But still over emphasised for beginners.
3. Generally, kata teaches proper technique...
Kata does not teach you technique alone. It's drowned in other,
irrelevant aspects (demonstration value, form) for SD. This is time saved if you only taught sheer technique and practise against targets. You can teach individual aspects of Kata without memorizing and training Kata.[/QUOTE]
Theyre generally done the same way as the kihon....
So youd be doing the exact same movements from kata..... on pads and partners when applicable, which youd usually being doing with your kata anyway...
Then when youre alone, and have neither partner or pads, drilling the kihon, youd basically be out of order, jumbled up kata.....
So no, there really isnt a bunch of time saved, youre just practicing random kihon over organized kata.
All styles have kata type things.
Boxing has drills with specified series of combos, which many time are drilled alone in shadowboxing(which is exactly like doing a kata) and/or on a bag
Bjj and wrestling have similar transition drills.
None of these hold them off for rising experts.
itd be like teaching you proper technique of a jab or a front kick, but not giving you the understanding of how to apply them to an opponent and go about practing them on your own.
Again yeah i could just teach the kihon, but youd still be drilling alone or with a partner it the exact same you youd be practicing the kata and its applications....
You should know all this considering who you claim your father is...