Miles I understand your post but me personally believe this will never happen for the power to be cannot or will not let themself be be little by the other or so they feel. We as a whole will lose out of the very aspect of the Art, i know I sometimes do not make that much sense but it is the Art that is left out in the end not the sport and I'm in it for the Art.Miles said:I enjoy your posts Terry!
So you are saying it "can't" happen. I am inquiring into "why" it should or "why it should not happen"...a slightly different discussion.
Obviously in one arena-the Kukkiwon, feels it should happen. As I mentioned, Kukkiwon has had in place educational programs to try to make this happen. Kukkiwon obviously has not been successful, especially in places like the United States where there is no mandate (political or social) to have standardization. My own impression is that other countries may be more "standardized" than the U.S. Still, a journey of a 1000 milesbegins with a step...
To focus the discussion: Who loses or wins if there is standardization? Who loses or wins if there is no standardization?
Thanks for the thoughtful responses thus far!
Tonight was a a coaches meeting in Dallas for the Texas state tournament of course not sanction this year and is not a qualifier and all they did was push about a poomse seminar with thew WTF poomse expert and as was brought up by another gentlemen tonight it will be his word and the next tournament it will be somebody erlse giving there opion, as long as it is like this no way no how can they standerlize TKD.