who had it prescribed for them... it's sort of a crapshoot; I hope you're one of the people it works likes magic for.

I may wait on the Prednisone til morning, as things that affect sleep in anyone tend to have that effect on me, but I already took the Mucinex - I didn't realize that guafin (sp?) was being sold over the counter like that, but it worked really well the last time it was prescribed, so I have high hopes for it.

I tend to be medication-resistant. But if you're one of the people who are affected by drowsiness-inducing medication, yes, probably morning is best to take it.

The stuff for loosening up congestion in the lung and broncheal passage, in Mucinex, Robitussin and other meds (I don't know the spelling either!) is much less likely to trigger anything adverse. I hate taking it because, while it's effective, it's also... yucky, is the only word that comes to mind!
The stuff for loosening up congestion in the lung and broncheal passage, in Mucinex, Robitussin and other meds (I don't know the spelling either!) is much less likely to trigger anything adverse. I hate taking it because, while it's effective, it's also... yucky, is the only word that comes to mind!

This is in pill form, so it's not too bad... Robitussin, now, is like drinking hypersaturated sugar water; the PA said that one reason she said Mucinex is drinking the amount of Robitussin I'd need to get the same dose as the Mucincex pills would make me sick to my stomach.
Thanks, all... the physician's assistant (hard to get same day appointments with a doctor) said my lungs are "remarkably clear" given the amount I was coughing, said my asthma (previously only exercise-induced) had been triggered by the chest congestion, and gave me a prescription for Prednisone and told me to take that and a double dose of Mucinex DM for 3 days, then call back if I wasn't better, sooner if I was any worse. Once I get the Prednisone (Walgreen's managed to separate my new prescription for Prednisone from my refill on my inhaler, and I didn't realize it until I got home, so I'll have to go back for the Prednisone after I teach) then I'll have to see how it goes.

Glad to hear that - your last post had us seriously worried.

BTW, PA's and Nurse Practitioners, in my experience, are often better to get for this stuff than your GP who will spend 180 seconds with you and prescribe the most likely thing without taking the time that PA's are allowed - just my opinion and experience.
Glad to hear that - your last post had us seriously worried.

BTW, PA's and Nurse Practitioners, in my experience, are often better to get for this stuff than your GP who will spend 180 seconds with you and prescribe the most likely thing without taking the time that PA's are allowed - just my opinion and experience.

Well, I've never had problems with PA's - although this one didn't stay much longer than the doctor usually would... of course, it was 4:15, and she was late when she got to me... but she did remember me from a couple of months ago when I had a different asthma problem triggered by poor air quality (people were being warned to stay inside and breathe filtered air), so that's always good.

I'm still coughing, but it's not nearly as wrenching a cough, so I think the Mucinex has kicked in; in the interests of getting a good night's sleep, I put off the Prednisone until this morning; I took it about 90 minutes ago, with breakfast, so I don't know what that's going to do just yet... $10 for 9 little pills... they'd better work!
I'm glad your chest is clear although asthma can be a real problem too. The sleep will help you I'm sure. The improved cough must be a godsend!
in the interests of getting a good night's sleep, I put off the Prednisone until this morning; I took it about 90 minutes ago, with breakfast, so I don't know what that's going to do just yet... $10 for 9 little pills... they'd better work!

From my second-hand experience w/Prednisone, Kacey, it doesn't necessarily show its effect immediately; since it's intended to effect a systemic, not topical, improvement, it takes a while sometimes to kick in. If it's going to work well, you'll start noticing major benefits in a matter of days, most likely, rather than hours.
Well, the prescription's only for 3 days - so that's through Sunday. So far the only side effect I've seen is something is giving me muscle aches in my legs, from my hips to my knees... but I was having problems with that before I went to the doctor (overdid patterns practice in my basement)... but it had cleared up, so I don't know if they're related or not. For tonight, I'm going to take meds as recommended; if the muscle aches last through a hot bath, I may call the pharmacy and ask which one they think it is - I lean toward the Mucinex, actually, because one of the recommendations is the drink lots of water, and that's hard to do while teaching, so now that I'm home I'm going to up my liquid intake and see if that clears it up.

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