The one hit KO mentality in karate its true. Thats ikken hissatsu / ippon kowashi. It doesnt mean all the fights
have to end with just one blow but thats something all karate-ka wants to achieve. I mean, karate-ka have to fight
moved by this intention, thats spirit. This is not the same as ippon-sanbon Kumites fashioned concept like one point/kill
but its the same principle that have remained within the art tru its sportive ways.
Kumite with the ippon (1 hit), sanbon (3 hits) KO its a shadow of a principle very present in many MA traditions that teachs: the less effort with the maximum efficiency.
Im not defending Kumite and what it may bring as flaws by its intensive practice conditioning, im really in to defend a principle and really dont wanna discuss karate here tru the sportsmanship view. There's a lot of bad conditioning involved and when we face another skilled opponent that came with some strategy its more likely that we will for sure trow more than one punch in to connect other strikes, have to work more on evasion, blocks and etc...
You guys keep bringing on MMA examples to measure things in this topic and thats produces a distortion on the art concepts. With gloves on, you cant use your hands seiken properly so the energy of the punches are way lost and splashed around the glove area. I will not even talk about rules restriction, that alone will prohibit the most dangerous hand strikes from karate.
Karate have being a lot massified tru sports and associations, and have lost a lot by that. Im trying here to spread some words trying to clarify some stuff and recover what people is calling myths. If you really wanna know the essence of the art and practice it next to its roots you have to go deeper and seek for a better karate school or sensei. And not only that, start immersion on the techniques and practice/study, also try to learn from another masters from another karate schools from another country, etc...
Ill paraphrase 2 of the 20 principles of Master Funakoshi here that i find will bring more depth to the discussion :
#17 Learn various stances as a beginner but then rely on a natural posture. (regular stances practice will make your natural posture way more balanced)
#18 The kata must always be practiced correctly: real combat is another matter. (yes, coz kata its like a pyctograph, an imprint in time of a group of techniques)
Look that he doesnt mean kata techniques are not applicable. They really are. I can go deeper about that but ill give a fast example:
You dont like kata, you like only to spar. Ok, im ok with that, i once taught like that. But go ahead, ill give you a basic kata drill/form. Find a friend and imagine that you guys are at a SD scenario and the guy in front of you will rob you getting a gun out of his jacket. Trow a shihon nukite at him from your natural stance, left or right hand it doesnt matter. Aim for his solar plexus if you want him unconscious or the base of the throat if you want him dead... SIMPLE like that and STRAIGHT FORWARD like that ! And all the drill performed within 1-2 seconds. So... If you wanna get the correct body axis and alignement to launch that strike and the stance to maximize its effect you can do a kihon or a kata, your choice.
That technique along with others was banned from kumite competitions given the potential lethality it can result, you can learn it from a very basic level kata heian nidan. In before people have died in kumite. I know that Kumite competitions here in brazil were forbidden by law in the 60's coz two practitioners have died in a short period of time, dont know how manny around the world but you guess. So i repeat, bring in any sports context to a SD discussion about what a specific TMA can do its quite silly and naive. In reality thats unreal !
To keep on topic the videos that i've posted about SD scenarios the fights dont last more than 30 seconds. A lot was decided in the first 5 seconds.
I really hoped that discussion will start to head in to the right direction like manny people tried in before but i was to much of an optimistic.