I just can't wrap my mind around it. I don't agree withanyone under 16 getting a Black Belt. I think that if a 16, 17 or 18 year oldgets one- they have to be VERY mature as well as above and beyond the trainingand ability level. A black belt is NOT a 3rd grader's trophy!!! It's somethingmore. We learn something that can/could take another person's life. We havebeen taught an art, a skill that is dangerous. I don't take this lightly. Idon't think they are mature enough as well as their bodies have not matured100%.
I also think it weakens the art as well as water down the style to give kids ablack belt. Over the last 15 years- this seems the norm anyway. I travel a lotand visit about 5 different schools/styles a month. I would say that 80% handout a black belt as long as the contract is signed and the $$$ is paid. I see 8year olds with black belts and they can't even run a basic kata. I don't careif the kid started training at the age of 3- there is still something to besaid about maturity- and really people- that's one thing that is wrong with theworld now- immaturity.
I also don't think you use this as a way to ensure you have a contract. I haveseen "the black belt club"- you pay more for a longer contract thatensures you get a black belt in "X" years. Just sad, so sad.
Maybe I am old fashion- but this is what I see and what seems to be the norm. Imean no offense to anyone. If that is the way you do it- I disagree with it andwon't support it.
This is where Society comes into Play.
Depending on Demographic, and Personal Activity, Younger People arent as "Young" as they used to be.
Its why many Arts have had to adapt to new Standard - Because completely Untrained Individuals have Information at their Disposal regarding Fighting and whatnot, that they havent in the Past.
With the Media, and News; Many People over the age of 16 are full well aware of how the World functions.
And Mature as a Result.
Which goes back to Upbringing.
Some Kids are Brought Up in an Immature Environment, and as a Result, remain Immature for some time, before Learning Otherwise.
And Demographic is Key, since different Lifestyles and Atmospheres in Life will also affect someone.
In other ways, its also Television and the Media that tries to make Kids out to be "Childish"; When in Reality, outside of Schools, a Substancial Number of Younger People are actually quite swell.
Then you have Intellectuals, who are much less Biased by "Cliques" and Conforming to Immature Sociality in School Systems, and are more readily Mature as a Result.
Furthermore, anyone who watches any Television is seeing only the Deaths and Tragedy of Day to Day Life - And im sure Plenty are Aware of each Individual Human Life being affected by that.
Now, do these Adolescents react to this the same way some Older People might, by being Profoundly Empathetic?
Probably Not.
But it doesnt make them Less Mature, since more and more People are just Accepting these things, and perhaps *Appearing* Ignorant to them as a Result.
My Point is, dont Generalise an Entire Population based on the Childish, Undeveloped Stereotype.
Im sure its Accurate of some places, but not all.
If a 17 Year Old is as Mature as any Adult, why hold him back?
Why Insist that he me *MORE* Mature than an Adult, just because of his Age; When Day to Day Life Exposes People to the World Drastically more than it used to.
Im not trying to Change your Opinion, though.
Just offering some Retrospect.
As for Physical Development; Physical Development does not affect Skill.
If the Student is doing things at a Black Belt Level, the same was as any First Degree, without Fault (By the Standards of a 1st Dan); They should be Held Back, because theyll be Better than a First Degree in a few Years?
Just My Contribution.