Shawn Obasi & Emin Boztepe friendly Chi-sau

I'm not talking about punching the **** out of them.
I am just saying that you have to be ready for anything , even if they say they just want to do "light rolling".
For the record I did not hurt the two individuals that hit me with cheap shots , the first one ran out the door while my class mates held me back because they knew I would destroy him.
The second one a few years later that attempted to Fak Sau me in the throat for real had his young son with him , and due to his crappy stance and poor chi sau I was able to bulldoze him out the door and told him to hit the road.

I think everyone who has been in the system for a while has had this unfortunate event happen. It's happened to me many times, and it took me a while to figure it out, but I agree with you now.

The only time I ever did anything about it was in Georgia. It was on of the "Klaus" guys. I'll just point blank ya'll. Their chi-sau is *****. They don't use the centerline principal at all. They are very rough in the way they preform chi-sau. Look it up on the net to see what I'm talking about.

But this kid kept on trying to "push" me out of the roll and attack me. He used a fak-sau (and damn did he get me good lol) right on the mouth, so it looked like I got a botox injection. I just proceeded to show him every single hole in his defense, which was wrong of me. I was visiting their school, but I'm a firm believer if anyone tries to f...uck with you, you need to show them whats up.
I've seen other clips of him doing chi sau and various other things over the years that other people on here have put up , and I recognise skill in Wing Chun when I see it.
That man would definitely have no problem in a street fight.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, but the video on record of him vs Cheung suggests otherwise.

That video was also taken 20 years ago, when he was a first level hot-head technician. Why don't you go challenge him and find out ;) lol
The simple facts were:

Cheung was in Europe promoting his particular "brand" of WC. He put in the media that "Anyone from anywhere" was welcome to come challenge him while he was in the area.

No Emin, being every bit of a young hot-head, marched into his seminar, during the seminar and challenged him. Cheung said, we'll wait till after... What really happened after that, as in who iniated it is anyones guess. but from the facts I would guess emin said "either put up your hands or get your *** kicked bubba".

Then yes, it wasn't the best representation of WT/WC, but it was a real fight. For those of you who haven't been in one, please shut up. It wasn't pretty, it wasn't glorified; It was a fight. That Emin won.

A big billy bad *** grandmaster against a barely instructor should have been a very one sided fight. That's what Cheung was saying back in the day. That he was the only one who was taught real wing chun and that the other instructors and their disciples were "laugh-able". Well after all the ***** talk Emin heard, he actually did something about it.

Those are the facts (and a little of my opinion) by all means state your opinion. Just if its an un-educated one, like never having practiced with LT WT people, it's probably best if you just asked some questions and were a trifle more respectful. I can't speak for anyone, but I have been challenged, and I always accept. But the way I learned when challenged it's no holds barred. There are no rules, and you better bring your A-game.

All the best,

Besides , he was 24.
I'm sure we all fight better or maybe more smarter now than when we were 24.
At 45 my gut is a lot bigger than it was then and I've got less hair , but I'm still a better fighter now than I was then.
At some stage we all decline. I like to think I fight smarter now. In my last tournament I beat a guy 40 years younger, and before anyone asks, he was out of nappies. :). (He was 18.) But, realistically, if you look at a trained fighter, taller, younger and fitter than someone 20 years older, is it really a surprise that he had the upper hand? I think Cheung did a good job just defending himself. Mohammed Ali was about 24 at his peak. Imagine taking him on if you were 20 years older even if you were a martial arts legend.

And Mook, when you're 65, I'll be 85 (I hope :) ). Using your logic, do you think I'll still be able to whip your ****? :)
Jeff I agree with you on the Klaus guys. Looks like karate principals using wing chun techniques. I haven't visited their school because I know I would be in the same situation of having to school someone
Jeff I agree with you on the Klaus guys. Looks like karate principals using wing chun techniques. I haven't visited their school because I know I would be in the same situation of having to school someone

A few random comments. First, I think that Jeff is so lonely for training partners ritht now that he would be overjoyed to have a few decent challenge matches! LOL.

Second, I wasn't sure who those "Klaus guys" in Georgia were. Would that be Klaus Brand's students? I don't know much about Brand. His techniques look like somebody with an LT/EWTO background, except totally hard style. Kind of an oxymoron, that.

Also, check out the clips below. He not only has a uniform exactly like what Leung Ting wore in the 1980s, he effectively mimicks all of LT's gestures and over-the-top facial expressions. He even sports a goatee like LT wore at that time. It's a riot!

Klaus impersonating LT circa 1984:

LT at that time:

and here in 1887 with the goatee beard:

Pretty funny, eh? Except LT's movements , as you can see in that first short clip are very soft and elastic. Theres none of that hard slamming, and crashing of limbs. Just goes to show that it takes more than the clothes to make a master.
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Second, I wasn't sure who those "Klaus guys" in Georgia were. Would that be Klaus Brand's students? I don't know much about Brand. His techniques look like somebody with an LT/EWTO background, except totally hard style. Kind of an oxymoron, that.

I would be willing to bet that it is Kirk Johnson and his son. They were with LT/Emin then left the organization sometime around late 90's or early 2000's.
Kirk at the time if memory serves me, was either a 12SG or 1TG.

Decent enough guy, and boy he loved contact.
I would be willing to bet that it is Kirk Johnson and his son. ...Decent enough guy, and boy he loved contact.

Honestly, I put being a "decent guy" way above being a good martial artist. And as far as that hard stuff on the video, yeah, hard-style can really hurt you. I'm not saying it can't work, it just isn't my idea of wing chun, ...especially WT (Wing Tsun). Even Emin, with all his strength, teaches soft, springy energy and avoids clashing force against force.
Honestly, I put being a "decent guy" way above being a good martial artist. And as far as that hard stuff on the video, yeah, hard-style can really hurt you. I'm not saying it can't work, it just isn't my idea of wing chun, ...especially WT (Wing Tsun). Even Emin, with all his strength, teaches soft, springy energy and avoids clashing force against force.
Makes a bit of a mockery of an art that was developed by a female and spoken of as a good fit for everyone. The comparison in karate would be kyokushin. :asian:
...Not sure what you are getting at here dude. Are you into challenges? Are you challenging me?

C'mon, Tames. Obviously Jeff wasn't challenging you. Maybe he was being a bit confrontational? But, seriously, both you guys, let's lighten up and agree to disagree sometimes. This has been a great thread, far. Let's not mess it up and get it locked.
C'mon, Tames. Obviously Jeff wasn't challenging you. Maybe he was being a bit confrontational? But, seriously, both you guys, let's lighten up and agree to disagree sometimes. This has been a great thread, far. Let's not mess it up and get it locked.

My apologies Geezer. I shouldn't have brought the Boztepe/Cheung video into the mix. It was a good thread until I got involved.
My apologies Geezer. I shouldn't have brought the Boztepe/Cheung video into the mix. It was a good thread until I got involved.
Quite the contrary. That video demonstrated how easy it is to forget you training when the adrenalin starts to flow. It is a really good lesson for all of us that think we can use complex technique under pressure. Here you have a highly trained guy (WC) who under pressure ends up brawling on the ground like any other common thug. Also it is a good lesson not to shoot off your mouth 'coz somewhere there is always going to be someone bigger, better, faster or stronger than you. :asian:
And Mook, when you're 65, I'll be 85 (I hope :) ). Using your logic, do you think I'll still be able to whip your ****? :)

I don't know mate?
But just to make it a bit more interesting the loser has to buy the winner a months supply of these. :uhyeah:

A few random comments. First, I think that Jeff is so lonely for training partners ritht now that he would be overjoyed to have a few decent challenge matches! LOL.

Second, I wasn't sure who those "Klaus guys" in Georgia were. Would that be Klaus Brand's students? I don't know much about Brand. His techniques look like somebody with an LT/EWTO background, except totally hard style. Kind of an oxymoron, that.

Also, check out the clips below. He not only has a uniform exactly like what Leung Ting wore in the 1980s, he effectively mimicks all of LT's gestures and over-the-top facial expressions. He even sports a goatee like LT wore at that time. It's a riot!

Klaus impersonating LT circa 1984:

LT at that time:

and here in 1887 with the goatee beard:

Pretty funny, eh? Except LT's movements , as you can see in that first short clip are very soft and elastic. Theres none of that hard slamming, and crashing of limbs. Just goes to show that it takes more than the clothes to make a master.


Yes I was speaking of the klaus brand guys. I usually don't like to trash talk and put up their full names. If people know who I'm talking about fine, but I'm not gonna go on a witch hunt lol. Klaus Brand back in the day wasn't so bad. It's just the crap he's done to the system. Klaus himself used to be very skilled IMO. But years ago, he started this funky chicken business... I digress.

Anyways, I would be overjoyed to have someone challenge me oldschool. I put up a new punching bag in my barn and quite worried the thing is gonna fall down on top of me. I think the most challenge type stuff is my dad when we screw around. My dad is in his 50's and he's a corrections officer (juvenille), so I always enjoy hearing his stories about how the boys did this or that. I always enjoy acting out scenario's. I was a military police officer, so I like to give my dad the WT version of how to subdue people as opposed to the crazy stuff they teach you as a law enforcement person.

I would seriously sacrifice a black chicken to the pagan gods if they would send me a training partner lol.

Oh and your videos were hilarious. I've seen them both a couple times before; Can't get enough of the facial expressions.

Si-gung (LT) did the 6th section chi-sau book in our school. Well, he took the pics with my old Sifu (Will Parker), so I always enjoyed pickin at Sifu Will saying thing's like (just imagine your face imploding when si-gung hits you", Sifu didn't think it was that funny, but after seeing all the other crazy photo's of people in the books making the faces to make it look "realistic" always set me in a fit of the giggles...

All the best,

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Geezer is right,

I do get a smidge over confrontational... When I feel that somone is just talking out of their ***, it makes me want to just pound them lol.

I do apologize Tames. Reguardless of your opinion, it's yours and you have the right to express it.

However, if you do want a challenge, as Geezer stated before I'm literally STARVING for people to practice with :).

I don't mind getting my *** kicked as long as I get to practice with someone lol.

All the best ya'll,

Is LT Leung Ting and he is your teacher's teacher?

Once upon a time yes. LT is "Leung Ting".

My previous Sifu (Will Parker)... Disowns people who leave the system. Many of my fellow class-mates aside from me left that particular kwoon and the LT orginization, for various reasons. Mine were simple, politics and BS.

I forgot who Parker originally was under, I know he trained some under Emin when he (Emin) head the NAS (North American Section) of the International Wing Tsun Association (IWTA), or as it was then known the "American Wing Tsun Orginization" or "AWTO".

Since then Sifu Parker has been promoted to 6th (probably 7th by now) level master of LTWT. He is the highest ranked instructor in North America in the IWTA. When he was a 2nd or 3rd tech (I believe, maybe 4th) he was accepted as LT's direct student. I started when he was a 4th Tech. Him and Sifu Jeff Webb (Austin), we're training partners.

I'll trash talk his lazy teaching methods all day, and his arrogant *** all the way to the bank. But the dude has some chops when it comes to WT. He has some lighting (and very powerful) hands. I most certainly don't regret starting WT with Sifu Parker; I'm just not happy about how he treats former students for deciding to leave the system.

When I was just starting we had a few guys leave on us, and Sifu would talk all sorts of mad trash about them being "Rebel's" and "Technique Stealers". So there's no love lost between the IWTA and me.

Anyways, hope that answered your question, and for everyone else who wants to know my background there it is. I have the pics on my profile from my 1st tech promotion with sifu and si-gung. And I think i'm still on parkers website lol. He doesn't do that many demo's and we did one for "asian heritage" festival or some such thing on fort sam (SA).

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