I've joined the forum specially coz of that particular thread. Have read it tru all those 60 pages of
clashes, clarifications, confusions, explanations, repetitions and some misunderstandings. I have trained/train
also studied/studying some TMA tru my life and i keep shotokan always with a high respect and regard in my heart,
so i have to raise the flag. I'll do my best trying to be friendly and contribute to all you guys in the best way.
I hope that i can help those who had the interest for the art in the past and now are confused even at its basics
and aplications.
For the others who have knowledge im sorry to repeat things that perhaps you already knows.
Note that english it's not my native language, so feel free to correct me. Also, feel free
to contradict me and/or add in stuff.
Topic wise, shotokan for self defense. Yes, completely. Really dunno why some people wanna disagree
with that in some manner. But i feel that before justify the WHY of my assertive, i wanna try to tell
a long story in a very fast way...
The essence of shotokan karate is shorin ryu. Kara-te, was known as shaolin hands techniques, karate jutsu
it was a kind of kobudo practiced originally by the bushi class in the okinawa islands a long time ago. A martial art style developed and
evolved tru a weapon ban decree context for the mainly purpose of self defense, resist, survive and war.
An art that also have born via cross training of old arts (okinawate=tode=kamaia sut-su and shaolin chuan fa styles).
You see now how pointless is to criticize or made amendments about what MA is cross training MMA or not? The idea of
MMA was always implied in most TMA around the world and thats how they happens to sometimes modify or evolve.
Shotokan was made of a cross training of chinese-japanese striker arts, how do you see that?
Note that im talking about MMA not the combative sport context of what we see today. Combative sports contexts are always
restrictive about what one can do or perform within the completion of your practiced MA system, the gloves and rules
can limit you a lot when we talk about SD real fight situations, so i find that pointless to trow it here.
I always told my friends in the past, vale tudo doesnt vale tudo, thats not this thing of no rules.
Master Funakoshi base foundation for shotokan was shorin ryu of grand master Matsumura, karate was known as shurite, a style developed in the
middle 1800s responsible to the big body mechanical changes of the chinese influences on the style. In the book Shotokan Secrets you
can find a more technical explanation for that:
"The new art, called shurite, was fundamentally different from traditional chuan fa. Compared to chinese fighting,
the new art was shockingly ruthless. The new style made no attempt to subdue the opponent through painful nerve
strikes or immobilizing joint locks. Instead, every element of the new art emphasized destroying the opponent
completely in one or two seconds."
The one hit KO mentality in karate its true. Thats ikken hissatsu / ippon kowashi. It doesnt mean all the fights
have to end with just one blow but thats something all karate-ka wants to achieve. I mean, karate-ka have to fight
moved by this intention, thats spirit. This is not the same as ippon-sanbon Kumites fashioned concept like one point/kill
but its the same principle that have remained within the art tru its sportive ways. Thats really a true tradition,
thats the true karate jutsu spirit. In japanese kuden, oral tradition tells that we have to train strenght,
technique and spirit, thats karate-do. Technique can win strenght but spirit can wins technique. In
a clash of both skilled and strenght opponents, chances are that the one with the right intention and spirit
will win. Thats when someone achieve mushin having complete awareness, sense of space-range, timing and an empty
relaxed mind able to create the right momentum via attack or counter attack.
Im posting a very illustrative video for those who wish to comprehend the ideas exclusively by those means, and coz thats
a very nice video that ive found:
Thats just to illustrate the spirit. Objective here its the look about shotokan in a SD situation and not sports after all.
One can say that one-KO Gyaku Zuki on the video was unreal and not aplicable on a SD situation but i just dont know how, ill not the one
to put my face in there to see if its real, will you?
Shotokan, shito ryu, wado ryu and many others TMA can give you all the tools you need for a SD situation, im pretty sure of that.
You dont need to train MMA sports or be a BJJ expert to deal with that and neglect the other arts. As a lot of people really told
here and knows, ground techniques are not prefered at SD situations when you have to be very quick and maybe run, or have to face
more than one assailant. For that matter and as a brazilian that still practice BJJ somtimes i can tell you BJJ will non practical.
Of course in most 1x1 situations BJJ can really shines against the regular guy on the street or against the trained stand up striker, but
if the striker have some knowledge about to aplly joint lock counters and defend against grappling thats another story and
you will have to sweat or even admit defeat! Thats another story, i wanna remain on topic. Ill post another vid, specially for those who need
to believe in things just if it have being video recorded:
Bad SD scenario, 2 pro MMA fighters against 3 guys. Intense training, hours of free spar and ground techniques. Despite that they being completely
being ++holes with the girls they even had a chance of apply their JJ expertise. Too much 1x1 fighting conditioning, too
much tunnel vision for me. Im not saying spar its useless for SD, i spar! I free spar also in karate sometimes with protective
gear. Its very good to work on timing, space-range notions, evasive manuevers, blocks,counter attacks, combo attacks, etc...
Really a lot of good things that you can use in SD situations. But remember, forget about gloves, the intense usage of gloves to defend your
face too much like hiding behind the gloves and such.
In a SD worst case scenario against multiple assailants you will need to rely preferable on a stand up striker art,
something around these lines:
Theres another vids with some IRL SD scenarios interesting to watch:
Gotta go for now, i really wanna keep posting and say more about some specific techniques and methods in shotokan
that are really for use in SD scenarios. And most important, got some serious stuff to say about kata.
Really, people that dont understand kata tend to talk bad about those i was one of them.
To be continued...Cya.